sCOPE OF sTUDy The Visual Communication Design study examines the way visual language can be used to convey ideas, information and messages in the fields of communication, environmental and industrial design. Designers create and communicate through visual means to shape the everyday quality of life for individuals, communities and societies. Visual communication design relies on drawing as the primary component of visual language to support the conception and visualisation of ideas. Consequently, the study emphasises the importance of developing a variety of drawing skills to visualise thinking. Students employ a design process to generate and develop visual communications. The design process provides a structure to organise design thinking and is shaped by considerations of aesthetics and functionality, as well as social, environmental and economic factors. Students develop the skills to manipulate and organise design elements, design principles, selected media, materials and production methods when creating visual communications. Creative, critical and reflective thinking (design thinking) supports students to progress through and focus on the design process. Throughout the study students explore manual and digital methods to develop and refine presentations. Students have the opportunity to investigate the work and practices of Australian and international designers from a variety of social, cultural, historical and contemporary contexts. Through their research they build an understanding of the important role of visual communication design within society. They are able to draw upon this knowledge as inspiration to support the development of their own visual communication design work. With practice, students gain confidence in using visual language and are supported to reflect on and critique their own and others’ visual communications.
AIMs This study enables students to: develop and apply drawing skills using a range of techniques to make their design thinking visible develop a range of skills in selecting and applying media, materials, and manual and digital methods to suit design purposes apply a design process to create visual communications understand how key visual communication design elements, design principles, media, materials, and manual and digital methods contribute to the creation of their own visual language develop a capacity to undertake ongoing design thinking while conceiving, communicating and presenting ideas understand how historical, social, cultural, environmental and contemporary factors influence visual communications.
DEsIgN FIELDs AND COMPONENTs OF VIsUAl COMMUNICATION Fields of practice explored in this study include Communication Design, Environmental Design and Industrial Design. The study of visual communications within these fields may be selected from the following examples: Communication Design – presents visual information for communication purposes Includes Graphic Design, Information Design, Digital and Web Design, Advertising, Print Publication/ Book Illustration and Typographic Design, Package/surface Design and Logo Design and Brand Identity. Environmental Design – presents visual information to communicate information about built/ constructed environments Includes Architectural Design, Interior Design, Landscape Design, Set Design and Exhibition/Display Design. Industrial Design – presents visual information to communicate information about objects and products Includes Engineering Design, Product Design, Furniture and Fashion Design.
Design thinking incorporates: Creative thinking which requires a curious, open-minded, flexible, divergent, explorative, investigative approach Critical thinking which requires questioning, clarifying, planning, analysing, examining and testing information and ideas Reflective thinking which requires a metacognitive approach, seeking and considering feedback, reflecting on progress and processes, making links and connections with broader issues and the work of others.
Unit 1: Introduction to visual communication design This unit focuses on using visual language to communicate messages, ideas and concepts. This involves acquiring and applying design thinking skills as well as drawing skills to make messages, ideas and concepts visible and tangible. Outcome 1: Drawing as a means of communication On completion of this unit the student should be able to create drawings for different purposes using a range of drawing methods, media and materials. Outcome 2: Design elements and design principles On completion of this unit the student should be able to select and apply design elements and design principles to create visual communications that satisfy stated purposes. Outcome 3: Visual communication design in context On completion of this unit the student should be able to describe how a visual communication has been influenced by past and contemporary practices, and by social and cultural factors.
observational drawing
Observation drawing is a drawing taken from life, not copied from a photograph or taken from your imagination. The drawing can be a line drawing or rendered as accurately as possible to show the form and texture of the subject. Can be used as a form of research A inspirational starting point for future design concepts Useful reference points about an object or subject matter
Drawing what you actually see.
Can be used to show multiple views Can be used to show multiple views. Can be quick freehand drawings or longer studies
Used to represent form, texture and material of an object.
Can assist in showing the function, proportion and scale of an object in relation to other objects and/or environment
Regularly doing observational drawing of objects in their environment can help you appreciate and apply correct proportion and scale. Draw the above sphere as a warm up task. Use a 4B and 6B grey lead pencil. Combine line, stippling and hatch to shade. Use an eraser to emphasis the highlight area. Keep this new technique in mind when rendering your own observational drawings.
Ways of Drawing Observation Spend time setting up and arranging your still. Look for simple ways to draw a complicated object and try exploratory pencil marks at first. Concentrate and watch what the object that you are drawing rather than your actual work. Sketch your object loosely and lightly at first. At random intervals distance yourself from your drawing, to see how your work looks objectively- try looking at your work in a mirror. A fresh page can seem intimidating so remember to sketch lightly and add darker lines later. It’s always easier to sketch at first and not worry about getting a perfect drawing. Everyone has their own style even when it comes to observational drawing. Whether your line work is organic or sharper and more industrial-like, observational drawing is all about reproducing an object as realistically as possible.
Holiday Homework Now here’s the homework challenge. Read through this power-point and look at the you-tube clips. This will help establish the knowledge needed for your skill development. Now here’s the homework challenge. You are going to practice your skills and build on the knowledge gained so far. By doing this you will create a good foundation for 2013. Remember, drawing underpins the whole course so having some confidence in this area will help! 5 observational drawings. You will use the following time frames….5-10mins, 15-20mins, 30mins. Make sure you write the time it took when the drawing is complete. You can use any of the following media 2B, 6B grey lead charcoal 3 toned coloured pencils pen Set up a composition of objects to draw. Keep it simple and focus on drawing what you see. Good luck and enjoy.