LUCAS Monitoring the European Union territory using a grid approach Maxime KAYADJANIAN Eurostat F-2
LUCAS points systematically sampled LUCAS Grid Reason: compromise between budget and required statistical representativity at EU level
LUCAS Why a systematic GRID ? LUCAS Grid LUCAS is a multipurpose system for monitoring: Land Use / Land cover Landscape and Environmental features Reason: all the territory has to be covered the same way to ensure equiprobabilty of observations
LUCAS 300 m Specifications LUCAS Grid A two-stage sampling GRID PSU10 SSU Reason: optimizing trip for visiting points in the field X
LUCAS Particular case LUCAS Grid ItalySpain Reason: complying with already existing national system MAST system Distance inter PSU = 20 km (not 18 km) AGRIT system Distance inter SSU = 300 m east-west 500m north-south
LUCAS Construction of the GRID
LUCAS Construction (1/3) LUCAS Grid Choice of projection system: GRS80 + UTM One sampling plan per country to limit ground distortion
LUCAS Construction (2/3) LUCAS Grid Grid generated in the UTM zone of the country Origin chosen pseudo-randomlyTotal coverage of country
LUCAS Construction (3/3) LUCAS Grid SSUs selected according to SABE and SCOLE (© Megrin) boundaries Selection of SSUsUncompleted PSUs
LUCAS Geometrical quality of the sampling plan LUCAS Grid
LUCAS Geometrical quality of the sampling plan LUCAS Grid Are points regularly spread on the ground? N S 18 km N S 18 km ? E W N S 18 km Once grid generated...…in the UTM projection system... …how much ground distance is affected ?
LUCAS LUCAS Grid Largest line of PSUs in France...…shows a longitudinal angle reduction apart from central meridian - 45m …it corresponds to a reduction of 45m on the ground 500 km apart from central meridian. Geometrical quality of the sampling plan
LUCAS LUCAS Grid How many points are affected by distortion ? Point out of central median zone 30% Geometrical quality of the sampling plan Conclusion: distortions are negligible for statistical estimates
LUCAS The case of SPAIN (MAST) No distortion but small gaps LUCAS Grid Geometrical quality of the sampling plan
LUCAS Reaching the point on the ground LUCAS Grid A fundamental aspect to ensure a correct monitoring
LUCAS Reaching the point on the ground 3 basic tools LUCAS Grid 3/ GPS for navigating along transects 1/ Topographical maps for navigating between PSUs 2/ Aerial photo for reaching precisely the SSU
LUCAS Reaching the point on the ground LUCAS Grid Positional accuracy 3 m At the point: observation in a 3 m window
LUCAS Reaching the point on the ground LUCAS Grid
LUCAS Implementation problem Projection of UTM x,y into national system LUCAS Grid Systematic shift of about 200 m between GPS co-ordinates and location on the photo detected during the ground mission control, in: Luxembourg: specific parameters for datum Greece & Portugal: bug in the GIS soft For these countries the original sampling plan has been corrected in return
LUCAS Conclusion Reaching the point: Good quality of field document Location of points: only minor distortion in the sampling plan (no impact on estimates) Well documented LUCAS can be considered as a strong system: