ADVANCING HUMAN RIGHTS: KNOWLEDGE TOOLS FOR FUNDERS An International Human Rights Funders Group, Foundation Center, Ariadne: European Funders for Social Change and Human Rights, and International Network of Women’s Funds Initiative
What is IHRFG? Global network of donors and grantmakers committed to advancing human rights around the world through effective philanthropy 330 institutional members; over 1,300 individual participants Activities: semi-annual conferences, institutes, policy briefings, learning visits, webinars, working groups, research
What is the Advancing Human Rights: Knowledge Tools for Funders initiative? Multi-year effort to create interactive data and research tools to help human rights funders and advocates increase their effectiveness Why? Increase knowledge about global human rights funding Facilitate more strategic and effective decision-making Promote coordination, collaboration, and transparency
What Tools Did We Create? Advancing Human Rights Infographic Advancing Human Rights: The State of Global Foundation Grantmaking reports Advancing Human Rights Website Foundation Maps: Human Rights
Advancing Human Rights Reports
Advancing Human Rights Website
Foundation Maps: Human Rights
How are Funders Using these Tools? Better understand funding for human rights issues; Identify potential grantees and potential funding partners; Leverage additional funding on behalf of issues they care about; Inform strategic planning; See where they fit within the field of human rights philanthropy; Better understand trends in rights giving.
What Challenges Did We Face? Balance of transparency and grantee safety Differing cultures of philanthropy Differing understandings of human rights
Questions & Tips Questions What story do you want to tell? Who is your audience? What information will you visualize? What type of visual will best convey your message? Tips Work several members of your target audience throughout the data visualization process Engage in user testing with members of your target audience
What’s Next? Tracking strategies supported Analyzing and visualizing bilateral and multilateral human rights funding Producing 2012 & 2013 key findings reports Visualizing trends