Coordinators Manual Fall 2013 Katy Family YMCA Youth Tennis Coordinators Manual Fall 2013
Introductions Kenyetta Brasher Youth Development Director Informal Education Ext
The Katy Family YMCA thanks you for volunteering in youth tennis! Your involvement is critical to the success of our program. Thank You
YMCA General Information/Quick History YMCA Youth Sports: Mission, Core Values, 7 Pillars, Sports Pledge/Philosophy Code of Conduct & Team Coordinators Expectations How Teams Are Formed Practices/Games – rainouts & make-ups Emergency procedures/Child Abandonment & Abuse/Appropriate Touch Character Development Pictures/Trophies/Party Team Roster Corrections Refunds/Credits Front Desk Service Important Dates Agenda
The YMCA of Today Aquatics Before & After School Programs Day Camp Health & Wellness Teen Programs Youth, Teen & Adult Sports
YMCA of Greater Houston First YMCA in Houston in 1886 in rented facilities Continues to grow, establishing centers all over the city Currently serve over 500,000 annually One of the top 3 largest Associations in the country with over 40 centers
Katy Family YMCA YMCA Programs came to Katy in 1980 Katy Family YMCA opened its facility in 2001 We serve over 50,000 people annually Over 4,900 youth sports participants annually 4 youth sports seasons/8 sports offered Fall – Tennis, NFL Flag Football, Soccer, Volleyball Winter –Basketball, NFL Flag Football Spring – Tennis, Baseball, Softball, Soccer, Volleyball, Summer – Baseball, Softball, Track and Field, Sports Camps Teen VB/BB – Offered in Fall, Winter and Spring
YMCA MISSION & CORE VALUES Mission: To put Judeo-Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind & body for all. Core Values: Honesty, Caring, Respect, Responsibility, Faith Please make this a part of your practice routine & expect it from your parents & players!! They will follow your lead!!!!!
7 Pillars of Y Sports Everyone Plays Safety First Character Development Positive Competition Family Involvement Sport for All Sport for Fun
Sports Pledge & Philosophy Sports Pledge:Sports Philosophy: Win or lose Everybody Plays & I pledge before God Everybody Wins To play the game The best I know how To obey all the rules Respect the officials To be a good sport at all times And to improve myself In spirit, mind & body
Coordinators Code of Conduct 1. Remember that you are the role model for your team 2. Be kind to your parents 3. Be kind to the coordinators and parents of other teams 4. Be kind to the Y staff 5. Be realistic with complaints & criticisms 6. Let the children have fun
Coordinator Expectations Establish good ongoing communication Agenda for practices (warm-up/stretch, skill development, play, cool-down/stretch) Know rules of play (coordinator given these) Exhibit and model core values Follow all policies and youth sports philosophy
How Teams Are Formed By age (1 year, 2 years, 3 years) By sex (female, male, coed) By request (for a coordinator or teammate) By school By subdivision Random assignment You are able to play up one age division but not down Deadline for team change request – September 13 There are no guarantees on requests!
KISD Tennis Courts – 1 st come, 1 st served; No reservations Parents, please supervise younger siblings Please pick up all trash before leaving Leave the site cleaner than when you arrived
Facility Use Policies Team Coordinators are held responsible for care of facilities All children (siblings of players) must be under supervision on and off the tennis courts at all times No tobacco products by tennis court entrance, or on tennis courts After practices snacks need to be distributed off the courts Have team pick up any trash after practices Please keep the great relationship we have with KISD by not taking proper care of their facilities Leave your practice site cleaner than when you arrived
Lesson/Practice Information Lessons/Weekday Practices Begins the week of September 15 1 hour on Sundays lesson and 1 hour weekday practie Sites Sundays with Y Staff – Seven Lake High School Weekday Practice with Team Coordinator – TBA by team Y Staff will attend at least one weekday practice for each team to assist the team coordinator
Rainouts/Makeups Sunday Lessons Decision will be made by 12:30pm on Sundays (We will the coordinator, update quickscores and let the front desk know) Decision will either be “all practices are cancelled” or “all practices are on” Sunday practices are typically made up the following Sunday. Weekday Practices Practice rainouts, team coordinator will contact their team for make-ups
Emergency Procedures Team Coordinator contacts Parent or Guardian Immediately Make sure you can get a hold of all parents – have correct contact numbers Accident Reports, Incident Reports Must fill out and return to Y within 24 hrs
Abandoned Child Ask all parents to stay at all practices and games. If they leave do following: Team Coordinator will call YMCA for other contact information if they cannot reach parents Team Coordinator will ask the assistant coordinator or another parent to stay until abandoned child is picked up, if he/she cannot Last option – two adults drive child to the YMCA
Child Abuse Prevention We make an active effort to prevent child abuse. These efforts include but are not limited to: Background checks on staff and volunteers All coordinators are not allowed to start practices until their drivers license have been swiped and their volunteer applications turned in to Youth Development Director (do not leave application with the front desk, it has personal information on it) Allegations and suspicions are taken seriously and are reported to the proper authorities
Child Abuse Reporting Procedures The YMCA has a no tolerance position on child abuse If you suspect child abuse you can report it to any Director in the YMCA or call CPS (Child Protection Services)
Appropriate Touch Kids need touches of encouragement, but there are appropriate and inappropriate ways of touching a child Frontal Hugs vs. Side Hugs Sitting on Lap vs. Sitting next to High Fives vs. …….
Character Development Incorporated into practices & games Coordinators can receive some ideas for this YMCA’s 5 core values: Honesty Caring Respect Responsibility Faith
Pictures, Trophies & Party Pictures N the Zone – Team Coordinator will be contacted with picture time 1 coordinator plaque given to each team Picture day October 6 Trophies Youth Sports – all receive a trophy or medal End of season party
Roster Corrections We go through many drafts of team rosters before they are finalized When we update a roster, we will send you a new one via Computer system and changes – what can and can not be changed Make sure we have your current practice day/place/time We cannot guarantee requests
REFUNDS/CREDITS REFUNDS FULL refunds will be given if requested prior to the 1st Sunday lesson (September 15). NO refunds will be given after this. CREDITS Partial credits may be given after the 1st lesson on a case by case basis and must go through the Sports Department - Tennis.
Front Desk Service Your first stop for questions: Coordinaotrs contact info, schedules, maps, rainout information They will determine if the question needs to be forwarded to Kenyetta IS BEST WAY TO REACH ME!!! Goal is to get you quick & correct answers!
IMPORTANT DATES LAST DAY TO REQUEST TEAM CHANGE – Wednesday, September 18 JEWELRY – No jewelry of any kind can be worn during play SUNDAY LESSONS - Begin week of September 15 HOLIDAYS – N/A T-SHIRT PICK-UP – Sunday, September 22 at Seven Lakes High School MACTH PLAY – October 20 PICTURE DAY – October 6 MACTH PLAY – November 3 PICTURE DAY – October 6 RAIN OUT DATES – November 10 & 17
CONTACT US Kenyetta Brasher Youth Development Director Informal Education
We are looking forward to a great season! Questions/Comments THANKS FOR COMING!!!