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Presentation transcript:


NH SECTION IEEE OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS Event Schedule………………. 2 NH Section Young…………… 3 Engineer of the Year 2008 Keynote Speaker…………… Honorary, Fellow & Life ……… Member Recognition Sponsors………….…………… 8- 9 Upcoming Events in 2008….back cover

EVENT SCHEDULE 6:00 pm Social 6:45 pm Dinner – Buffet Style MASTER OF CEREMONIES Stoney Worster 7:45 pm Presentation of Awards UNH Manchester Student Branch Banner Presentation AESS Innovator of the Year Dr. Robert O’Donnell Long Serving Chapter Chairs Recognition Jim Isaak – Computer Society Paul Krell – Power and Energy Tom Perkins – MTT-S IEEE Fellow - Class of 2008 Pane-Chane Chao Outstanding Young Engineer Jennifer Schelly 8:30 pm Keynote Speaker Dr. Paul H. Carr Jennifer Schelly Chosen for Outstanding Young Engineer Award The IEEE NH Section Outstanding Young Engineer Award was established to recognize engineers 35 years of age or under for outstanding contributions in the leadership of technical society activities, leadership in community and humanitarian activities, and evidence of technical competence through significant engineering achievements. The award, administered by the NH Section Awards Committee, is presented annually at the IEEE NH Section Annual Banquet. The recipient receives a plaque, and has the privilege of designating a college or university to receive a $ scholarship to be granted to an undergraduate who is a member of the school’s IEEE Student Branch. Factors to be considered for selection include: local IEEE activities and leadership, professional society activities, evidence of technical competence and achievement, community and humanitarian activities, educational achievements, and professional registration. Jennifer Schelly’s outstanding talent in engineering along with her significant accomplishments in IEEE NH Section activities and the local community makes her well qualified to receive the 2008 Young Engineer Award. Jen received a BS in EE with minors in Management and International Studies from Worcester Polytechnic. She started her professional career at BAE SYSTEMS and was selected to participate in the prestigious Engineering Leadership Development Program, ELDP. During her ELDP tenure, Jen worked on high reliability space programs, satellite simulations, and optic systems. Along with her heavy work load, Jen earned a MS in EE from Tufts University. Upon completing the ELDP program, Jen made significant contributions as a Sr. Electro Optics Systems Engineer in product development, field test and ground support. Jen’s involvement in IEEE NH Section activities include WIE Secretary’07, Vice Chair’08, and future Chair’09. She is VP of Programs for the Society of Women Engineers, SWE. Jen’s involvement with the Big Brother Big Sister organization earned her the 2007 Big Sister of the Year award. Jen also volunteers for the MS Walk, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, and Moor’s Mart. Congratulations Jen!

Dr. Paul H. Carr Author of “Beauty in Science and Spirit” ABSTRACT The $700 billion per year we spend to import oil from countries, often hostile and politically unstable, puts our national security and economy at risk. This money could create renewable-energy jobs in our own country. Wind and solar energy is FREE, after the up-front cost is paid off, and will last until the sun burns out. The US, with 5 per cent of the world’s population, is guzzling 20% of its oil production. This and a renewed appreciation of the intrinsic beauty of nature can motivate its conservation (1). We must balance economics with ecology. Global climate change, driven largely by the combustion of fossil fuels and by deforestation, is a growing threat to human well-being (2). Significant harm from climate change is already occurring, and further damages are a certainty. The challenge now is to keep climate change from becoming a catastrophe. We need to manage the unavoidable and avoid the unmanageable. The solution to climate change and national security is the same: wind, solar, biomass, and nuclear energy. The August issue of the IEEE Spectrum show how electrical engineers are making key contributions. Wind power is rapidly becoming cost-competitive with fossil fuels. The First Solar Inc. proprietary technique of making solar cells, by depositing CdTe/CdS films on large sheets of glass, promises to be competitive with coal within five years. (1) Carr, Paul H Chapter 9 "The Beauty of Nature versus Its Utility" of "Beauty in Science and Spirit," ( Center Ossipee, NH). (2 Executive summary, Scientific Expert Group Report, "American Scientist," May-June BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Paul H. Carr, B.S., M.S., MIT; Ph.D. Physics, Brandeis U., led a branch investigating microwave ultrasonic surface acoustic waves (SAW) and superconductors at the AF Research Laboratory, Bedford, MA. His 80 scientific papers and 10 patents have contributed to new components for radar, TV, and cell phones. He was elected a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in 1979 "for contributions to microwave acoustics and their use as signal processing components" and is presently a Life Fellow. He is a life member of the American Physical Society and has been a member of Sigma Xi, The Research Society, for over 50 years. He received a grant from the John Templeton Foundation for his philosophy course "Science and Religion: Cosmos to Consciousness" at U Mass Lowell. This gave birth to his book, Beauty in Science and Spirit, described on his web page

Upcoming Activities in 2008 Tuesday, November 18, 2008, at 12 Noon to 1:30 IEEE NH Computer Society Chapter Meeting Getting Software Right (the first time?) Nita Patel Nashua Community College, 505 Amherst St in the Wellness Center Conference Room Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 6:00 PM IEEE NH Section Meeting An Intellectual Property Primer Luis Figarella, PE BAE Systems Headquarters Building Auditorium 65 Spit Brook Road, Nashua, NH Wednesday, December 3, 2008 at 2:00 to 4:00 PM IEEE Life Members Group Dr. Paul H. Carr Beauty and Creativity in Science and Technology Bedford PublicLibrary, in the McAllaster Room 3 Meetinghouse Rd., Bedford NH Click here for more information Click here for more information Light refreshments will be available RSVP by Monday, December 1 Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 6:00 PM IEEE NH Women In Engineering What to Wear to Work Stephanie Anastopoulos Daniel Webster College, in DW Hall, Rm. 116 Dinner from Bertucci’s $10 for Members, $15 for Non-Members RSVP to Jennifer Schelly