Elephants By: LeAnn Stahl
Interesting Facts There are 2 types of Elephants: The Asian & the African Elephant. Elephant’s trunks can get VERY heavy Elephants play, cry, have incredible memories, & laugh!! Elephants don’t use their trunks to drink, but they use them as a tool to help them drink
Asian Elephants Relatively small ears Arched Back 5 toes in front feet & 4 toes on back feet Are a lighter Grey color Males have “Tusks” & Females have “tushes”
African Elephants Enormous Ears Straight Backs 2 Trunk fingers 4 toes on front feet & 3 toes on back feet Both males & females have “tusks”
Largest African Elephant The largest African Elephant ever recorded weighed over 9 tons and stood over 12 feet high at the shoulder.
Height & Weight * Asian Elephant Height: meters Weight: 3-5 tons * African Elephant Height: 3-4 meters Weight: 4-7 tons
Physical Statistics Elephants reach puberty between the ages13-14 yrs. Old Have babies until the age of 50 Live up to 70 yrs. or more
Asian Elephants Live In: Sri Lankan Mainland Sumatran
African Elephants Live In: Savannah’s Forrest's
Endangered Species Asian Elephants are endangered in the wild, where only about 30,000 still live in the forests of South and Southeast Asia. They are also endangered in North American Zoo’s.
Crazy Fact The African Elephant is the largest living land mammal, and one of the most impressive animals on earth
Elephant Jokes to share with your Friends!! What’s beautiful, gray and wears glass slippers? Cinderelephant What is gray and has a trunk? An elephant on vacation! How do you stop an elephant from charging? Take away his credit card.