1:30 – 2:45 PM in Coolidge Dr. Sabine Klahr, University of Utah Dr. Mandy Hansen, Northern Arizona University
Roundtable Discussion Guidelines Navigating a Maze: Exploring Women’s Journey’s to Positions of Leadership in International Education
Please write down your response on the paper provided at your table. Introduce yourself to your table mates and share your reply Navigating a Maze: Exploring Women’s Journey’s to Positions of Leadership in International Education
Round One: Leadership Journey Navigating a Maze: Exploring Women’s Journey’s to Positions of Leadership in International Education
Please read the quotes at your table and choose one or two o discuss as a group at your table. Please share with your table (a) your initial reactions and (b) any personal experience you or a colleague may have as related to the quote. Please be prepared to summarize some of the discussion at your table with the group/room. If time permits please explore one or more of the other quotes provided. Navigating a Maze: Exploring Women’s Journey’s to Positions of Leadership in International Education
Round Two: Negotiating Professional Environments Navigating a Maze: Exploring Women’s Journey’s to Positions of Leadership in International Education
Please read the quotes at your table and choose one or two to discuss as a group at your table. Please share with your table (a) your initial reactions and (b) any personal experience you or a colleague may have as related to the quote. Please be prepared to summarize some of the discussion at your table with the group/room. If time permits please explore one or more of the other quotes provided. Navigating a Maze: Exploring Women’s Journey’s to Positions of Leadership in International Education
How are women’s experiences different from those of men in the context of career development, leadership, and the role of the SIO? What are the strategies for women to be and feel more successful? Navigating a Maze: Exploring Women’s Journey’s to Positions of Leadership in International Education
Looking back on your answer to the initial question “What is one challenge or opportunity as a woman in navigating your professional life (can be in the workplace or at home/personal life)” are there any issues not explored? Please share. Navigating a Maze: Exploring Women’s Journey’s to Positions of Leadership in International Education
Thank you! Dr. Sabine Klahr, University of Utah Dr. Mandy Hansen, Northern Arizona University Navigating a Maze: Exploring Women’s Journey’s to Positions of Leadership in International Education