Prepared by: Rania Al-Bzoor
A content analysis of Women Image and values in Oprah Winfrey Show Hosting Queen Rania of Jordan
This presentation aims to presents briefly the women image and different values discussed in Oprah Winfrey episode hosting Queen Rania.
1-How was the women image according to queen Rania revealed during the interview? 2-To what extent do the ethical values quotes by queen Rania relate to women's issues? 3-How does queen Rania present herself as an Arab woman?
The criteria of the analysis will be based on different ethical values, quotes and universal issues related to women not only in the Arab World but everywhere. In addition to crucial aspects in women's life.
The unit of analysis in this analysis is the utterances said by queen Rania and many valuable quotes clarify her point of view.
Utterances as a unit of analysis are presented in four categories: 1-Ethical values about women that are similar everywhere. 2-Motherhood values which are common among women. 3-Education and children raising principles that are essential. 4-Queen Rania herself as a model of the Arabic woman and a compassionate mother.
1-" Many women around the world are condemned to a life of misery, of hopelessness,of no future. " 2-" Mothers are mother everywhere". 3-" Values are the shield that you carry with you throughout life.“ 4- " I care about my children,I worry about what they eat, I worry about the influences of from their friends."
Queen Rania spoke about various topics, such as the education,the veil, women, terrorism, and the relationship between Arabs and Americans. Her Majesty presented herself in not a particular order or position, identifying herself as a woman a Muslim, an Arab,an educator and as a mother.