Miriam France’s Career Plan to becoming an Editor June June 2020
will be the year I complete my A-Levels, achieving an A in Theatre Studies and DDD in Btec Creative Media Production at Level 3 in which I produced 3 short films, 2 were put into the BFI Film Festival This will give me a huge boost for my CV to get onto Film School courses in the future. I will start a new job at the Vue Cinema, in April giving me more knowledge of consumers, distribution and synopsis of films– Part Time to save up money for future film courses that I will go on and Film Festivals I shall put my work into. Beginning with Met Film School in September 2016, their Week-End course, ‘Introduction to Editing’. This will give me more knowledge within the techniques of editing mainly on Adobe Premiere Pro. This is a practical course so I will be gaining hands on experience with a professional tutor whom I will give them my contacts for future business. During Summer 2016, I will make one Short Film to upload onto my YouTube account with 50,000 subscribers having already uploaded 5 within the last 9 years starting in This will be up to my personal best ‘Grand Gestures’ and be put into the BFI London Film Festival 2016 costing £10 being received by 29 th October and won first prize. Raising awareness of my talent and passion for the industry. Finally, the rest of 2016 will be focused on a Part Time Postproduction Course at Met Film School. Here I will be learning further in editing techniques including colour grading and visual effects. I will get the Met Film School Professional Practice Certificate for ‘demonstrating exemplary communication and teamwork, management, planning and organization skills’.
2017 After finishing my Editing Course in early January with Met Film School, my intention is to become a Runner for Sky on a TV Series between January 2017 and April Being a runner will give me the understanding I need on what it’s like to be behind the scenes with the crew and I will pick up terminology from crew members that I can use in the future. In February I will start an Editing course speicalising in Final Cut Pro with SOHO Editors, ending in March. From this course, I will learn about the magnetic timeline, secondary storylines, compound clips, mixing audio using key frames, text templates, generators and outputting. In August, I’ll be accepted into the NFTS to study for a BA in film Editing.
2018 In 2018 I will work on and finish a Short Film titled Borderline Bitch and enter the London Raindance Film Festival for £50 in June. After this, I’ll apply for a job as a Trainee Editor for WarnerBros between October 2018 and May 2020.
2019 At the end of 2019 I will start working on a new short film called Time consuming. This will be entered into the Bath Film Festival in In October, I’ll apply and get the job as a Title Designer for a Feature Film with Universal Pictures ending in December 2020.
2020 In 2020, I will be a member of the Olivier Productions YouTube Channel as an Editor where we’ll work on a Short Film entitled Take a Bow. I’ll be able to show off all the skills and techniques I’ve learnt throughout the past 5 years. After finishing my BA in Film Editing at NFTS with top grades I will start on my MA in Film Editing in August.