International and national rankings. Myth & reality. What is first? Olga Morozova Head of FAD, NUST “MISIS”
Main International rankings SCI ENG LIFE MED SOC E&T Arts&Hum Med Life Ph Sc SCI E&T LIFE&MED NAT Sci Arts&Hum
TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION Citation index (Web of Sci) (worth 30 per cent of the overall ranking score) Survey of quality of research ( 18%) Survey of quality of education (15%) Ratio PhD to academic staff (6%) Ratio of publication to academic & research staff (6%) Research income (6%) Ratio undergrad stud to acad staff (4,5%) Industry Income from applied research (2,5%) Ratio of foreign acad. staff (2,5%) Ratio of foreign students (2,5%) Ratio of public with foreign researchers cooperation (2,5%) Ration of PhD/Bach degree awarded (2,25%) University budget to FTE academic staff (2,25%)
QS WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKING Academic reputation (40%) Employer reputation (10%) Faculty/student ratio (20%) Citations per faculty (20%) International faculty ratio (5%) International student ratio (5%)
RESULTS 2012 ARWU (SHANGHAI) TOP 500 USA 150 GB 38 GER 37 China 28 FR 28 Spain 11 Fin 5 Pol 2 RF 2 Cz 1
Barriers for Universities Unives couldn’t influence onto criteria with high weight) Alumni - Nobel Prize winners (NPW) NPW awarded have been worked for the Univ Surveys of experts Quality evaluation – high standarts ! Nature&Science – low possibility to publish paper of applied science, engineering “Club member” do not decree their activity
Structure of the Russian national ranking 4Международная деятельность Оценка академической мобильности студентов, преподавателей, учёных. Оценка международности образовательных программ. Оценка влияния на международные рынки образования, исследований. Оценка объема привлеченных средств от международной деятельности. Показатели сотрудничества с зарубежными вузами и исследовательскими организациями в научно-исследовательской деятельности.
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