The Effects of Resveratrol and Melatonin on Drosophila melanogaster with Paraquat Induced Oxidative Stress By Anthony Anastasio
Need Figure 1 Over the passed 6 years, disorders from alcohol have increased Figure 2 Wine still remains the leased consumed alcoholic beverage
Oxidative stress
Resveratrol Found in the skin of grapes that are used in the fermentation of red wine. Found in plants as a defense system against disease.
Bass (2007) When drosophila exposed to resveratrol, no increase in lifespan is shown Effect of Resveratrol on the Life span of C. Elegans
Bauer (2004)
Bonilla and Molero (2006) Drosophila exposed to Melatonin, Serotonin, Lipoic acid, and Ascorbic acid The survivability of Drosophila shown after paraquat induced oxidative stress with different pre exposures
Purpose To determine the effects of resveratrol and melatonin on the survival rate of drosophila after paraquat induced oxidative stress.
Hypothesis Null Hypothesis- Drosophila will have the same survival rate after paraquat induced oxidative stress in all groups and no change in life span will occur. Alternative Hypothesis- Drosophila that are pre-exposed to resveratrol and melatonin will have a higher survival rate after paraquat induced oxidative stress and a longer life span then the control group.
ControlResveratrol 0.2mM Resveratrol 1.0mM Melatonin 0.22mM Melatonin 0.43mM Fed drosophila cornmeal medium Exposed to 0.2 mM of resveratrol in food Exposed to 1.0 mM of resveratrol in food Exposed to 0.22 mM of Melatonin in food Exposed to 0.43 mM of Melatonin in food Drosophila exposed to Paraquat induced oxidative stress with filter paper soaked in 20mM of paraquat The Effects of Resveratrol and Melatonin on Drosophila melanogaster with Paraquat Induced Oxidative Stress Survival rate tested in the drosophila and recorded after 24 hours and 48 hours after exposure to paraquat Data put into SPSS for a One-way ANOVA and Scheffe post-hoc test
Budget VendorCat.#PageDescribe ItemQuantityUnit PriceTotal Price Sigma-Aldrich online R mg Resveratrol Science lab, chemicals and laboratory equipment SLD1582-1G Paraquat Sigma-Aldrich online M5250-1G Melatonin154.00
Do-ability Drosophila cultures are available Exposure to Resveratrol and Melatonin Procedures that been done in lab
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