Mid-long term R&D step by step plan in order to implement the recycling at the maximum extension possible Gunnar Olsson and Lise-Lotte Spontón TW5-TSW-001, D8b Final meeting, TW5-TSW-001 and -002, October 2006, UKAEA, Culham, UK
Status of work A draft report, which is not quite ready for distribution Report includes chapters about: - recycling classification criteria - the present recycling of radioactive materials - type and quantity of material - R&D areas for fusion waste recycling
R&D areas for fusion waste recycling General influencing factors when considering recycle and reuse as an option to disposal are technical feasibility, economic constraints, regulatory requirements and public acceptance. For each material a complete recycling scenario should be established and tested step-by-step. Linear decision-tree approach, from IAEA-Tecdoc-1130
1. Common R&D areas for the recycling of fusion material - Further optimization of LAM type materials (e. g. reduction of impurities) - Detritiation methods - Design improvements to enhance separation/reuse of not damaged parts of in-vessel components
2. Housekeeping-maintenance waste from fusion reactor operation -Study of types and quantities -Tritium contamination - Decontamination
3. Low level material mainly from decommissioning - Follow-up of clearance regulations (presently IAEA RS-G-1.7) - Separation of materials, accepted/not accepted for clearance - Measuring and averaging methods for authorization of free release - Stainless steel and copper scrap acceptance at commercial smelters? Should all metal first pass a nuclear smelter (good method for measuring)? - Nb-material in superconductive coils, treatment – reuse? - Isolator material (disposal?) - Storage capacity for decay - Cost comparison with the disposal option (VLLW repository or community land fill)
4. Material within limits for present recycling within the nuclear sector - Define the specific activity and dose rate limits for the use of metal smelters of the present type - Separation of materials (coil mix) - Secondary waste from smelter (slag, filters, furnace linings) quantity, activity, handling (disposal) - Fabrication of stainless steel products in demand within the nuclear sector (steel casks for spent fuel, HLW reprocessing container?) The same for copper. - Nb-superconductor reuse in fusion coils? - Storage capacity for decay before melting/treatment - Cost comparison with disposal options
5. High level materials requiring remote handling (1) - Dismantling and separation of different materials from complex components - Liquid LiPb could be drawn off to a shielded storage tank - Processing for production of radioactive material for reuse (melting to suitable ingots) - Chemical treatment and Li-refreshment of LiPb - Tritium and helium control in off-gas - Fabrication of replacement components from the radioactive ingots (machining and assembling of complicated and heavy components under remote control) - Possibility to separation of parts of components that could be used without complete reprocessing of the material (e g ITER divertor targets replaced, the cassette reused)
5. High level materials requiring remote handling (2) - Secondary waste - Shielded storage capacity before and after treatment - Other possibilities than melting for recycling of W (or Be in Model B) - Effect from the accumulation of activity by repeated irradiation - Cost comparison with disposal option - Long-lived nuclides do not disappear by recycling - Somewhere the circulation must be interrupted for disposal of some material with accumulated activity contents (e. g. the last installed set of divertor, blanket at final shut-down)