Bone marrow biopsy CLS 541.M. Sc program Lab-8
Biopsy of the bone marrow is an indispensable adjunct to the study of diseae of the blood and may be the only way is which a correct diagnosis can be made. Obtained by needle aspiration, percutaneous trephine biopsy and surgical biopsy.
Aspiration of the bone marrow Is simple and safe; it can be repeated many times and performed on out patients. Can be aspirated from the sternum (not be used in children), iliac or anterior or posterior iliac spines. To perform clean the skin, local anaesthetic such as 2-5ml of lignocaine.
When the bone has been penetrated, remove the stilette, attach a 2 or 5ml syringe and suck up marrow contents. It clots faster than peripheral blood so films should be made from the aspirated without delay. EDTA or heparin. Some material can be preserved in fixative rather than anticoagulant for preparation of histological sections. Staining by Romanowsky or Perl’s stain for iron After drying and fix of films of B.M.
Needles should be stout and made of hard stainless steel, about 7-8 cm in length and must be provided with an adjustable guard. The most common re-usable needles are Salah and Klima needles.
Trephine biopsy of bone marrow It is obtained by inserting the biopsy needle into the bone and using a to-and-fro rotation to obtain a core of tissue. Needles are both re-usable and disposable. If larger specimens are needed, trephine needles which have bores of 4-5mm but if small 2mm bore.
The bony core is gently dabbed or rolled across the slid which is then fixed and stained as for bone marrow smears. Specimen should fixed in 10%formal salin,bufferd to PH 7, or preferably in Helly’s fluid for 12-48h to decalcifying, dehydrating and embedding in paraffin wax by usual histological procedures (H &E). section also be stained with Romanowsy dyes.