Social Care and Health working together Social Care Reform Craig Muir Director for Social Care Policy & Innovation Department of Health June 2007
Social Care and Health working together “Our care, our health, our say” January 2006 Social Care: “the wide range of services designed to support people to maintain their independence, enable them to play a fuller part in society, protect them in vulnerable situations and manage complex relationships”.
Social Care and Health working together Social care pressures Quality PressureDriven by… Supply Changing expectations Demand Resources Quality Local priorities New technologies Workforce to deliver new ways of working Integrated services Citizens Affluence Higher standards Demography Individual Budgets
Social Care and Health working together Our Health Our Care Our Say: Outcomes Better Care and Support – to achieve: Improved health and emotional wellbeing Improved quality of life Making a positive contribution Choice and control Freedom from discrimination Economic wellbeing Personal dignity
Social Care and Health working together Four key areas Voice Performance management Shaping the market Better care and support Capability
Social Care and Health working together Voice Capability Individual Budgets Direct Payments Carers’ Strategy POPPs Shaping the market Performance management Voice Better care and support Better information User-led organisations
Social Care and Health working together Towards Citizenship Source: Simon Duffy, Keys to Citizenship
Social Care and Health working together Social CareSelf-Directed Support People need professional supportPeople should control their own lives Existing services work well Support should be individually tailored Money is safest in the control of the state Money should be close to the individual Family and friends are unreliable Family and friends have a vital role to play Source: Simon Duffy, Keys to Citizenship
Social Care and Health working together Capability Local Strategic Partnerships Build capacity in DH Professional Leadership workforce skills (with GSCC, SfC, SCIE) Shaping the market Performance management Voice Better care and support Common Assessment Framework Status of Social Care Workforce
Social Care and Health working together Quality of Social Care Services excellent workforce critical workforce = 80% of total social care expenditure the service provided is the workforce relationships with service users and carers
Social Care and Health working together SCIE have improved quality SCIE are already undertaking work to improve quality – -reviews and guides to improve the teaching of social work -e-learning in social care -leadership and management -service user and carer involvement in social work education
Social Care and Health working together The future workforce agenda Options for Excellence/Status of Social Care Adult Social Care Workforce Strategy Board - 18 June
Social Care and Health working together Status of Social Care SCIE and Skills Academy Spread of good practice “Lancet” for Social Care
Social Care and Health working together Long-Term Social Care Strategy Wanless Demography Expectations Sustainable? 10 year horizon
Social Care and Health working together Conclusion Vulnerable Citizen Transformation of Social Care Workforce/Skills Opportunities for SCIE