AMCP Membership Mapping Your Career In Managed Care Pharmacy Why Should YOU Join?
Your Role as a Pharmacist in Managed Care As a pharmacist in Managed Care practice, you will apply your clinical skills to benefit patient outcomes and optimize medication therapy costs for the patient and the healthcare organization!
I’m Not Going to be a Managed Care Pharmacist As a pharmacist, regardless of where you choose to practice, you can benefit by understanding the concepts of managed care pharmacy.
Why Should You Join AMCP?
Explore the Benefits of Student Pharmacist Membership INFORMATION The ASCENT Center AMCP News - Monthly Newsletter Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy (JMCP) – Peer Reviewed Legislative and Regulatory Updates
Explore the Benefits of Student Pharmacist Membership LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Managed Care Internships P&T Competition Shadowing Opportunities Two National Conferences with special programming for student pharmacists Managed Care Residencies
FMCP/AMCP Summer Internships in Managed Care Pharmacy 10 week Internships available Nationwide –Supported by Pfizer and Allergen Includes a stipend and housing accommodations Interns spend one week at AMCP Headquarters, too! “ Amazing summer internship opportunities at managed care organizations listed in Forbes Top 100 companies”
FMCP/AMCP P & T Competition Real-world simulation of a true P&T Committee Presentation Opportunity to put your clinical skills to work Your Chapter will receive up to $5,000 and nationwide recognition
“Learning to work on a P&T committee through AMCP’s P & T Competition is a skill that will be very useful in many pharmacist career pathways.” Vinson Lee, University of Southern California 2006 Schools of Pharmacy Relations Committee Chair,
Legislative Updates Grassroots Action AMCP Weekly Newsletter ed to keep you up-to-date AMCP Legislative Action Center for members only AMCP Staff who focus specifically on legislative and regulatory issues affecting YOU
Expand Your Professional Network Nationally Use the AMCP Membership Directory to find pharmacists for networking & shadowing opportunities Local Chapter The AMCP Diplomat is your link to the real world managed care pharmacy!
AMCP National Conferences AMCP Annual Meeting & Showcase Held each April April 15-18, Orlando April 7-10, 2010 – San Diego Special Sessions just for Student Pharmacists Network with Managed Care Pharmacists! “The conferences are an unique opportunity to meet, interact, and network with the leaders of managed care pharmacy" -Angela Dai Zovi University of the Pacific 2009 “In addition to providing information to students, the meetings are a lot of fun and give students the opportunity to see many amazing cities across the country” -Julie Howard Shenandoah University 2009
AMCP National Conferences “A reason student pharmacists would want to belong to AMCP is to foster their pharmacy knowledge as it pertains to managed care. Managed care affects every aspect of pharmacy practice and every patient. Understanding the basics of managed care will help you become a better, more effective pharmacist, no matter where you end up practicing.” –Heather Fitzgerald, University of Illinois at Chicago 2009 AMCP Educational Conference Held each October October 15-17, 2008 – Kansas City October 7-10, 2009 – San Antonio Special Sessions for Student Pharmacists Managed Care Residency Showcase
Enhance Your Expertise! Managed Care Pharmacy Residencies More than 65 different residencies offer you… –A unique learning experiences in multidisciplinary clinical environments; –Opportunities to apply managed care principles and gain the confidence to seek a wide range of career opportunities; and, –Gain significant real world experience in one focused year!
Stay Current! Membership in AMCP gives you access to a variety of periodicals and publications that encompass the principles and research in managed care pharmacy. Members can access all of them at
Online Resources for Members Concept Series in Managed Care Mapping Your Future in Managed Care Pharmacy The Roles of Pharmacists in Managed Care Pharmacy AMCP ASCENT Center Managed Care Internship Directory Managed Care Residency Directory
Most student pharmacists learn about community and hospital pharmacy practice while in pharmacy school… When you join AMCP you will discover the world of opportunities that await you in managed care pharmacy!
Get Involved! There are tremendous opportunities for student pharmacist involvement in AMCP!
Join Today! Contact your chapter membership officer to join AMCP today or visit