EQUAL City of Helsinki Hearing on ”Immigration and integration:cooperation between regional and local governments and civil society organisations” Leena Pellilä Development consultant, project leader City of Helsinki, Social Services Department
EQUAL City of Helsinki The Majakka-Beacon Project ESF-Equal Resource-oriented case management and supported employment for immigrants
EQUAL City of Helsinki Background information (1):Figures inhabitants in Helsinki , 5,2 % immigrants (in Finland 2,1 %) 147 different nationalities the largest groups: russians, estonians, somalians unemployment rate 9 % (27 000) unemployment rate among immigrants 28 % (3500)
EQUAL City of Helsinki Background information (2): Services for immigrants Individual integration plans by the municipality and labour office according to the act of integration of immigrants after integration period (three years) normal services from care and shelter to education, rehabilitation and employment services
EQUAL City of Helsinki Background information (3): Majakka-Beacon project need to develop employment and rehabilitation services for immigrants The Majakka-Beacon was planned together with cities Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa, two training organisations, three immigrant organisations. Rehabilitation foundation was a coordinator of DP.
EQUAL City of Helsinki Reasons for unemployment e.g. –accreditation / recognition of prior vocational qualifications –lack of social networks (outside the immigrant community) –language skills –employer attitudes –economic recession beginning of 1990’s
EQUAL City of Helsinki Aims develop empowering rehabilitation and employment services organise comprehensive training program for trainers/job coaches organise information campaigns to immigrant communities and the work places
EQUAL City of Helsinki Clients immigrants living in Helsinki, Espoo or Vantaa (total n = ) Group 1 (~70 %) –long-term or repeatedly unemployed, never employed Group 2 (~30 %) –long-term unemployed –health & social problems Employment offices, social centres, immigrant organisations, friends & relatives, media
EQUAL City of Helsinki Services for clients Supported employment services (6 job coaches, job finder, 2 language teachers) –on-going support –work-specific language training at the work place Resource-oriented planning of support services (expert team) –assessment of working potential, rehabilitation needs –assessment of work-specific & general language skills Guidance & counselling (case manager) –resource-oriented case management
EQUAL City of Helsinki Other Activities Support for trainers: TRADES-Diploma course for employment specialists ( Univ. of Helsinki) Information campaigns at work places, acceptance of cultural diversity (Immigrant organisations) Information dissemination to immigrant communities (Immigrant organisations) Evaluation and dissemination European network
EQUAL City of Helsinki EMPLOYMENT RESULTS number of clients 151 –39 guided to other services –102 employment plan, 10 other service plan 57 employed (30 subsidized jobs)
EQUAL City of Helsinki GOOD PRACTICE IN MAJAKKA-BEACON (1) employment plan and employment in the open labour market job coach services and language training support after employment for the employee and the employer case management and rehabilitation assessment
EQUAL City of Helsinki GOOD PRACTICE IN MAJAKKA-BEACON (2) training of employment specialists immigrant organisations: –orientation towards Finnish working life –cooperation between organisations
EQUAL City of Helsinki For further information: Development consultant Leena Pellilä Development manager, PhD Kristiina Härkäpää, Rehabilitation Foundation