. 2 nd – 6 th Rockstars May 12 th – 16th Weekly Reminders 4th Grade Literacy – In Literacy class students will continue to review and learn comprehension skills and strategies to become better readers. This week we will be reading “Hatchet” together as a class. Students will be participating in various activities throughout the reading of this great book. 5th Grade Literacy - In Literacy class students will continue to build upon their prior knowledge of comprehension skills and strategies to become better readers. As a class, we will be reading “Where the Red Fern Grows.” We will be doing several activities to go along with the book. DO YOUR BEST ON THE TEST!!!! It’s testing time! We are K- Prep testing this week! Please be on time to school, get plenty of rest, and do your best! 3rd Grade Math-My 3rd grade math students will be learning about area and perimeter. Continue to work on multiplication facts 2nd Grade Math-My 2nd grade math students will be working on multiplication tables of 3, 4, and 5 and dividing using related multiplication facts. Continue to memorize these multiplication facts. :) We will also be reading and making picture graphs. 4th Grade Social Studies-My two 4th grade Social Studies classes will be studying about the purpose of government, the Bill of Rights and responsibilities that come with those rights, the Kentucky Constitution, and the branches of government. 2nd Grade Social Studies-My 2nd graders will be studying about the lifestyles and beliefs of the Ancient Greeks. 2nd Grade Literacy This week will be an adjusted schedule due to KPREP testing for grade 3-6. Literacy for 2nd grade will meet during the week, but not at the regularly scheduled time. 2nd grade will be MAP testing in the area of reading on Monday, May 19th so we will spend this week reviewing all concepts and content learned throughout the year. Summarizing, main idea and details, literary elements, author's purpose, poetic elements, and vocabulary will be addressed. 3rd Grade Literacy This week 3rd grade literacy students will be participating in KPREP testing. Monday and Tuesday will address reading and Wednesday and Thursday will address math. Please make sure your 3rd grade student gets plenty of rest and a hearty breakfast each morning before testing. 2nd Grade Literacy Following our "Egg Drop" experiment on Thursday and Friday of last week, we will be taking an in-depth look at the force of gravity. 3rd Grade Literacy After keeping a month-long weather calendar for the month of April, the students will be incorporating math by creating line and bar graphs and analyzing weather patterns.
Bowen 6 th graders remember that graduation is Thursday, May 22 nd at 6:00pm. Field Day is Friday, May 23 rd ! Math- For the next two weeks in math we will be learning about angles. We will be measuring and drawing angles as well as understanding how angles turn. Science- We will be learning about the states of matter and the changes in each state of matter. We will also be studying mass, volume, density and vacuum. Linder I can explain the effects of child labor in the United States. I can explain why people migrated to America. I can explain the effects of segregation in the South. I can explain how American citizens benefit from tax money. I can identify historical people and events of Kentucky. 5th grade Math I can add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions. I can estimate whole numbers and decimals. I can convert from the customary system to the metric system. I can analyze perimeter, area, and volume. 6th grade World Geography I can list four environmental factors that affect human settlement. I can identify areas where humans settled in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. I can identify the values of Babylonian society reflected in the Code of Hammurabi. I can describe aspects of daily life in ancient Egypt. This week in math, we will be learning about surface area and volume of solids. We will start the week by working in groups to identify nets of different solids and create our own shape and net. We will then venture off to the wild journey of finding surface area of hands-on boxes of different shapes! How exciting! Finding surface area of real-world situations will end this unit and prepare for statistics! Get your minds ready and excited for rocking with surface area! Writer's Workshop Our task before us is to make final, final copies of our writing and place in our Writing Portfolio. These portfolios will be passed onto to the next grade level teacher so that an accumulative example of writings follows each student Daily 5 We will be reviewing our Folklore genre this week. Happy reading! K-PREP is upon us. We will show what we know!!