Algorithms A Central Heating system Start Is temp <19 Turn Heating on Is temp >20 Turn Heating off
Algorithms Calculate the area of a rectangle What mathematical calculation do you have to perform on these two inputs? What two inputs do you need to calculate the area of a rectangle? Height Width Multiplication
Start Input width Input Height Area = width x height OUTPUT area Stop
Pseudocode Input value If value >= 1 THEN If value >= 10 THEN Output “value OK Else Output “value not OK” ENDIF Return to input
Input key If key arrow pressed Move left Move right Move down Move up
Pseudocode Press key If key = right arrow THEN move right Else If key = left arrow THEN move left If key = up arrow THEN move up If key = down arrow THEN move down ENDIF
A garden centre has a loyalty card scheme that gives members a 10% discount if they spend more than £50. If any customer spends more than £100, then they get a 5% discount on top of any discounts they may already have. Create a flow chart to show how this program might work
Start No disc No disc Disc = 15% Disc = 10% YES NO NO NO YES YES YES Loyalty card Spend > £100 Spend > £50 YES NO NO No disc NO Loyalty card Taken out YES YES YES NO No disc Disc = 15% Disc = 10%
Start No disc Disc = 10% Disc 5% Disc = 15% NO YES NO YES NO YES Loyalty card Spend > £50 No disc YES NO NO YES Disc = 10% Spend > £100 Disc 5% NO YES Disc = 15%
Start No disc Disc = 15% Disc = 10% NO NO YES NO YES YES Loyalty card Spend > £100 Spend > £50 NO NO No disc YES NO YES YES Disc = 15% Disc = 10%
Start Loyalty card scheme No disc Disc 5% Disc = 10% Disc = 15% NO NO Spend > £100 Spend > £50 NO NO No disc YES YES Loyalty card Loyalty card YES NO NO YES Disc 5% Disc = 10% Disc = 15%
Pseudocode INPUT spend INPUT loyalty card IF spend > 100 THEN IF loyalty card = YES THEN discount = 15% ELSE IF loyalty card = NO THEN discount = 5% ENDIF ENDIF IF spend < 100 THEN IF spend > 50 THEN IF loyalty card = YES THEN discount = 10% ELSE IF loyalty card = NO THEN no discount ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF IF spend < 50 THEN no discount ENDIF