IETF-61 draft-ietf-sipping-cc-transfer-03.txt 1 SIP Call Control - Transfer Robert Sparks Alan Johnston Dan Petrie
IETF-61 draft-ietf-sipping-cc-transfer-03.txt 2 Recent Changes Added Dan as co-author an incorporated many ideas from draft-petrie-sipping-xfer-issues-01.txt Changed to REFERs sent out of dialog if recipient provides a GRUU. –Only works if GRUU grid parameter is a dialog identifier –Plan to change text back to in-dialog REFER Changed to Refer-To set to GRUU if present, AOR if not, and Contact if AOR fails. Included transfer as an Ad-hoc conference call flow. Included semi -attended transfer discussion. –Included one recommended flow and two not recommended flows. Added section on gateway transfer issues.
IETF-61 draft-ietf-sipping-cc-transfer-03.txt 3 Plan Change back to in-dialog REFER due to problems with grid-as-dialog-id idea Ready for WGLC after next revision
IETF-61 draft-ietf-sipping-cc-transfer-03.txt 4 Contacts Alan Johnston Robert Sparks Dan Petrie