IETF-61 draft-johnston-sipping-rtcp-summary-04.txt 1 A Performance Event Package for SIP Alan Johnston Henry Sinnreich Alan Clark Amy Pendleton
IETF-61 draft-johnston-sipping-rtcp-summary-04.txt 2 Recent Changes More general event name: perfrpt –Parameters in event reflect voice quality metrics –Event can be extended for general performance reporting –Mime type also changed Syntax additions and clean up –More identification parameters, such as session 5-tuple, call identifier –Timestamps for start and end – allow for interval, mid-session, and end of session reporting –More threshold types; extensions are also explicitly permitted –Enhanced readability with more descriptive parameters More call flows –SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY and PUBLISH flows for both threshold and end of session reports –Message formats for each flow Finalized details on use of PUBLISH and event state –Neither party maintains a soft or hard state –Intention, like other PUBLISH services, is to reduce messaging
IETF-61 draft-johnston-sipping-rtcp-summary-04.txt 3 Open Issues Comments?
IETF-61 draft-johnston-sipping-rtcp-summary-04.txt 4 Path Forward Draft very close to technical completeness. After current round of comments, probably ready for WGLC. But…can we get this adopted as WG item?
IETF-61 draft-johnston-sipping-rtcp-summary-04.txt 5 Contacts Alan Johnston Henry Sinnreich Alan Clark Amy Pendleton