Continuing Professional Competency: The Core of Workforce Development Presented by William Hohn and Leonard Gallant
CIPHI Continuing Professional Competency Project Presently working on the CPC project to define the discipline and technical competencies for the EPH professionPresently working on the CPC project to define the discipline and technical competencies for the EPH profession Every discussion around competencies led to the issue of who assesses competencyEvery discussion around competencies led to the issue of who assesses competency Missing RoleMissing Role –Human Resources and Employers
Environmental Public Health Includes Environmental Health Officers and Public Health InspectorsIncludes Environmental Health Officers and Public Health Inspectors Not a regulated health profession in CanadaNot a regulated health profession in Canada A provincially legislated health profession in CanadaA provincially legislated health profession in Canada No mandated requirement to demonstrate continued competency after entry to practiceNo mandated requirement to demonstrate continued competency after entry to practice
The Vision CIPHI has a vision of mandatory membership with a linked continuing education requirementCIPHI has a vision of mandatory membership with a linked continuing education requirement –That is, one must be a member of CIPHI to use the CPHI(C) designation and must demonstrate competency throughout career Moving to the development of a national Standard of Practice and Quality Assurance processMoving to the development of a national Standard of Practice and Quality Assurance process
The CIPHI Membership In a demonstration of political will, the members passed a defining resolution in 2005 requiring CIPHI to pursue a program requiring demonstrated, continuing competency for holders of the credentialIn a demonstration of political will, the members passed a defining resolution in 2005 requiring CIPHI to pursue a program requiring demonstrated, continuing competency for holders of the credential
The Vision Map to EPH Professional ProficiencyMap to EPH Professional Proficiency
Developing the Vision CategoryHours Maximum per Year Professional Practice 15 hours = 1 PDH 50 PDHs Formal Activity 1 hour = 1 PDH 1 CEU = 10 PDHs 30 PDHs Informal Activity 1 hour = 1 PDH Participation Presentations Contributions to Knowledge Develop published codes and standardsDevelop published codes and standards Publish paper in peer-reviewed technical journalPublish paper in peer-reviewed technical journal Thesis successfully defended and approvedThesis successfully defended and approved Public article in non-reviewed journal or internal company reportPublic article in non-reviewed journal or internal company report Edit papers for publicationEdit papers for publication TeachingTeaching Publishing trade magazinesPublishing trade magazines Research ActivitiesResearch Activities 1 hour = 1 PDH TOTAL 80 PDHs
The Road Map: First Successes Capacity DevelopmentCapacity Development –National web-based data management system developed to support a continuing professional competency program and the enumeration of EPHPs Road map predicted need for Consortium of EH SchoolsRoad map predicted need for Consortium of EH Schools –Now a reality Discipline and technical competencies under development with formal drafts to be completed by Fall 2008Discipline and technical competencies under development with formal drafts to be completed by Fall 2008 A supportive communications plan will be implemented in June 2008A supportive communications plan will be implemented in June 2008
Timelines Discipline and technical competencies approved by end of 2008Discipline and technical competencies approved by end of 2008 Notice of motion at 2009 CIPHI AGM to allow implementation of CPC programNotice of motion at 2009 CIPHI AGM to allow implementation of CPC program Full Implementation of CPC program and mandatory membership comingFull Implementation of CPC program and mandatory membership coming
Challenges How do the few speak for the manyHow do the few speak for the many Volunteer labourVolunteer labour Limited resourcesLimited resources National-scale communicationsNational-scale communications InertiaInertia
Benefits Demonstration of continued competencies in Environmental Public HealthDemonstration of continued competencies in Environmental Public Health Ongoing registry system for EPH professionals in CanadaOngoing registry system for EPH professionals in Canada Concurrent development and realignment of educational programming by Consortium of EH educational institutionsConcurrent development and realignment of educational programming by Consortium of EH educational institutions
Benefits Provides for ongoing practitioner engagement in maintaining professional competenciesProvides for ongoing practitioner engagement in maintaining professional competencies Evolution a practice-based review of educational programming relevance and future enhancementEvolution a practice-based review of educational programming relevance and future enhancement
Core Competency Model, Pt. 1
Core Competency Model, Pt. 2
CIPHI Retirees Advisory Committee “The Senate”
CIPHI Retirees Advisory Committee ⋆ Formed at the suggestion of PHAC ⋆ Formation meeting in Toronto in September 2005 ⋆ Terms of Reference formally recognized by CIPHI National Executive Council in 2006
Mandate ⋆ Act as council to CIPHI on issues related to Public Health Capacity ⋆ Deliver public health services in time of public health emergencies ⋆ Identify needs, promote, mentor and champion initiatives within the profession of Public Health Inspectors and future committees of retired Public Health Professionals
Relevant Work Completed ⋆ Developed a national roster of known retired Public Health Inspectors, identifying those available to work when required ⋆ Conducted on-line survey of all offices of public health inspection programs across Canada to determine need for support/assistance from retirees
Relevant Work Completed, cont. ⋆ Engaged a contract to analyse the results of the information obtained from retirees and the management survey and prepare a report ⋆ Committee preparing a strategic and operational plan ⋆ Proposal to document the history of public health in Canada
Atlantic Canada Interdisciplinary Public Health Recruitment/Retention Advisory Committee
ACIPHRR/RAC ⋆ CIPHI Retiree Advisory Committee acting on its mandate to move the concept of addressing capacity to other Public Health Disciplines ⋆ As 1st step, ad hoc committee is being considered as a pilot in Atlantic Canada
ACIPHRR/RAC, cont. ⋆ A small group of ‘champions’ will meet St. John’s NFLD to develop a Terms of Reference for this committee in July 2008 ⋆ Champions from all health disciplines will be identified and further the work of this committee
Learning from Our Past Public Health History in Canada: A Project Proposal
Learning from Our Past ⋆ The history of Public Health in Canada has never been formally recorded. There are components/archives in all parts of the country. ⋆ With support from CIPHI, a proposal to initiate the process of recording our history has been made to PHAC
Learning from Our Past ⋆ It is recognized that to record the history of Public Health that all its disciplines must be involved ⋆ Your support and the support of all of our professional organizations is a must
Learning from Our Past: Initial Proposal ⋆ Complete literature search and identify what is currently available ⋆ Identify and prioritize questions on specific public health position, nature of work, etc… ⋆ Identify additional optional open- ended questions that may lead into interesting areas for inclusion
Learning from Our Past: Initial Proposal ⋆ Identify and prioritize a baseline of interviewer tools to ensure basic information and consistency ⋆ Once an interview is complete, catalogue topic areas covered and the location on tapes. Then transcribe the conversation
Learning from Our Past: Initial Proposal ⋆ Conduct a minimum of 3 interviews ⋆ Develop templates and directions for process to be used by other public health disciplines
Learning from Our Past CIPHI Historical Committee ⋆ CIPHI has contributed financially to this project through its Historical Committee ⋆ Funding from CIPHI has made it possible to provide the hardware and software required to conduct this initial proposal
Learning from Our Past A challenge!! ⋆ It is requested that all other health disciplines discuss the challenge of preserving and recording the history of public health in Canada ⋆ It is further requested that each discipline identify champions and volunteers to work on a joint public health historical committee
Learning from Our Past Our Contact Person ⋆ Klaus Seeger: