Narooma Community Garden The community garden in the school
Wonderful opportunity The Narooma Public School invited Narooma District Community Gardens Inc. to establish a community garden in the primary school grounds in exchange for involving the students in some activities.
Amazing site The site is north facing and gets good winter sun. It may need a windbreak to protect plants from the salty, north easterly sea breezes.
Locating the enclosed garden We chose the flat part of the site for the main garden and this will be enclosed in a polypipe and wire structure to keep out birds, possums and footballs from the adjacent oval.
Building raised beds In the enclosure there will be 4 raised beds for annual vegetables, some ground level beds and fruit trees/shrubs that need protection.
Crop rotation The 4 beds will be used to demonstrate a crop rotation system to members and students. Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4 Bed 1 (NW) Fruiting vegetables Root crops & alliums LegumesLeaf crops & brassicas Bed 2 (NE) Leaf crops & brassicas Fruiting vegetables Root crops & alliums Legumes Bed 3 (SE) LegumesLeaf crops & brassicas Fruiting vegetables Root crops & alliums Bed 4 (SW) Root crops & alliums LegumesLeaf crops & brassicas Fruiting vegetables
More fruit trees We’ll care for the existing fruit trees such as the fig and the peach tree and plant more within the school grounds, eg dwarf fruit trees that students can manage