The Terraces Begin
The Paths for Student Access
Our First Planting
We had helpers from Bunnings….
We planted fruit trees as well!
When our mulberry tree grows we can have silkworms.
Our Garden Produces!
We Love Working in the Garden!
What will we plant next?
Still to do…….. We are installing a tank just for the garden from a $700 grant we got from the Bendigo Bank. We use “companion planting” to keep away garden pests. We need to learn more about this. We want to plant more fruit trees and some grape vines.
We Are Very Proud of Our Garden!
The whole school loves it, too!
We are all learning together about……. Caring for our environment and using it responsibly Sustainability and good practice Healthy foods and healthy eating Providing a great opportunity and place for students to learn and to teach each other Valuing the earth and Working together to achieve something good.