ATLAS Tier 2 Paths Within ESnet Mike O’Connor ESnet Network Engineering Group Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
ATLAS Tier 2 Connectivity Typical ATLAS tier 2 site connectivity should be via Abilene and ESnet in order to reach Brookhaven Lab. “ESnet’s Goal is that DOE Lab ↔ Univ. connectivity should be as good as Lab ↔ Lab and Univ. ↔ Univ.” W. E. Johnston
ATLAS Tier 2 Support The role of ESnet is to provide networking that supports and anticipates the needs of the Office of Science Labs and their collaborators. ESnet support for ATLAS tier 2 site connectivity makes high bandwidth and fault tolerant paths between BNL and Abilene an absolute priority. Planning is underway to upgrade BNL’s ESnet OC48 circuit to a multi 10G lambda fault tolerant Metropolitan Area Network (MAN). (Targeted for Q1 2006) Today ESnet and Abilene peer in Atlanta, Chicago, New York and Sunnyvale with a combined bandwidth of 18.2Gbps.These four locations comprise a high bandwidth and fault tolerant interconnect between these two networks.
ESnet Science Data Network (SDN) core LVMR- NOC SNLL YUCCA MT BECHTEL-NV PNNL LIGO INEEL LANL SNLA Allied Signal PANTEX ARM KCP NOAA OSTI ORAU SRS JLAB PPPL Lab DC Offices MIT ANL BNL FNAL AMES LLNL GA DOE-ALB OSC GTN NNSA International (high speed) 10 Gb/s SDN core 10G/s IP core 2.5 Gb/s IP core MAN rings (≥ 10 G/s) OC12 ATM (622 Mb/s) OC12 / GigEthernet OC3 (155 Mb/s) 45 Mb/s and less Office Of Science Sponsored (22) NNSA Sponsored (12) Joint Sponsored (3) Other Sponsored (NSF LIGO, NOAA) Laboratory Sponsored (6) 42 end user sites ESnet IP core SINet (Japan) Russia (BINP) CA*net4 France GLORIAD (Russia, China) Korea (Kreonet2 Japan (SINet) Australia (AARNet) Canada (CA*net4 Taiwan (TANet2) Singaren ESnet IP core: Packet over SONET Optical Ring and Hubs ELP ATL DC commercial and R&E peering points MAE-E PAIX-PA Equinix, etc. PNWGPoP/ PAcificWave SEA ESnet Provides Global High-Speed Internet Connectivity for DOE Facilities and Collaborators (Spring, 2006 Configuration) ESnet core hubs IP Abilene high-speed peering points with Internet2/Abilene Abilene CERN (USLHCnet CERN+DOE funded) GÉANT - France, Germany, Italy, UK, etc NYC Starlight Chi NAP CHI-SL SNV Abilene SNV SDN JGI LBNL SLAC NERSC SDSC Equinix MAN LAN Abilene MAXGPoP SoXGPoP SDN ALB ORNL CHI MREN Netherlands StarTap Taiwan (TANet2, ASCC) NASA Ames AU South America West South America East international R&E peers AU NREL
ESnet & Abilene Peering points *paths do not include all router hops **Example site logos chosen at random.
Abilene Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) mileage based metrics determine the best exit path toward the ESnet. This common method also known as “hot potato routing” it will always compute an exit path to the nearest peering point. Abilene Routing Toward ESnet
ESnet Routing Toward Abilene Abilene Multi Exit Discriminators (MEDs) are used by ESnet to choose the best exit path toward Abilene. These MEDs are based on the same IGP metrics used in the interior of their network. This creates a symmetric path back to Abilene.
32 Avenue Of the Americas NYC
Current Load in Chicago
Sunnyvale & Atlanta
Future Directions Long Island MAN Ring ESnet Lambda Infrastructure
λ 2 SDN/circuit λ 1 production IP 10 Gb/s optical channels 2 λs (10 G circuits) delivered as two 10 GigEther circuits -8 X current BNL bandwidth Physically diverse fiber paths forming a ring topology. Will be used as a10 Gb/s production IP and a10 Gb/s path for SDN circuit services Services switch over to the other service path during a circuit failure. ESnet LI MAN Ring Circuits based on WDM rings *SDN – Science Data Network
ESnet 2010 Lambda Infrastructure and LHC T0-T1 Networking Denver Seattle Sunnyvale LA San Diego Chicago Pitts Raleigh Jacksonville Atlanta KC Baton Rouge El Paso - Las Cruces Phoenix Pensacola Dallas San Ant. Houston Albuq. Tulsa New York Clev Boise CERN-1 GÉANT-1 GÉANT-2 Wash DC CERN-2 Tier 1 Centers ESnet IP core hubs New hubs ESnet SDN/NLR hubs ESnet Production IP core (10-20 Gbps) ESnet Science Data Network core (10G/link) (incremental upgrades, ) Other NLR links CERN/DOE supplied (10G/link) International IP connections (10G/link) Cross connects with Internet2/Abilene NLR PoPs TRIUMF FNAL BNL CERN-3 VancouverToronto CANARIE
Conclusions ESnet provides an infrastructure and services that are critical to ATLAS science ESnet is well positioned to provide essential network services to the LHC tier 2 community ESnet is working on providing the DOE mission science networking requirements with several new initiatives and a new architecture