METSÄNTUTKIMUSLAITOS SKOGSFORSKNINGSINSTITUTET FINNISH FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE Finland: Sustainable welfare via forest diversity Country Report by Harri Hänninen & Pekka Ollonqvist & Olli Saastamoinen
METSÄNTUTKIMUSLAITOS SKOGSFORSKNINGSINSTITUTET FINNISH FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE Features of Forest Policy arena prior to Rio Summit Targets: - progressive timber management in commercial forests - forest conservation: acquisition into public property Institutional background for management: few legal rules mainly to sanction forest devastation extensive authority delegation to semi-public organisations supervising forest management strict separation between commercial and conserved forests priority on private tenure in commercial forests sole public tenure in natural forests and national parks well-organised interests of NIPF and forest industry
METSÄNTUTKIMUSLAITOS SKOGSFORSKNINGSINSTITUTET FINNISH FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE Forest policy highlights after Rio Summit Environmental Programme for Forestry (1994) Comprehensive reformulation in the legal base of public governance Act on Forest Centres and Forestry Development Centre (1995) Forest Act (1996) & Nature Conservation Act (1996) Act on Financing Sustainable Forestry (1996) Joint environmental policy-making Criteria and Indicators of SFM (1 st report1997), (2 nd report 2000) Finnish Forest Certification System – FFCS (1999) Regional Forest Programmes (1998) Finland’s National Forest Programme (1999) 1 st Evaluation of NFP (2002) Biodiversity Conservation Programme for Southern Finland (2003)
METSÄNTUTKIMUSLAITOS SKOGSFORSKNINGSINSTITUTET FINNISH FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE Participation Baseline neo- corporatist policy network (state, NIPF, forest industry and labour unions) and agenda After Rio Declaration Old policy network and agenda preserved Pluralist enlargement by stakeholders of environmental and multiple interests from (1993-4) onwards new innovations NFP process public forums website and discussion forum NFP outcome broad-based ad hoc-work groups for controversial issues initial to activate research community Future Forum on Forest Sector (2003)
METSÄNTUTKIMUSLAITOS SKOGSFORSKNINGSINSTITUTET FINNISH FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE Delegation Baseline Dominance of centrally planned, top-down forest policy planning and management After Rio Declaration Increased sovereignty of Regional Forestry Centres organisational reform (1995) Regional forest programmes (1998) Regional Forest Councils (2000)
METSÄNTUTKIMUSLAITOS SKOGSFORSKNINGSINSTITUTET FINNISH FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE Conflict management 1 Baseline dominance of authoritarian solutions After Rio Declaration controversies on non-timber utilities into the agenda from (1993-4) on Forest Forum for Decision Makers (1996) in NFP -process simple plan for conflict resolution controversies postponed to ad hoc-work groups environmental impact assesment
METSÄNTUTKIMUSLAITOS SKOGSFORSKNINGSINSTITUTET FINNISH FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE Conflict management 2 Regional Forest Councils (13 regions) Institutions members % Trad. Forestry TOTAL Regional Forestry Centre 31 Assocation for NIPF 33 Forest Industry 22 Labour Union 41 Forest & Park Service (State) 8 Regional (non-forest) development Science & Education 20 8 Preservation & Multiple use 23 9 Others 17 7 TOTAL Interactive channels public forums website and discussion forum
METSÄNTUTKIMUSLAITOS SKOGSFORSKNINGSINSTITUTET FINNISH FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE Inter-sectoral coordination Baseline symbolic co-ordination without substantial collaboration After Rio Declaration Environmental Programme for Forestry as a joint venture of ministries (MAF & ME) NFP process co-ordination by Government (5 key ministries) 3 work groups with multiple interest representation NFP implementation broad-based Forest Council for supervision of management
METSÄNTUTKIMUSLAITOS SKOGSFORSKNINGSINSTITUTET FINNISH FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE Summary findings 1 New status of Government in forest policy arena Government Program (1995) national consensus active participation to international forest policy forums Government Program (1999) NFP implementation Diversified participation pluralist neo-corporatist preparation expanded innovative channes to communication activation of regional forest communities
METSÄNTUTKIMUSLAITOS SKOGSFORSKNINGSINSTITUTET FINNISH FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE Summary findings 2 Disintegrated preparation of economic, ecological and social sustainability NFP output: National concensus on the issues of economic sustainability NFP outcome: attempts to new solutions on ecological sustainability (monetary compensation for temporary conservation by voluntary contracts between NIPF’s and public authorities) Social sustainability still in the air