Copyright © Tekes DM Sapuska – ValueFood for International Markets
Copyright © Tekes DM Significance of food industry Food industry in Europe Largest field of industry Employs more than four million people Food industry in Finland Gross value of production 9.5 billion EUR, value added 2.2 billion EUR Fourth largest field of industry with approximately places of business Employs almost people Value of export 1.4 billion EUR, value of import 2.9 billion EUR Finnish companies’ revenues from international activities 4.1 billion EUR R&D investments 56 million EUR, 0.6 % of revenues Food chain Employs approximately people or 12 % of labour Source: Finnish Food and Drink Industries’ Association
Copyright © Tekes DM Emphasis on small and micro-enterprises 68 % of all companies in the Finnish food industry employ less than five people. Places of business Number of employees Source: Finnish Food and Drink Industries’ Association
Copyright © Tekes DM Tekes’ investments in the food industry 2000–2008 (M€) YearPublic research organisations Company R&D projects Total * *By September 9, 2009
Copyright © Tekes DM The vision and mission of Tekes Sapuska programme Vision The SMEs in the Finnish food industry are successful, well- networked and highly specialised. In selected fields the industry has gained significant markets. Mission In selected fields, strong international food brands are being created in close and open cooperation within the Finnish industry. The brands rely on new kinds of business models and high expertise in customer-oriented, tasty, innovative and sustainable food products.
Copyright © Tekes DM Aims of the Sapuska programme Aims for the food industry SMEs: Boosting international growth by utilising networks and innovation activities Increasing R&D activities Creating a working networked model for R&D and innovation Improving business competencies and improving productivity Increasing the networking between companies and other interest organisations both nationally and internationally Aims for the large food enterprises and public organisations: Increasing cooperation between SMEs and large companies Increasing cooperation between food industry and other industries Transferring expertise to SMEs Developing new business models and structures to benefit the SMEs Social and national level aims: Balanced development within the food industry throughout Finland Improving competitiveness in raw material purchases by creating networks Improving public health by better nutrition Incrasing cooperation and dialogue between public financiers and setting common goals
Copyright © Tekes DM Length and budget of the Sapuska programme Sapuska will run from Novermber 1, 2008 to December 31, 2012 Funding MEUR Total Tekes funding for public research projects 2.0 Tekes grants for companies Tekes loans for companies Coordination and marketing costs Tekes total Public research organisations’ funding Company funding0.8 Total
Copyright © Tekes DM Sapuska international activities Cooperation with Nordisk Innovation Center (NICe) and especially BSR Innonet coordinated by NICe Participating EUREKA network and its umbrella EUROAGRI FOODCHAIN Tekes offers SMEs participating the programme funding for market research and developing market strategies also for non-European markets such as the USA, Japan or Russia. Tekes overseas offices are prepared to offer their services for groups of SMEs within the programme.