Drill Stage 1 Updated on 15/03/2009
Purpose and place for Drill in BB Direct results of Drill Indirect results of Drill
Direct Results of Drill Discipline Self-Control Smartness Teamwork Thoroughness and attention to detail Developing Leadership Self-Reliance
Indirect Results of Drill It is often been proved that a Company which is good at drill is good at most other things The overall standard of smartness and attention to detail, the general atmosphere and spirit of the Company, and the overall discipline of the Company all show the result of good drill
Ranks - Officers Officer Cadet (OCT) Second Lieutenant (2LT) Lieutenant (LTA)
Ranks – Primers (NCO) Cadet Lieutenant (CLT) Senior Cadet Lieutenant (SCLT)
Paying Compliments All members in Day Dress(full uniform) must salute all Officers, whether the Officers are in full uniform or not. Only the most senior member of the group will salute, rest of the members will stand to attention. Members shall salute their superior Officers only once each parade Members addressing or being addressed by their superiors must stand at attention
Paying Compliments An Officer shall be addressed as “Sir” and NCO by his rank. A member, wishing to address his superior Officer, shall march up to him and salute. Before withdrawing, the member shall again salute, turn about and march off. A Squad shall pay compliments in the same way when marching past the National, Brigade or Company Colours, a funeral or a memorial.
Paying Compliments When an Officer enters a room, all members present shall stand to attention unless another Officer is present in the room who is superior to the former Officer. When an Officer approaches a squad on parade, the commander shall command the squad to attention and he alone salutes the Officer unless there is another Officer already present who is superior to the former Officer.
Paying Compliments A member saluting a superior Officer shall continue saluting until the Officer acknowledges. If the Officer returns the salute, both men will return their arms to the side together. A member whose right arm is injured may salute with his left hand When the National Anthem, Retreat, Last Post or Reveille is played, members shall stand at attention. Officers in full uniform shall salute.
Words Definitions Marker The right-hand man in the front rank acting as the guide File Men one behind the other forming a straight line. Rank A body of men side by side on the same alignment Dressing The act of placing oneself on the same alignment as the rest of the men in the same rank File, Blank A file without the centre rank man or without both the centre rank and rear rank men. This will always be the second file from the left. File, Single A single rank turning to a flank Blan
Blank File File Marker Depth Rank Frontage
Drill Theory
Commands for Practical SEDI-A : Attention SENANG DI-RI : At Ease Ka-kanan LU-RUS : Dressing from the right Pandang ka-hadapan – PAN-DANG: Eyes to the front Diam : Steady, do not move Ka-belakang PU-SING : About Turn Ka-kiri PU-SING : Left Turn Ka-kanan PU-SING : Right Turn Hormat kahadapan HOR-MAT : Salute to the front Hentak kaki – HEN-TAK : Mark Time, March on the spot BERHEN-TI : Halt, Stop
Commands for Practical Dari kanan Chepat JA-LAN : Quick March taking dressing from the right Dari kiri, kiri BE-LOK : Turn left taking dressing from left Dari kanan, kanan BE-LOK : Turn left taking dressing from left Pandang ka-kanan – PAN-DANG : Eyes Right Dalam Buka Barisan – Ka-kanan LU-RUS : Open Order taking dressing from the right Dalam Tutup Barisan – Ka-kanan LU-RUS : Close Order taking dressing from the right Keluar BARIS : Fall Out BERSU-RAI : Dismiss
Directions Four directions: Ahead (advancing) Astern (retiring) To the Right To the Left
Directions Retiring in Line Advancing in Line Legend Right Marker Rest of the people People on first row Right Marker Moving direction Legend Retiring in Line Advancing in Line
Directions Moving to the RIGHT in Threes Moving to the LEFT in Threes Rest of the people People on first row Right Marker Moving direction Legend
Directions wheeling Changing Directions: By wheeling By forming 1) Inner rank takes controlled steps on the spot upon the given command. 2) The middle and rear rank will dress to the pivoting rank. 3) Once the file has completed wheeling, they will take controlled steps. wheeling
Directing Flank Retiring Right Left Advancing
Words of Command
3 Parts Preliminary (Introductory) This prepares the squad for the movement to be performed Cautionary The long drawn-out command uttered deliberately and distinctly as a warning to the squad Executive Uttered shortly and sharply for the squad to respond immediately
Examples Right Turn Preliminary “Bergerak ka-kanan bertiga-tiga” (Move to the right in threes) Caution “Ka-kanan – PU………” (Right - ………) Executive “………… - SING” (…........... TURN)
“SEKUAD” Translation of “Squad” Used to bring a squad from the position of standing at ease to attention Used as a preliminary word of command before halting: “SEKUAD…… BERHEN-TI”
“SEKUAD” Used directly before the word “akan” “SEKUAD akan mengadapka-hadapan……” “SEKUAD akan bergerak ka-kanan……” It should not be used freely as cautions: “SEKUAD……Dari kanan-BILANG” “SEKUAD……Senang DI-RI” “SEKUAD……Chepat JA-LAN”
“SAMULA” This command enables a squad to resume its previous position when it has acted incorrectly to a command.