Institutional Linkages among MEAs: An Organizational and Educational Development Perspective
What the paper attempts: to review and comment on some of the current efforts on linkages and synergy, and to make recommendations on organizational development and education which are essential to synergy and sustainable development
Why the Rio Conventions? What are the commonalities? the CBD, the UNFCCC and the UNCCD a common sustainable development approach part of a larger and expanding process: Agenda 21, the Forest Principles and the Rio Declaration... the small size of these convention secretariats: excellent (easier?) candidates for a new type of partnership
How do these Conventions differ? administrative and institutional arrangements financial mechanisms inter-relationships with specialized agencies scientific and technical subsidiary bodies national focal points geographical location of secretariats
Synergy on scientific and technical issues: some initiatives Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP): small and decentralized secretariat with large global network "Protecting our Planet, Securing our Future, Linking Environmental Issues with Human Needs: Opportunities for Strategic Interventions" by UNEP, the World Bank and the United States/NASA: milestone report
Synergy on scientific and technical issues: some initiatives (cont.) subsidiary bodies of Convention secretariats: initial stages of dialogue and thematic workshops Other initiatives: World Resource Institute (WRI) with the World Bank, UNDP and UNEP: the "Millennium Assessment"; the IUCN: Global Biodiversity Forums
Synergy on scientific and technical issues: gaps to be addressed Initiatives still do not adequately address the scientific capacity building requirements of developing countries Closer and durable partnerships needed between South-North and South-South institutions to share and develop jointly research and to expand networking Need for developing common/joint teams among the three subsidiary bodies Need to integrate teams at national levels with the various scientific and academic groups working on these issues
Synergy on education, training and awareness: some initiatives UNESCO Programme on Environment and Population Education for Development Convention secretariats: capacity-building programmes in selected countries in collaboration with UNITAR and UNDP UNEP's Information Unit on Conventions: activities on public information and awareness
Synergy on education, training and awareness: some initiatives (cont.) international, regional or sub-regional agencies: educational activities (UNEP, UNDP, WMO (for UNCCD and UNFCCC mainly), FAO (for CBD and UNCCD mainly), IFAD, World Bank, the regional economic commissions, regional development banks, the OECD...) NGO initiatives: (NGO Trialogue and many others)
Synergy on education, training and awareness: future directions joint synergy initiative to identify education and public awareness materials and expertise available around the world and to ensure broad dissemination a possible partnership between the United Nations University (UNU) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) could be a good first step
Synergy initiatives on information systems the biodiversity-related conventions secretariats and the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC): harmonization of information management for biodiversity-related treaties International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD): the Linkages multimedia - the Earth Negotiation Bulletin, Linkages Journal and Sustainable Developments
Synergy initiatives on information systems (cont.) CBD, UNFCCC and UNCCD secretariats: joint programme to explore synergy in information management (support to national level information management, a common Web page and common databases) increasing number of memoranda of collaboration between secretariats: UNCCD/CBD; UNCCD/Ramsar; CBD/Ramsar,... electronic networking
Synergy initiatives on financial mechanisms the GEF: work being done on possible synergy on GEF subjects related to land degradation other multilateral and bilateral donor agencies (e.g. the 'Fonds Français pour l'Environnement Mondial' (FFEM), and regional and subregional development banks) OECD and DAC Working Party on Development Cooperation and Environment: study on global environmental conventions
Synergy initiatives on financial mechanisms (cont.) UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA): upcoming high-level consultation before the end of 2001 on Financing for Development New donors: for example, the Turner UN Foundation and the UN Fund for International Partnerships (UNFIP)
Synergy initiatives on national reporting & communication of information UN/DESA: streamlining national reporting for conventions, Agenda 21 and related processes Initial contacts among the CBD, UNFCCC and UNCCD secretariats: a joint pilot programme for assisting Parties in coordination at the national level of their reports to the three conventions
Synergy initiatives on national reporting & communication of information (cont.) UNDP's Sustainable Energy and Environment Division (SEED): Expert Meeting on Synergies between the CBD, UNFCCC, UNCCD and the Forest Principles, Sede Boqer, Israel, March 1997 The WCMC: harmonizing information management, which includes a component on national reporting on biodiversity-related conventions
Policy advice, principles, procedures & legal aspects: relevant initiatives Report of the Secretary-General: "Renewing the United Nations: A Programme for Reform" Report of the Secretary-General on Environment and Human Settlements General policy guidance: by the UNGASS XIX (June 1997); on a yearly basis by the UN Commission on Sustainable Development; and the Inter-Agency Committee on Sustainable Development, subsidiary body of the UN Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC)
Policy advice, principles, procedures & legal aspects: relevant initiatives (cont.) The COP of each convention, the related subsidiary bodies, bureaux and secretariats UNEP's meetings on the coordination of Convention secretariats: both UNEP-administered conventions and non-UNEP conventions Regional level: the Organization of American States (OAS), the Organization for African Unity (OAU), the UN regional economic commissions, regional development banks, and others
Policy advice, principles, procedures & legal aspects: relevant initiatives (cont.) Other initiatives: UNEP with IUCN's Environmental Law Centre (ELC); UNITAR with the IUCN/ELC; the Foundation of International Environmental Law Development (FIELD), the Institute for International Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), the Centre for Applied Studies in International Negotiations (CASIN), the Institute for Advanced Studies of the UN University (UNU/IAS) and various academic centres around the world
Guidance to COPs and subsidiary bodies Guidance provided on coordination at UNGASS XIX and in Secretary-General's Report on Environment and Human Settlements effectiveness could be increased of meetings of the COPs and subsidiary bodies: back-to-back events, coordinated services, assistance to delegates...
Why organizational and educational development? initiatives underway on scientific and ecological linkages how to move from knowing about linkages to managing and implementing synergies emphasis ought to be on people and organizational behaviour rather than on ecosystem behaviour and economic and social impacts
Organizational development: some elements the development of educational processes: longer-term-oriented capacity building to ensure sustainability in the society at large "coordination", "communication", "linkages", "synergy" and "partnership": a gradually more intensive involvement of partners or associates a greater involvement in networking
Organizational development: some elements (cont.) encouragement and facilitation of the participation of relevant partners or stakeholders in policy and decision-making develop team-oriented arrangements to encourage staff creativity and participation in decision-making combination of management and leadership the building of sustainable partnerships
Partnerships for synergy develop long-term objectives jointly meet periodically exchange relevant information regularly share concerns, approaches and views build teams with a strong joint sense of culture and belonging
Educational development: some elements raise awareness about, and eliminate obstacles to, all facets of sustainable development (including social and political sustainability) formal and non-formal educational systems (education, training and awareness) develop the values, principles and attitudes that encourage sustainable behaviour and discourage those that lead to unsustainable behaviour
Obstacles to synergy lack of an organizational development awareness in international organizations fragmented and specialized approach short-sighted political objectives competition for international funds competition at the national level
Recommendations Improving organizational capabilities Adopting a trial and error approach A national and local focus An ethical framework for sustainable development