I don’t have any manure, and I want my plants to grow and develop fast. What can I do or use? well I feeding and feeding my chicken and on any weight Well, have you ever thought of using Inorganic fertilizers. They help plant grow faster and produce more. Farmer Issaiah Extension officer Akini
Inorganic Fertilizers
Fertilizers Organic Fertilizers Manure Inorganic Fertilizer SimpleCompound / Mixed (derived from dead plants & animals) (derived from minerals and rocks)
Organic Fertilizers Organic fertilizers are fertilizers derived from animal remains, human faeces or vegetable matter. (e.g. compost and manure). Compared to the majority of fertilizers which are extracted from minerals or produced industrially (e.g., ammonia). Naturally occurring organic fertilizers include animal wastes from meat processing, manure and guano.
Inorganic Fertilizers These are fertilizers that are not derived from the remains of plant and animals. However they are made from minerals and rocks and in some cases hydrocarbons (petroleum & natural gas) They usually has more nutrients than organic fertilizers. However over use of inorganic fertilizers can have an adverse effect on the environment such as pollution of water and land resources and microbial life.
Inorganic Fertilizer Simple Fertilizer- Has only on nutrient only. Eg Nitrogen only, or Phosphorus only Urea. 46% Nitrogen only Complex Fertilizer- Contains more than one nutrients. Eg. Includes Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium 10% Nitrogen 30% Phosphorus 20% Potassium
Complex/Mixed Fertilizer Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium N : P : K 29% : 0% : 5% N : P : K 24% : 2% : 12%
Nutrients Nitrogen (N) – needed for green leaf development and vegetative growth. Phosphorus (P) – needed for root development Potassium (K) – needed for flower and fruit development These nutrients are classified as macro nutrients (N,P,K) because they are needed in large amounts. Compared to micro nutrients (zinc, iron magnesium etc) which are needed in small quantities
Nutrients Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P) Potassium (K)
Activity 1 “Interpret fertilizer ratios” Carefully observe the fertilizer samples provided and identify the nutrient ratios and categorize each of the fertilizers as Simple or Compound/Mixed fertilizers
Activity 2 For each of the fertilizers identified, state the main function or major use of the fertilizer in crop growth and development
Review Leaf development Flower & Fruit development Leaf development Root development All purpose fertilizer (Blaukon) 2 represent Micro nutrients
Macro Nutrients Nitrogen (N) – needed for green leaf development and vegetative growth. Phosphorus (P) – needed for root development Potassium (K) – needed for flower and fruit development
Diagnosing a nutrient deficiency in plants Diagnose a plant nutrient deficiency problem
Nitrogen Deficiency in Plants Tomato plantsLawn grass Stunted growthDiscoloration of leaves
Identify plant nutrients for plants at different stages of development Needs Nitrogen Urea(46% Nitrogen) One week old patchoi Mature citrus tree Needs Potassium 13:13:21 0:0:60 One month old cassava Needs Phosphorus Superphosphate 0:46:0
Identify nutrient requirement for plants at different stages of development Tomatoes planted one week old Tomatoes that has just started to flower 10 year old lemon tree 6 month old mango tree Two week old cassava crop One month old sweet potato crop One week old cabbage crop Two week old corn crop One month old melongene crop One year old rose plant Eight week old celery One week old patchoi Activity 4
Disadvantages of using excessive fertilizers
Activity 5 “List the effects of the overuse or excessive use of inorganic fertilizers in the environment” Use the computers provided to obtain your answers, and then go to the website : “diegomartinagriculturescience.weebly.com to blog in your answers.
Disadvantages of using excessive fertilizers May affect micro organism activity Wastage of fertilizer and money Excess use of nitrogenous fertilizer causes the soil to become acidic.
pH Meter
Excess may run-off to rivers and stream can cause the rapid growth of algae and seaweeds which will starve fishes of oxygen (eutrophication) Eutrophication Disadvantages of using excessive fertilizers
Video “Nutrients not numbers”