CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE | Na padesátém 81, Prague 10 | czso.cz1/X Petra Kuncová CZSO RELIABLE SOURCE OF(OPEN) DATA
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE | Na padesátém 81, Prague 10 | czso.cz2/X ACT NO. 89/1995 COLL., ON THE STATE STATISTICAL SERVICE § 1 - The State Statistical Service The State Statistical Service is an activity which includes the acquisition of data, the production of statistical information on social, economic, demographic and environmental development in the Czech Republic and in its individual parts, the provision and publication of statistical information… Data confidentiality
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE | Na padesátém 81, Prague 10 | czso.cz3/X HOW DO WE PROVIDE INFORMATION? ■Website ( ■Information, Consulting and Advisory Services ■20 thous. requests/year ■Special products (publications, databases etc.) ■Everything on the web is free of charge ■Extra services available for a fee
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE | Na padesátém 81, Prague 10 | czso.cz4/X ■CZSO joined the initiative of the state administration to offer its outputs in open formats to the public ■Election results (on-line) ■Basic Census 2011 results OPEN DATA
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE | Na padesátém 81, Prague 10 | czso.cz5/X OPEN DATA AT
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE | Na padesátém 81, Prague 10 | czso.cz6/X ELECTION RESULTS
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE | Na padesátém 81, Prague 10 | czso.cz7/X CENSUS 2011
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE | Na padesátém 81, Prague 10 | czso.cz8/X USERS, VISITS
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE | Na padesátém 81, Prague 10 | czso.cz9/X ■Actual use of data? Real interest? ■European Union Open Data Portal ( ■Cooperation with university ■Licencing PROBLEMS, OPEN QUESTIONS….
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE | Na padesátém 81, Prague 10 | czso.cz10/X Thank you for your attention