1 Business Development (Service)
What is DTH How DTH works How DTH works Type of DTH Connections Type of DTH Connections Advantages of DTH Advantages of DTH Components of DTH Components of DTH Sun Direct Parameters Sun Direct Parameters Elevation & Azimuth Elevation & Azimuth Skew Skew BER – Bit Error Rate BER – Bit Error Rate MER – Modulation Error Ratio MER – Modulation Error Ratio Rain Fade Rain Fade Solar Fade Solar Fade Health & Safety Health & Safety
DTH stands for Direct To Home DTH is the direct mode of transmission between ‘Broadcaster’ and ‘Subscriber’ through satellite. Broadcaster Subscriber Satellite
Advantages of DTH High quality Picture & Sound Un-interrupted Viewing Reaches Remote Areas Pay only for your choice Channels Interactive Features (like, Video on Demand)
Foot Prints The Geographic area covered by satellite is called as its Footprint Contour of the footprint matches that of the geographical boundaries of the area intended to be covered.
How does DTH work ?
Type of DTH Connections Maximum 4 STBs can be connected from Single Dish More than 4 STB can be connected from Single Dish Used to provide DTH Solution for High Rise / Multi Story Building. 0 Multi Switch SDU – Single Dwelling Unit MDU – Multi Dwelling Unit
Components of DTH Reflector Function : - Reflector receive the Signal & focus to the LNBF. Installation Precautions : - There should not be any scratch on the reflector surface Reflector / LNBF Arm should not deform or bend. LNBF Function : - Down converts RF signals to IF signals ( From High Frequency to Low Frequency ). Types : - Universal / Single - Used for SDU Connection ( Single STB ) Dual - Used for SDU Connection ( Maximum Two STB ) Quad - Used for SDU Connection ( Maximum Four STB ) Quattro - Used for MDU Connection ( More than Four STB ) Installation Precautions : - LNBF should be installed at Focal Point of Reflector Proper Skew Alignment should be done as per Look angle Chart.
Components of DTH Connector Function : - Connector connects cable with Equipment. Type : - RG - 6 (F type Compression) RG - 11 (F type Compression) Installation Precautions : - Take extreme care while Connectorisation to avoid repeated complaints Function : - Carries Signals from one end to other end. Types : - RG - 6 (Coaxial Cable- 3Ghz ) RG – 11 (Coaxial Cable- 3Ghz) Installation Precautions : - Take extreme care during Cabling to avoid cable damage. Take extreme care while taking out cable from cable drum
Components of DTH Smart Card Set Top Box Function : - STB decodes the signals Provides supply to LNBF Converts Digital signals into Analog signals Installation Precautions : - TV & STB should be switched OFF while connecting cables Function : - Smartcard works as an access card for channel viewing. Installation Precautions : - Insert Smart card with care.
SUN DTH Parameters Our Satellite : INSAT 4B ( E) Satellite Position : East S.No. Transponder Frequency PolarisationFECSymbol Rate ( MHz ) Vertical 3/ Vertical 3/ Vertical 3/ Vertical 3/ Vertical 3/ Vertical 3/420000
Elevation & Azimuth The vertical movement of Reflector to track the satellite is called Elevation Adjustment. Elevation Azimuth The horizontal movement of Reflector to track the satellite is called Azimuth Adjustment.
Skew LNBF Vertical Antenna Horizontal Antenna Horizontally Polarized Signal Skew is the amount of rotation of LNBF to match LNBF antenna with polarized signal direction. LNBF contains two antenna (Vertical & Horizontal) with 90 degree phase shift. To get maximum signal we have to match Antenna angle with received signal angle. If SKEW is not done properly, few channels may not be seen.
Skew 9 divisions 5 Degree For example: - If Polarization is -23 degree for a city, so set at 4.6(approx) division of the LNBF (Left side division) with the centre point of the LNBF Clamp. Look Angle Chart Marking on LNBF & LNBF top clamp are for Skew adjustment.
BER – Bit Error Rate Customer House INSAT 4B Satellite 3E-4 = 3x10 -4 = 3/10 4 = 3/10000 = 3 bit error in 10,000 bit 2E-4 means 2/10000 = 2 bit error in 10,000 bit 6E-5 means 6/ = 6 bit error in 1,00,000 bit A good quality of Signal has BER of 1E-4 or 1E-5. For Example BER is the ratio between total bits transmitted and the number of bit not interpreted by the de-modulator. Total bits transmitted (e.g bit ) No of Bit not interpreted by Demodulator (e.g. 3 bit error)
Rain Fade During Raining or snow fall, Rain, Snow or Rain filled clouds can reduce intensity of Ku band signals coming from satellite to the subscriber. For example MER = 13 dB For example MER = 7 dB Picture freezing / No Picture Under Clear Sky conditionDuring Rain fall How to Counter-act Tracking should be done up to peak level.
Exact time depends upon the position of the Satellite. What happens The sun passes through this plane. As seen from the ground, the sun seems to pass behind the satellites once a day. During the time when both the satellite and the sun are in the ground station's field of view, the energy from the sun can overpower the signal from the satellite, as shown in the below diagram S olar F ade