MN FastTRAC Adult Career Pathways: The Role of the Navigator August 14, :00pm – 5:30pm
Build Cross-Agency Partnerships & Clarify Roles Partners = resources & deliverables Required Partners - Workforce Investment Boards, Community and Technical Colleges, Adult Basic Education, Employers, Community Based Organizations Identify Sector or Industry and Engage Employers Local, regional, and real-time LMI Modified OID Tool demonstrates gap between # job openings and # program completers in a region campaign Design Programs Design and implement bridge and integrated instruction - ABE and MnSCU partners align fundamental skill building and career/tech ed outcomes Innovate efforts for recruitment, retention, completion, and financial aid use Identify Funding Needs & Sources Braid funds at state and local level - identify, utilize funding sources that come with each participate (DW, TANF, etc) Connect participants to local and federal financial aid Align Policies & Programs Understand partners' policies - what can flex and what can't Change institutional policy to make this the "new normal" M Measure System Change & Performance Connect the data pipelines - see what you learn Agree on outcomes and address performance measures Comparative Analysis - scrutinize business as usual vs adult career pathway
POST- SECONDARY CREDENTIAL BRIDGE II BRIDGE PREP BRIDGE I INTEGRATED SUPPORT SYSTEMS INTEGRATED INSTRUCTION Bridge Prep Intentional focus on work skills into beginning basic adult education Bridge I Low intermediate reading, writing, speaking, and math skills taught in the context of a variety of occupational sectors Bridge II High intermediate basic skills and focused preparation for targeted postsecondary occupational courses in the context of a specific occupational sector Integrated Instruction Adult Basic Education skill building within a Career & Technical Education course Support services for success including barrier mitigation, career advising, system navigation provided by workforce development, community based organizations, and human services Industry recognized credential in regional high demand field ABE instruction ABE/MnSCU instruction
MN Fast TRAC Pathways- 4 Anoka County- (Amy Lord) Health Care Pathways SW MN Private Industry Council- (Sara Karbo) Healthcare Industrial Maintenance South Central Minnesota- (Sara Carrigan) Pathways to Healthcare Careers and Industrial Maintenance training opportunities These programs not only gives the students a credential but confidence to improve their lives through further education.
Program Components Recruitment/Enrollment Bridge Integrated Placement 5
Navigator vs. Counselor 6 Navigators Role Recruitment, screening, connections to educational resources, liaison/ coordinating with MnSCU and other counselors, job search assistance and placement, career counseling beyond the next job, collecting data for reporting Counselor Referral, approval, problem solver, enforcer
Success Story… 7 Anoka County’s Xin sent an “Thank you again! I am really happy that I had the opportunity to complete the health care pathway program, this program did more than just help me get my CNA certificate, I want to let you know that I have made huge progress on my studies due to your help, I couldn't do it without the encouragement from all of you, and please accept my sincere thanks for the time and patience I received from you. You are doing a wonderful job! I really appreciate it!” Xinyuan Zhang
Success Story… 8 SW MN PIC Carol Unemployed High School Education Universal Healthcare Worker
South Central Grace Unemployed, no DL, newborn baby Obtained employment at a group home during the program. Obtained DL. Completed Med term and Basic Nursing successfully Pursing additional training for CMA. Received HUC certificate in Spring 2013 & HUC certification in Summer Success Story
10 Best Practices for Navigators Online Professional Learning Community
Contact Information Let us know how we can help… Sara Carrigan: Sara Karbo: Amy Lord: Nola Speiser: 11