Todd Wagner Brad Hasskamp Minnesota Department of Education Understanding the 2012 Changes to the National Reporting System
Persons are classified as unemployed if they: ODo not have a job, OHave actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks, AND OAre currently available for work. From the Bureau of Labor Statistics (
Actively looking for work may consist of any of the following activities: OContacting: An employer directly or having a job interview A public or private employment agency Friends or relatives A school or university employment center OSending out resumes or filling out applications OPlacing or answering advertisements OChecking union or professional registers OSome other means of active job search From the Bureau of Labor Statistics (
Passive methods of job search do not have the potential to result in a job offer and therefore do not qualify as active job search methods. Examples of passive methods include attending a job training program or course, or merely reading about job openings that are posted in newspapers or on the Internet. From the Bureau of Labor Statistics (
Now, let’s check your understanding with…
Employed, Unemployed or Not in the Labor Force? OFaduma has completed applications with three hospitals for jobs. However, she won’t finish the FastTRAC CNA course until June 15 and doesn’t want to start work before then. O Probable Answer : Not in the Labor Force
Employed, Unemployed or Not in the Labor Force? O David has not had roofing jobs yet for this summer. He typically works only during the summer and not in the winter. He has been asking his buddy who has a construction crew about jobs. O Probable Answer: Unemployed
Employed, Unemployed or Not in the Labor Force? O Mara has been looking for work the past 3 weeks. She said that her daughter was sick last week so she couldn’t work. O Probable Answer : Unemployed
Employed, Unemployed or Not in the Labor Force? OLee is 22 years old, and is about to be released from the county jail. He has been completing applications and resumes, hoping to find work. O Probable Answer : Not in the Labor Force
Employed, Unemployed or Not in the Labor Force? OTwo months ago, Ines was locked out from the local manufacturing plant. Ines knows she will be called back to work as soon as the labor disagreement ends. She also knows it is unlikely that she would be able to find a job for the period she is locked out. Although she is available to work, she is not seeking a job. O Probable Answer : Unemployed
Employed, Unemployed or Not in the Labor Force? OOmar is registering for classes. He has difficulty with conversation in English. When you ask him if he has a job, he says he helps his brother at his restaurant on Friday, Saturday & Sunday. That is all the information you get from him; you don’t know if he gets paid. O Probable Answer : Employed
Employed, Unemployed or Not in the Labor Force?
1. Replace NRS Goal Setting with “Cohort Identification” to track: A. Employment B. Obtain Secondary Credential / GED C. Enter Postsecondary Education or Training 2. Add new measures for programs to report A. Students’ Highest Educational Level or Degree Obtained B. Teacher Experience and Certification
Participants grouped by characteristics to be automatically tracked for outcomes upon exiting Based on participant demographics & classes attended From NRS Goal Setting to Identifying Cohorts
This applies for: From NRS Goal Setting to Identifying Cohorts
Cohort Tracking For all exited participants: Marked as “unemployed” State checks for obtaining employment Marked as “employed” State checks for retaining employment Who took all five test of the GED State checks for obtaining a GED Enrolled in Adult Diploma Classes & are at the High Adult Secondary Level Local programs check for obtaining diploma Who have a diploma, GED OR are in a “transitions” class State checks for entering post-secondary
CohortMatched for… Students marked as “Unemployed” Entering employment Statewide Target 32% of unemployed Minnesota ABE students gained employment after receiving ABE services. Cohort Tracking
CohortMatched for… Students marked as “Employed” Retaining employment Statewide Target 62% of employed Minnesota ABE students retained employment when receiving ABE services.
Cohort Tracking CohortMatched for… Students in Adult Diploma class and tested at High Adult Secondary Levels Obtaining GED or diploma Statewide Target 60% of MN ABE students who attended adult diploma classes and tested at the High Adult Secondary Level earned a diploma.
Cohort Tracking CohortMatched for… Students who take all five tests for the GED Obtaining GED or diploma Statewide Target 60% of MN ABE students who took all five GED tests earned a GED while receiving ABE services.
Cohort Tracking CohortMatched for… Students with a diploma or GED Students in a “College Prep” class Entering Postsecondary Education/Training Statewide Target 17% of MN ABE students in college prep classes or who had a diploma or GED entered postsecondary education/training.
New Measures to Report 1.Students’ Highest Educational Level or Degree Obtained 2.Teacher Experience and Certification
1.New data elements added 2.Goal-setting feature in database
Goal Feature Required: Still need to use goal setting and completed features to track obtaining a diploma Strongly recommended: Use goal setting feature for GED and post- secondary goals Goal features will continue to be available and can be used for local purposes
Obtain employment Exited “unemployed” participants Retain employment Exited “employed” participants Obtain a GED/diploma Exited participants in Adult Diploma class tested at High Adult Secondary Exited participants who took all five GED tests Enter post-secondary Exited participants with a diploma or GED Exited participants in a “transitions” class From NRS Goals to Cohorts
Sample Intake Form O In small groups, mark up the form with areas that may need changing, deletion or additional attention regarding the NRS changes
Reviewing Intakes & Sharing Information O Refer back to your intake process. Flip the sheet over. O What parts might need to be reexamined and/or changed? O How will you get this information to your colleagues?
What do we do?
Cohort This! O Hear the stories of the following ABE students. In which cohort(s) would they be included?
MARK Level Low Intermediate ABE Employment Status Unemployed Previous Education Grade 11 Class GED Prep Other Took the Official GED Social Studies Test
MABEL LevelHigh Adult Secondary Employment Status Employed Previous Education Has her U.S. diploma ClassCollege Prep OtherWants to go to college
Think of one of your students Level Employment Status Previous Education Class Other
Key Messages O Review & align your intake process O Check the NRS definitions O Ensure you are accurately documenting the necessary student information
Minnesota ABE National Reporting System (NRS) Web Site
Todd Wagner ABE Assessment and Evaluation Specialist Minnesota Department of Education Brad Hasskamp ABE Policy & Operations Specialist Minnesota Department of Education