Review & Update for Continuing Education – Alpine This presentation contains excerpts from paper copy of the above document. Please review the paper copy and applicable rule books for additional information. New rules/rule changes are noted in blue/bold font.
RULES USSA’S competition regulations for domestic alpine ski racing are adopted from the FIS ICR, but are specific to USSA competitions The Alpine Competition Regulations (ACR) are updated annually, is published in the current Alpine Competition Guide and are available at FIS Competition Rules (ICR) have been updated and are available on the FIS and USSA websites
ADDITIONAL RULE BOOKS COURSE SPECIFICATIONS: Refer to current editions of USSA ACR and FIS ICR for minimum/maximum vertical drop and gate count requirements for USSA and FIS events COMPETITION EQUIPMENT: Refer to current “FIS and USSA Equipment Regulations for Season ” and/or current edition of FIS Specifications for Competition Equipment. NOR-AM CUP AND WORLD CUP RULES: Rules have been revised; please refer to current rule books.
COMPETITION EQUIPMENT New equipment rules will be enforced at FIS events. Please refer to current “FIS and USSA Equipment Regulations for Season ” and/or current edition of FIS Specifications for Competition Equipment. Athletes are responsible for their own equipment and its compliance with current rules.
APPLICATION OF RULES For all events scheduled by USSA as USSA non-FIS events, applicable USSA rules should be considered and applied (ACR) For all events scheduled by USSA as FIS events, applicable rules of the FIS should be considered and applied (ICR) In cases that are not addressed by the ACR for USSA events or by the ICR for FIS events, or in cases where the rules must be interpreted, the authority for making such decisions will rest with the Competition Jury – all decisions must be documented!
QUESTIONS NOT COVERED BY RULES The Jury makes decisions on all questions not covered by the rules! [ ] These decisions must be documented in Jury Minutes The Jury Minutes must indicate Jury members’ votes The Jury Minutes must be signed
OFFICIALS’ RESPONSIBILITY It is the responsibility of every official, coach and competitor to know, understand and abide by the rules for the sport. These rules include, but are not limited to, current editions and “Precisions” of: -FIS ICR -USSA ACR -Supplemental rules, such as Equipment Specifications, Rules of the FIS Points, Rules for the Alpine Continental Cups, etc.
USSA’S CONCUSSION POLICY When a USSA athlete under the age of 18 years is suspected of having sustained a concussion, the athlete - must be removed immediately from participation in USSA sporting events (e.g. sanctioned training, practice, camps, competitions or tryouts) - will be prohibited from further participation until evaluated and cleared in writing to resume participation in USSA sporting events by a qualified health care provider trained in the evaluation and management of concussive head injuries - USSA Competition Services must be informed of removal - medical clearance to resume participation must be provided to USSA Competition Services in order to be permitted to participate in USSA sporting events If necessary, medical clearance can be presented to and accepted by an on-site Jury. For athletes under the age of 18, the request to return to training/competition must be submitted by respective athlete’s parent/legal guardian. For all athletes competing in a FIS event, refer to current edition of the “USSA Concussion Policy” and the “FIS Medical Guide containing Medical Rules and Guidelines”. Many states have enacted head injury laws that may include additional requirements or restrictions. Please review the law for your state and, if required, contact USSA for direction.
USSA RACE RESULT DOCUMENT PACKETS Race Result Document Packets are required for ALL USSA non-FIS events (scored and non-scored) and are submitted electronically to: USSA transmittal number must be used as transmission booklet title and also as e- mail subject: alpha + 4 numbers (U0081) One race file per transmission please! Procedure for preparation and submittal more fully described in: -paper copy of “Review & Update – Continuing Education” -“USSA Race Result Document Packets” located in the “Master Packet of Forms” on the USSA website
DETERMINING AN ATHLETE’S AGE CLASS An athlete’s competition age class is calculated by their actual age on December 31 of the competition season The current competition season is July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 An athlete’s competition age class will be determined by their actual age on December 31, 2013.
CHILDREN’S KOMBI Children’s Kombi events must be set using appropriately homologated hills: SL/GS format (technical orientation) requires a hill homologated for Giant Slalom GS/SG format (speed orientation) requires a hill homologated for Super G
INTERDICTION TO CONTINUE AFTER A GATE FAULT After a competitor misses a gate, he must no longer continue through further gates [ ] This applies to GS, SG and DH Only exception is for SL [ ], as long as the competitor does not interfere with the run of the following competitor or has been passed by a competitor [ ] In a two-run non-scored event, competitors who are DNS, DNF or DSQ in non-scored events should be allowed to take a second run at the end of the field [U ]
INTERDICTION TO CONTINUE AFTER A COMPETITOR STOPS This interdiction is valid in all events with a fixed start interval (DH, SG, GS) If a competitor comes to a complete stop (e.g. after a fall), he must no longer continue through previous or further gates (hike) Interdiction applies to all levels: SCORED & NON-SCORED Only exception is for SL [ ], as long as the competitor does not interfere with the run of the following competitor or has been passed by a competitor [ ] Penalty for continuing to race after a complete stop is disqualification. [628.8] Jury may apply additional sanctions.
HIKING IN SLALOM EVENTS Slalom exception to : If competitor misses a gate, he may continue on course as long as -he does not interfere with the run of the following competitor or -has been passed by a competitor A competitor who has been passed cannot continue and is classified as DNF
SECOND RUN ALLOWANCE: DNS, DNF or DSQ In a two-run non-scored event, competitors who are DNS, DNF or DSQ in non-scored events should be allowed to take a second run at the end of the field. [U ]
USSA’S ONLINE RACE REGISTRATION An ROC that chooses to use USSA’s online race registration system must indicate their preference when filing their event schedule agreement. When registration is closed, USSA will provide a downloadable race file; USSA National Head Tax will be deducted prior to USSA’s forwarding entry fees to the ROC. Competitors’ data must still be verified, e.g. name, points, age
ADDITIONAL HEAD TAX REQUIREMENTS USSA is currently studying feasibility of also processing head tax for region/division/state offices. Until this process is in place, payment of these head tax amounts is the responsibility of the ROC. Changes to USSA’s online race registration system will be forwarded to ROC’s that have elected to use the process.
HEAD TAX National Head Tax for all events, including collegiate events, is $10 for each first-run start (includes DNF & DSQ) Refer to Region/Division/State rules for applicable Head Tax amounts Waivers to National Head Tax - U.S. Ski Team (A, B, C, D) - U.S. Paralympic National Alpine Skiing Team (A, B, C, D) - Members of foreign national teams as named by the respective foreign federation
POINTS: USSA & FIS USSA Points of indicates an athlete has not earned USSA points FIS Points are calculated to
FIS POINTS CONFIRMATION If the FIS website version of the FIS Points List shows a competitor’s points followed by a “C”, this indicates that the respective points have been confirmed by FIS, and when applicable, replace the points noted in the downloaded version. FIS Points can only be confirmed by FIS!
FOREIGN ATHLETES: NON-FIS EVENTS Foreign athletes entered in USSA non-FIS events must be current USSA competitor members Foreign athletes who are registered as USSA “X” (Competitor) members, who do not have existing USSA Points, are seeded with their FIS Points; their FIS Points are used in Penalty calculation, when applicable Foreign athletes who are registered as USSA “X” (Competitor) members, who do have current USSA Points, are seeded with their USSA Points even if they have FIS Points that are lower; their USSA Points are used in Penalty calculation, when applicable
ASSIGNMENT OF USSA NUMBER FOR A FOREIGN COMPETITOR IN A FIS EVENT If a foreign competitor in a FIS event does not have a current USSA “X” membership, assign the following as their USSA number in the applicable database area: X + 7 zeroes (X )
FOREIGN COMPETITORS’ ENTRY PROCEDURE: USSA-SANCTIONED FIS EVENT Only National Ski Associations are entitled to make entries for international competitions. If a National Ski Association issues an entry authorization (travel) letter, USSA allows non-USSA athletes training with USSA clubs or attending USA schools/colleges/universities to be entered by their coaches. USSA’s policy regarding entry authorization (travel) letters is: Authorization letters for non-USSA athletes must be submitted to Jeff Weinman Respective National Ski Associations must submit the authorization letters; they will not be accepted if forwarded by the coach or the athlete USSA will create a summary of these authorizations and will post that summary on the USSA website so Race Administrators and Technical Delegates can be confident of their validity Foreign entries that are not submitted by the actual National Ski Association and for whom no authorization letter has been submitted to USSA for verification must not be accepted* Authorization letters will only be recognized for FIS category and below. Entries for Nor-Am Cup and National Championships must be submitted directly by the respective National Ski Associations Alpine Canada Alpin (ACA) does not issue authorization (travel) letters; all Canadian entries must originate from ACA. *There is a possibility that small groups of foreign athletes may be training in North America and may seek entry into USSA FIS events. The respective National Ski Associations have authorized the coaches who are representing these athletes to submit all entries. Because the athletes are not members of a USSA club or are not attending USA schools/colleges/ universities, authorization letters may not be on file with USSA and may not be required. Please contact USSA Competition Services prior to denying any FIS entry.
LIMITATIONS IN SECOND RUN: SL & GS In USSA collegiate SL and GS events, the Jury has the right to reduce the number of competitors in the second run to half on the first run start list, provided that notice was given in the invitation, and at the Team Captains’ Meeting before the draw. [806.2, 906.2] For FIS Slalom and Giant Slalom events, the Jury has the right to reduce the number of competitors in the second run to half on the first run start list. Decision has to be made (and announced), no later than one hour before the start of the first run. [806.2, 906.2]
HELMETS: A Review Helmets are compulsory for all competitors and forerunners in all USSA and FIS alpine events. Helmet-mounted cameras are not approved for use at USSA events. [606.4, 707, 807, 907, 1007] Helmet must cover head and ears. Soft ear protection is only allowed in Slalom. Helmet must have a smooth top surface; spoilers or edges that stick out are not permitted. Protective features integral to the event being contested, such as chin guards on slalom helmets are permitted.
HELMETS: New FIS Rules Helmets for GS, SG and DH that fulfill the requirements valid in 2012/13 may be used at FIS- level events during season 2013/14. [2.3.2] New helmet regulations will be applicable without exception at all levels of FIS competition during season 2014/15. [2.3.3]
COMPETITORS’ PROTECTIVE MEASURES With exception of forearm protection used in SG, GS and SL and shin protection used in SL, body protection must be worn under the suit This includes knee braces If a knee brace is worn over the suit, it must be covered with fabric, e.g. a piece of an old suit
GIANT SLALOM & SUPER G GATE PANELS Gate panels which conform to the FIS Specifications must be used for all FIS Giant Slalom and Super G competitions A list of homologated panels is published on the FIS Website ICR arts and remain valid. (690) Currently only applies to FIS-level events
COURSE SETTING: Multiple Age Classes Course Setting Guidelines for events with multiple age classes competing: -Tech Events will be based on one class older than the youngest age class competing e.g. U10, U12 and U14 will follow U12 guidelines - Speed Events will be based on youngest age class competing U8 and younger classes are established only for the purpose of awards and are subject to course setting specifications for U10 age class
CHILDREN’S COURSE SETTING A flex pole standard of 25-27mm in diameter and a minimum gate height of 54 inches from the snow surface to the top of the gate shall be used for USSA U14 and younger Slalom events. Stubbies and children’s poles may be used for non-scored children’s competitions.
JURY’S COURSE INSPECTION Jury must inspect course set and final installation of on-hill competitor security measures for all USSA-sanctioned events and confirm the daily Program (schedule) All Team Captains are encouraged to attend inspection. Jury Minutes must be generated to document the inspection and the approval by Jury and Team Captains as well as the confirmation of Program (schedule).
TD’s DUTIES BEFORE THE RACE “…inspects the training courses”, has been deleted ( ) This was done to remove the misunderstanding between -training on a competition-related course which is controlled by the Jury and -warm up/training on a separate course which is not controlled by the Jury. This change, however, does not remove the requirement of : “Appropriate warm up slopes should be made available.” Change also does not remove injury report requirements for injuries that occur on warm up slopes provided by the ROC
DUTIES AND RIGHTS OF THE REFEREE The Referee no longer is solely responsible for inspecting the course immediately after it is set, alone or accompanied by members of the Jury. In addition, the Referee no longer has the right to change the course by taking out or adding gates. These duties/rights are deferred to the Jury as a whole. [ ]
PROVISIONAL STARTS OR RERUNS When making a determination on the validity of a provisional rerun, the Jury must evaluate the following, many of which are included in the very clear provisions of 623: –Did the competitor cross the finish line? –Does the claimed obstruction meet the requirements of – Grounds for Interference? –Did the claimed obstruction cause significant loss of speed or lengthening of the racing line and consequently affect the competitor’s time? –Did the competitor commit a fault (gate fault or start procedure fault) prior to the obstruction or interference? [628.7] –Did competitor stop immediately after the obstruction or interference occurred and report the incident to the nearest Gate Judge? –Does the Gate Judge have any comments or notes? (666.1) –Any competitor who is granted a “provisional” start or run must be reminded of its provisional nature. Granting a “run”/”start” and not clarifying its “provisional” nature will not allow the Jury to address the validity of the competitor’s request –The Jury is not obligated to provide provisional reruns. It may be that an athlete will be denied a provisional rerun due to situations outside of the control of the Jury (e.g.: granting a provisional rerun to a late running competitor would cause a considerable extension of the competition by allowing them to return to the start for their provisional rerun). –Only the Jury can validate a provisional start or a provisional run –A provisional or definitively approved rerun remains valid even if it proves slower than the obstructed run
RERUNS REQUIRED BY BROKEN GATES Every case must be checked individually. Jury on site is the only group that can -review particular and detailed circumstances and -decide if interference occurred
DOWNHILL TRAINING: OBLIGATION TO PARTICIPATE Official training forms an integral part of the competition Competitors are required to participate in the training All qualified competitors entered for the competition must have been entered and drawn in all official training runs. (“Drawn” is accepted as meaning “assigned a start number”. It does not mean “drawn in the first group”.) [704.1]
YELLOW ZONES Inspection Report of homologation contains suggested yellow zone locations Jury may require installation of additional yellow zones When a competitor is waved down by a yellow flag he must stop immediately. He has the right to a re-run, provided that the Jury considers this possible from an organizational point of view. [ , ] In Downhill training, the Jury has the option to allow a re-start from the yellow flag position.
USSA SANCTIONED NON-FIS EVENTS Jury members, Jury Advisors (Start & Finish Referees), Chief of Course and Course Setters are required to be current Coach or Official USSA members Competitors are required to have an appropriate and current competitor’s USSA membership Forerunners must have appropriate and current USSA membership: competitor, masters or youth. Qualified members of foreign federations recognized by FIS must hold a current/appropriate USSA membership in order to take part in any capacity at a USSA-sanctioned non-FIS event
USSA EXCEPTIONAL ATHLETE SKI UP AGREEMENT The USSA Alpine Competition Exceptional Athlete “Ski Up” Assumption of Risk, Release and Indemnity Agreement allows exceptional athletes to ski-up one class and authorizes the athlete to compete in an age group competition with a class of competitors which are older than the age group designated by USSA, but only in the disciplines in which they are normally eligible and only in the specific competitions authorized by the appropriate Regional staff member (September 2001 ASC executive). The intention of the authorization is to accommodate the very top athletes nationally. Ski-Up Agreements may only be processed by the Regional Office, cannot be applied for on site, and are not accepted by all USSA regions/divisions/states. A copy of the approved Ski-Up Agreement must accompany the entry. Contact appropriate regional office for a copy of the agreement and for more information regarding the application process. FIS does not recognize requests to ski-up in class.
USSA-SANCTIONED FIS EVENTS Jury members, Jury Advisors (Start & Finish Referees), Chief of Course and Course Setters are required to be current members of USSA as a Coach or Official or must be qualified members of foreign federations recognized by FIS If a foreign FIS Federation lists a foreign coach on their entry form, the Federation is certifying that the coach has the knowledge and ability to fulfill the duties of a Team Captain: e.g. serve as a Jury member or set a course; this satisfies the “qualified member of foreign federation” requirement for FIS events Competitors are required to be FIS inscribed Age-eligible, current USSA members who are not FIS inscribed and who are serving as forerunners must sign the “FIS Athlete’s Declaration”
COACHES’ USSA MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENT Except in specific instances where the event has been pre- approved, coaches must have current USSA Coach membership in order to participate in any capacity at any USSA-sanctioned event This requirement includes on-hill coaching ROC may require that coaches present current membership cards!
EXCEPTION: CAN-AM EVENTS A limited number of USSA non-FIS events – designated as “CAN-AM’S”, allow a set number of Canadian competitors to compete without first obtaining a USSA competitor’s membership The coaches accompanying the Canadian competitors may function in the capacity of their team’s coach without obtaining a USSA Coach/Official membership The exception does not allow these coaches or any other non- USSA member to serve as Jury members or Course Setters at these non-FIS events
USSA ONLINE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS USSA membership registration may be completed online through a link on the USSA website. User Account must be established; multiple memberships can be associated with/managed by one User Account Registration must be submitted only by those 18 & older. Parent or legal guardian must submit registration for those under 18 Registration items that must be addressed are: –Primary medical/accident insurance information must be submitted –Non-certified Coaches must review and complete “Fast Start Coaching Course” –USSA’s “Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability” must be reviewed and accepted –USSA’s “Concussion Policy” must be reviewed and accepted –USSA’s “Child Protection Safe Sport Guidelines” must be reviewed and accepted –Upon acceptance of the registration by USSA, individuals whose membership registration requires “Fast Start Coaching Course: or background screening will be directed to a link that will initiate the required. These individuals will be listed as “PENDING” in the membership category on the USSA website –If all requirements are met, membership will be finalized immediately and the USSA website will be updated. A USSA membership card can be printed or saved –Rush fees and/or late fees will be automatically applied to the credit card transaction Due to privacy concerns, Member Tools, including Club roster, Member Lookup, Member List, Card Print, etc., will require login access.
“PENDING” MEMBERSHIPS If a USSA Coach or Official member’s membership status on the USSA website is “PENDING”, this is an indication that the member has not completed membership requirements, e.g. required background screening and/or “Fast Start Coaching Course”, and they must not be appointed to serve as: -Jury members -Jury Advisors -Chief of Course -Course Setter(s)
CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS – ALL USSA-SANCTIONED EVENTS Referee, Assistant Referee and Course Setter(s) must be USSA-certified Referees (RF) for all USSA-sanctioned events – scored or non-scored Jury Advisors (Start/Finish Referees) for USSA-sanctioned scored events must be a certified Jury Advisor (JA), Referee (RF) or Chief of Race (CR), for USSA-sanctioned scored events Jury Advisors (Start and Finish Referee) should be a certified Jury Advisor (JA), Referee (RF) or Chief of Race (CR), for USSA-sanctioned non-scored events For USSA-sanctioned FIS events, when a foreign FIS Federation lists a foreign coach on their entry form, that Federation is certifying that the coach has the knowledge and ability to fulfill the duties of a Team Captain: e.g. serve as a Jury member or set a course In order to serve as a Chief of Race (CR) at a scored event (USSA or FIS), an individual must be, at a minimum, certified as a Level 1 Chief of Race (CR), Referee (RF), or Technical Delegate (TD) Other “senior officials” must be appropriately certified; e.g. Technical Delegate, Chief of Course, Chief of Timing & Calculations, Race Administrator
NOTE : AO CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS USSA Schedule Agreement requires that Jury members, Course Setters, Chief of Timing & Calculations and other “senior” officials be appropriately certified USSA members. Alpine Officials’ Certification is a benefit associated with membership. This Certification is not automatically achieved upon registration as a USSA Official or Coach/Official; it must be earned by attending a USSA-approved Alpine Officials’ Clinic and passing an applicable exam, if required. Attendance at an AO Clinic and passing an exam still requires registration as a USSA Official or Coach/Official in order for earned certification to be valid.
USSA PENALTY MANIPULATION Any competitor, official or coach clearly involved in artificially affecting penalty points may be disqualified or sanctioned. Research over the last four years has culminated in a method to identify races where athletes score point improvements far beyond expectations. The following are five of the filters that will be used to identify these races. Point improvement greater than 95% confidence interval Low point racers (pace) finish 6 through 10 Greater than 22% of the field scores a point improvement Performance discrepancies from early season versus spring race date Athletes never ski close (20 points) to the results earned in other races Every scored event will be subject to these filters and events that meet criteria will be flagged for review by USSA Competition staff and the USSA Classification Working Group.
TIMING & DATA TECHNICAL REPORT (TDTR) The TDTR is required for all -FIS events -USSA-scored events -USSA non-scored Junior Championship events (e.g. Non-scored YSL, U10 and U12, etc. Junior Championships) Also applies to Masters Championships
ONLINE TIMING & DATA TECHNICAL REPORT FORM (TDTR) at FIS EVENTS: A TDTR is required for all FIS EVENTS FIS has released software for online filing of the TDTR The software is available for Windows, MacOS & Linux Software updates are posted as required Software provides a TDTR in PDF format for document packets Software provides a TDTR XML file for electronic submittal to FIS Program is available for download/review at: or skiing-rules/timing.html
USING ONLINE TDTR AT USSA EVENTS –The FIS TDTR software can be used to produce a paper copy report, as required, for USSA non-FIS events. –The report will need to be edited to include the USSA race letter code as the program only allows for four numbers. –The XML TDTR file must not be electronically submitted to USSA for non-FIS events as USSA is not currently set up to accept the timing report XML file. –When used for USSA non-FIS events, this XML TDTR file must not be submitted to FIS
TDTR SUBMITTAL A signed copy of this form for all non-FIS USSA-scored, as well as USSA non-scored Championship events, e.g. U14 Championships, Masters Championships, etc. must be submitted to the following, applicable region/division representative: Alaska: Terry Sherwood Central: Gretchen Ransom East: Matt Far West: Lucy Schram IMD: Tami Strong Northern: Tami Strong PNSA: Bill Gunesch Rocky Mtn.: John Jett FIS will evaluate the TDTR’s for FIS events and will report anomalies to USSA Competition Services.
USING THE 3 ACCIDENT REPORT FORMS The Jury, or an individual appointed by the Jury, must notify USSA of injuries at all USSA-sanctioned events (both non-FIS and FIS), where injury claims may result. –The American Specialty First Report of Accident (ASI) is used only for USSA members who are injured at either non- FIS or FIS events –Effective , online filing is available and is preferred. The online form can be found at: under “Online Incident Reporting”. After completing the online form you should print a copy for the Technical Delegate and the official race result document packet. –Regardless of the nationality of the competitor, all reportable injuries at USSA-sanctioned FIS events must be reported on the FIS “Notice of Injury” form. This is an online form and a copy must be made available for required, limited distribution –Accidents that fit the “Guidelines for Serious Accident”, whether non-FIS or FIS, also require the additional filing of the TD Accident Report
USSA FIS RACE RESULT PACKETS Document requirements have changed. Please refer to the following for detailed requirements: -paper copy of “Review & Update – Continuing Education” -“FIS Race Result Document Packets” located in Master Packet of Forms on USSA website -“Distribution of Documents – FIS Event”* located in “Master Packet of Forms” on USSA website USSA’s copy of FIS Packet is electronically transmitted to: Nation + FIS codex must be used as booklet title and also as subject: e.g. USA1234 One race file per transmission please!
ACA’S COPY OF FIS RACE RESULT PACKETS: Events with CAN FIS TD’s Instructions for electronic submittal to ACA: Key: ftp:// At the Login prompt, key: ftp-upload Key Password: FTP2011 Use nation + FIS-assigned codex as subject and attach the applicable PDF booklet If the ftp site is not functioning, race result document booklets to: CAN TD Commissioner can access the ftp site; additional packet not required.
PLEASE REVIEW, as required 1.Equipment, especially in FIS events 2.Non-scored event second runs: DNS, DNF, DSQ [U ] 3.Interdiction to continue (hike) & its application 4.USSA Online Race Registration and Head Tax 5.Children’s course setting 6.Duties of the Referee [ ] 7.Yellow zone language [ , ] 8.“Exceptional Athlete Ski Up Agreement” language 9.Coaches’ USSA membership requirements 10.Clarification of CAN-AM event membership requirements 11.TDTR Software & its use for FIS and non-FIS events 12.Submittal of copy of TDTR: non-FIS and FIS events 13.Online American Specialty Insurance Report (ASI) 14.Result Packet Requirements: USSA and FIS 15.Updated “Master Packet of Forms”
ALPINE OFFICIALS’ MANUAL: Manual has been updated and is posted on the USSA website. CERTIFICATION GUIDELINES: Certification Guidelines have been updated; please refer to current edition included in the “Master Packet of Forms” or posted on the USSA website MASTER PACKET OF FORMS: Due to the many procedural changes for both USSA non-FIS and USSA FIS events, many forms have been updated. Please discard old versions of forms and only use the forms included in the “Master Packet of Forms” located on the USSA website
ADDITIONAL AO EDUCATION PRESENTATIONS “Introduction to Ski Racing (CO)” “Gate Judges’ Guide for Single Pole Slalom” “Data Management” “Referee” “Jury Minutes: a Guide for Preparation” “Basic T & C” “Race Points & Penalty” “Replacement Time” “TDTR”; Paper Form & Online Form “Timing Workshop” “Radio Protocol & Techniques” All presentations are posted on USSA website.
Our goal is to provide education that will result in events that are secure, consistent, fun and fair for all competitors: YSL or Olympic-bound. A special thank you to Allen Church for his many years of service to the USSA and the FIS Alpine Officials’ community; he has been a valuable mentor and is a valued friend! Thank you for your attendance and for your support of the United States Ski & Snowboard Association and its Alpine Officials’ Education Program. T. Hoessler, Chair USSA AOEWG