Vision and Scope Overall Goal Improve food security and income of Kenyans through sustainable rice production, marketing and utilization. Vision A vibrant rice sector contributing significantly to improved livelihoods, food security and economic growth.
Vision and Scope Mission To increase rice production, productivity, value addition and competitiveness through generation, promotion and application of client driven knowledge, information and technologies in a sustainable environment.
NRDS organizational structure Permanent Secretary (MOA) National Rice Stakeholders Forum (NRSF) Secretariat Provincial Rice Stakeholders Forum (PRSF) District Rice Stakeholders Forum (DRSF) Farmers
Kenya’s economy has grown significantly from virtual stagnation in 2002, to 6.3% in the first quarter of Agriculture is the mainstay of Kenya’s economy 80% of the rural population depends on agriculture Agriculture contributes about 26% to the GDP and accounts for 18% of formal employment. Kenya’s current population is estimated to be 36 million people. Current Population Growth rate is 2.7% annually. Introduction
National Situation Policy documents supporting production- ASDS, NFNSP and Vision Currently, rice is the third most important cereal crop after maize and wheat. Grown mainly by small scale farmers as a commercial and food crop 95% of the rice grown in Kenya is from irrigation schemes
National Situation cont. Production range; 45,000 to 80,000 metric tones per year Consumption is 300,000 metric tons. Deficit met through imports Annual consumption increase; 12%. Therefore becoming one of the most important cereal crops
Rice Production based on Area and Yield in 2008 and Future Targets YearRain fed UplandRain fed Lowland Area (Ha) Yield (tons/h a) Produ ction (tons) Area (Ha) Yield (tons/ ha) Produc tion (tons) 20082, ,8513, , , ,3804, , , ,9806, ,749
Rice Production based on Area and Yield in 2008 and Future Targets YearIrrigatedTotal Area (Ha) Yield (ton /ha) Productio n (tons) Area (Ha) Yield (ton s/ha ) Production (tons) , ,51317, , , ,62125, , , ,79336, ,708
Number of Researchers, Technicians and Extension Workers in 2008 and Targets in future YearAgricultural Researchers with Msc or PhD. TotalRice specialists (part time) Rice specialists (full time)
Number of Researchers, Technicians and Extension Workers in 2008 and Targets in future YearResearch Technicians TotalRice specialist s (part time) Rice specialist s (full time)
Number of Researchers, Technicians and Extension Workers in 2008 and Targets in future YearExtension Workers TotalRice specialist s (part time) Rice specialist s (full time)
Key Constraints and Production Challenges Land tenure system High costs of inputs and machinery Lack of capital by small scale growers Weak credit facilitation channels Lack of a clear government policy to enhance productivity Low skills/knowledge on crop management Existence of unfair trade demands by rice exporting countries (dumping) Inadequate numbers of trained personnel
STRATEGIC INTERVENTIONS Improving mechanization techniques for all rice operations (Fabrication by JUA-KALI) Facilitating adequate supply and marketing of high quality inputs (KEPHIS & KEBS) Providing fully functional research and extension infrastructure Developing, packaging, disseminating and promoting appropriate technologies (NARS) Strengthening research – extension - farmer linkages Facilitating private sector participation in technology development and transfer (Partnerships in APVC)
STRATEGIC INTERVENTIONS CONT. Building adequate human resource for rice research and production (Training) Improving and expanding irrigation infrastructure (Dams, Gravitational water) Increasing the area under irrigated and rainfed rice production (Huge potential: 450,000 ha for irrig. rice, and 1.3m ha rainfed) Improving land tenure system (Title deeds) Creating enabling environment for motivation and retention of staff in research and extension (IPR, Remuneration)
ONGOING RICE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS OBJECTIVE: To rehabilitate Mwea and Western Kenya irrigation schemes DONOR- World Bank DURATION- 1.5 years PATNERS – GoK (NIB,MinWater)/World Bank TOTAL BUDGET- $ 40m TARGET ECOLOGIES- Mwea and Western Kenya
ONGOING RICE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS CONT. OBJECTIVE: NERICA rice adaptatation trials DONOR- JICA DURATION- 4 years PATNERS – GoK (NIB,MinWater)/JICA TOTAL BUDGET- KSH 5m TARGET ECOLOGIES- Alupe, Bungoma, Bunyala, East Marakwet, Mwea, Kisumu,Coast, Embu.