The Outreach Project “Helping NW companies access fund for R&D” Lesley Lambert General Engineering Research Institute Liverpool John Moores University 5 th March 2015
Introducing GERI Formed in 2002 – amalgamating existing research groups Dedicated Research facility full/part time expert staff and phd students Unique research capability
Snapshot of GERI activities Coherent and Electro Optics Research Group Advanced Manufacturing Technology Research Lab. Photonics in Engineering Electronics and Ultrasonic Engineering Metrology Image Processing Structure Light Radiotherapy Cancer Cell Mechanics Minimum Quantity Lubrication Intelligent Strategies for Optimisation of Grinding Fluid Delivery in Grinding High Efficiency Deep Grinding Vibration Assisted Grinding Machining of Composites Surface Texturing Cell Behaviour Printing Metamaterial manufacture Electronic Package Reliability Ultrasonic Microscopy X-ray Inspection 3D Evaluation of Next Generation Microelectronic Packages and Systems
Genesis of the Outreach Project Between 2002 and 2008 GERI worked on collaborative projects with 62 companies Most of these were ‘globals’ The majority were outside the UK Only ‘two’ from the Northwest “Solutions on our doorstep”
Project aims ERDF funded project to provide a centralised facility to support NW industry Gateway to collaborative grant funding Encourage take up of research and leading edge S&T Key objectives: – Encourage SMEs to participate in collaborative R&D – Build collaborations and partnerships with key stakeholders – Increase R&D funding investment in NW – Complement existing regional, national and international initiatives – Promote GERI as world class facility
Facilities – making the ‘leading edge’ available Feasibility – preliminary investigations Funding – securing support for collaborative research What the project does…
Client enquiry / activity Proposal submission Awareness raising of current opps.Direct contact 1. Assess R&D requirements / Signpost 3. Consortium building (partners) 5. Proposal clinic & review 2. Highlight funding opportunities 4. Writing guidance & support 6. Pre-submission support “Helping achieve industrial R&D goals” How we can help
OUR experience… Currently Supported 135 companies in NW Strong track record for securing funding for R&D SUCCESSFULLY FUNDED PROJECTS Total Project CostsDirect Funding to NW Orgs £2,375,678£891,405
Examples of Success “GERI successfully guided us through the complex TSB/Innovate UK application process and introduced us to relevant people with regards to IP and funding support, as well as various other aspects of support that went beyond what we expected. ” Peter Fletcher, Operations Director Oceanchest successfully achieved a TSB SMART award grant towards the proof of concept study worth £109,730 JP Imaging successfully secured £175,984 from a feasibility study funded by the TSB in April 2014 “The GERI Outreach team provide a professional service focused on industrial needs. We recently submitted an application to the Technology Strategy Board and we are delighted that this was successfully funded. This wouldn’t have been possible without the support from GERI, and we look forward to working with GERI on this project and on future collaborations”
LCIH – Aims & Objectives ERDF funded Innovation in low carbon goods, processes and services Collaborative partnerships on an individual basis Significant economic benefits to SMEs LJMU strengths
Overview of three themes Renewable Energy Resource Efficiency Energy from Waste and Biomass Sustainable Business Practices Green Deal Agenda Low Carbon Technologies Smart Building Technologies Energy Management Carbon Finance Low Carbon Design and Planning Environmental Management and Clean Technologies Environmental Monitoring Air Pollution Control Waste Management Water/ Waste Treatment Facility Management
LCIH – Project Delivery Company Road Mapping Action Planning leading to Collaborative partnerships on an individual basis Knowledge Exchange Research and Design Events Demonstrators
Thank you for listening Any questions? Lesley Lambert