The 1 st Research Coordination Meeting Reference Database for PIGE Van de Graaff Lab in Tehran activities
This presentation includes: Introduction of group Research activities of group PIGE activities in Van de Graaff Lab
Main facility of the laboratory 3 MV Van de Graaff electrostatic accelerator producing energetic beams of H +, D +, He + up to 3 MeV for IBA analysis techniques
TECHNIQUEION BEAM ENERGY (MeV) REMARK PIXE and microPIXE H+H Type and concentration of elements Z>11 Lateral map of elements RBS 4 He +, H Type, element concentration and depth profile Z> 4 RBS- channeling 4 He +, H Crystal structure, surface damaged layer, crystal interface mismatch, dopant, … ERDA 4 He He+ are used only for the measurement of H. NRAH+, D Type and concentration of light elements from H upwards TYPICAL ION BEAMS AND INCIDENT ENERGIES USED IN VARIOUS IBA TECHNIQUES:
Proton Scanning Microscopy Analysis of an Archeological Sample
Target VACUUM CHAMBER Si (Li) x-ray detector (for PIXE) Ge(Li) -ray detector (for PIGE) Annular particle detector (for ERDA) Annular particle Detector (for RBS) Faraday cup COLLIMATORS Ion beam CONVENTIONAL IBA EXPERIMENTAL SETUP:
Experimental facilities Conventional IBA reaction chamber Proton Microprobe
RBS-Channeling system
Research activities of group via publications since 1972 The number of publications exceeds 150, categorized as follows: Fundamental Research Environmental Research Materials Science Human Health Archaeology
Fundamental Research AuthorsTitlesPublication S.Farrokhi, D.Moghemi, R.Nahavande, M.Pichevar, B.Delaunay Le Van de Graaff de 3 MeV du Centre Nucléaire de Téhéran Juillet-Aout,No. 172, 1972 M.R Khan, A.G Hopkins, D Crumpoton, (Aston Univ) Proton induced LX-ray cross- sections for In,Sn,Nd,Dy,Pt and Au Zeitschrift-fuer-Physik,-A(1978), Vol.288(2) Page Md.R.Khan and M.KarimiKβ/Kα Ratios in Energy dispersive X-Ray Emission X-ray Spectrometry, Vol.9,No.1,1980 F. Shokouhi, S. Fazinic, I. Bogdanovic, M. Jaksic, V. Valkovic, H. Afarideh M-Shell X-ray production Cross sections of Tb, Ho, Tm and Lu for protons of Energy 2-6 MeV Nuclear instruments and Methods in Physic Research B (1996) A.Amirabadi, H.Afarideh,S.M.Haji-Saeid, F.Shokouhi and H.Peyrovan L subshell and total M shell x- ray production cross sections of Hg for protons of energy MeV J. Phys. B:At. Mol. Opt. Phys.30(1997) M.Goudarzi, F.Shokouhi, M.Lamehi-Rachti, P.Oliaiy L-sub shell and total M-shell X-ray production cross sections of Ta, W, Pt, Au, Pb and Bi by MeV protons Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 247 (2006)
PIGE activities in VDG lab Na, Mg, Al and Si excitation function through (p,p'γ) ، (p,γ) ، (p,α γ) reactions
PIGE activities in VDG lab Na, Mg, Al and Si excitation function through (p,p'γ), (p,γ) & (p,α γ) reactions
(p,p'γ) Reaction mechanisms
(p,γ) Reaction mechanisms
(p,αγ) reaction mechanisms
Investigation of 23 Na by PIGE
23 Na and 20 Ne energy levels
Mg: 24 Mg 78.8%, 25 Mg 10.01%, 26 Mg Likely nuclear reactions
Investigation of Mg by PIGE
27 Al energy levels
Investigation of Al by PIGE
28 Si Energy levels
28 Si 92.23%, 29 Si 4.67%, 30 Si 11.23%
Likely nuclear reactions between proton and Si
29 Si Energy levels
Overlap of γ-ray emission by different targets
Q-Values for different (p,γ) reactions
Employed reaction chamber
Experimental setup for PIGE
Si excitation function measurements Energy range: MeV Charge: 40 µC Target: Al, Si, NaCl, Mg Scattering Angle: 135 degree Detector: HPGe
Si thick target γ-ray yield at different proton energies E p =1.5 MeV E p =2.0 MeVE p =2.5 MeV
γ-ray yield due to excitation levels of Si isotopes at different proton energies Eγ (kev) Ep (MeV) Y=N/40(Coun t/µc) Eγ (keV) Ep (MeV) Y Eγ (keV) Ep (MeV) Y
γ-ray yield excitation functions due to nat Si+p reactions
Y(E 0 ) = ε abs (E γ ). N p. F m. F i. N av. A -1. ∫ 0 E0 σ (E) / ε ( E) dE ε abs (E γ ) absolute efficiency of the detection system E γ emitted energy N p number of incident protons f m mass fraction (concentration) A -1 inverse of the atomic mass of the element f i abundance of isotope i N av Avogadro’s number σ (E) nuclear reaction cross-section ε ( E) stopping cross-section of the sample in units of energy area per mass. γ-ray yield of a thick target bombarded by a proton beam of energy E 0 may be written as:
Calculated excitation yields using published resonance widths at different levels Ep (MeV)Ep (keV)dE/dxyield yield * Isotope concen.Ntotal = C×∫σ(E) × dx/dE
×10 4 Calculated Excitation Function of Si
Other Si excitation functions
γ-ray yield of Al thick target at different proton energies 1779 keV 27 Al(p, γ) 28 Si 1460 kev 40 K 1369 kev 27 Al(p,αγ) 24 Mg 1016 keV 27 Al(p,pγ) 27 Al 843 keV 27 Al(p,pγ) 27 Al
Measured Al excitation function
Calculated γ-ray yield excitation function at different energies
γ-ray yield of Na thick target at different proton energies E p =1.5 MeV E p =2.0 MeV E p =2.5 MeV 440 keV 23 Na(p,p'γ) 23 Na 1369 keV 23 Na(p, γ) 24 Mg 1633 keV 23 Na(p,αγ) 20 Ne 1635 keV 23 Na(p,p'γ) 23 Na
Measured excitation function for Na
Calculated Na excitation function
γ-ray yield of Mg thick target at different proton energies 390 kev 25 Mg(p,p'γ) 25 Mg 585 keV 25 Mg(p,p'γ) 25 Mg 844 keV 25 Mg(p,p'γ) 25 Mg 974 keV 25 Mg(p,p'γ) 25 Mg 1014 keV 25 Mg(p,p'γ) 25 Mg 1369 keV 25 Mg(p,p'γ) 25 Mg 1460 keV 40 K E p =1.5 MeV E p =2.0 MeV E p =2.5 MeV
Measured excitation function of Mg
Estimated excitation function of Mg
γ-ray spectrum of a typical sample
Thank you very much for your attention