(An outgrowth of our studies of shape/phase transitions and empirical signatures for them) A) An enhanced link between nuclear masses and structure B) 2-nucleon transfer reactions: a measure of structural change R. F. Casten WNSL, Yale KERNZ08, Dec. 2, 2008 Collectivity, Masses, and Transfer Reactions
Two-neutron separation energies Normal behavior: ~ linear segments with drops after closed shellsDiscontinuities at first order phase transitions S 2n = A + BN + S 2n (Coll.) Curvature in isotopic chains – collecitve effects: deviations from linearity are a few hundred keV Use a collective model to calculate the collective contributions to S 2n. We will use the IBA. Binding Energies
The IBA – a flexible, parameter-efficient phenomenological collective model Enormous truncation of the Shell Model: valence nucleons in pairs coupled to L = 0 (s bosons) and L = 2 (d bosons), simple interactions Three dynamical symmetries, intermediate structures Two parameters (except scale) Symmetry triangle Sph. Def. Shape/phase trans.
The IBA: convenient model that spans the entire triangle of colllective structures The IBA: convenient model that spans the entire triangle of colllective structures H = ε n d - Q Q Parameters: , (within Q) /ε Sph. DrivingDef. Driving H = c [ ζ ( 1 – ζ ) n d 4N B Q χ ·Q χ - ] Competition: : 0 to infinity /ε Span triangle with and Parameters already known for many nuclei c is an overall scale factor giving the overall energy scale. Normally, it is fit to the first 2 + state.
Use the IBA to calculate the collective component of the binding energy The same interactions in the IBA that give excitation spectra and E2 transition rates also give the collective component of the binding energy – that is, those interactions depress the ground state due to s-d mixing which gives added binding compared to the vibrator [U(5)] limit. We will use the IBA in exactly the same way binding energies have been calculated with it numerous times since its inception (see, e.g., Scholten et al., 1978) except we will focus on its sensitivity to the parameters and the structure.
Which 0+ level is collective and which is a 2-quasi-particle state? So, can do alternate collective model fits, assuming one or the other state is the collective one. Look at implications for masses. How much will the calculated collective components of the binding energies change for two fits – to the 0 + states at 1222 and 1422 keV? Evolution of level energies in rare earth nuclei: Fit levels, B(E2) values, then calculate BE’s But note: McCutchan et al
H = c [ ζ ( 1 – ζ ) n d - 4N B Q χ ·Q χ ] Now, lets look at the calculated collective components of binding energies (S 2n(Coll.) values) with these different sets of parameters chosen to fit different excited states. McCutchan et al
!!! Note: These two levels differ by 200 keV These collective binding energies added to A + BN cannot both be consistent with empirical S 2n trends
Valence nucleon number Effects are largest for large numbers of valence nucleons and for well-deformed nuclei. Previous studies (e.g., Scholten et al., others) were in regimes where the effects were 5-10 times smaller and hence did not stand out.
Conclusions These results show a link between masses and structure that is much more sensitive than heretofore realized. Effect is strongest in well-deformed nuclei near mid-shell
Two-Nucleon Transfer Reactions to 0 + States Recent explosion of ultra high resolution (Munich) data, leading to discovery of three to four TIMES the number of known 0 + states in about 20 nuclei. Need to understand cross sections and implications for structure A new interpretation
Empirical survey of (p,t) reaction strengths to 0 + states X O Nearly always: cross sections to excited 0 + states are a small percentage of the ground state cross section. In the spherical – deformed transition region at N = 90, excited state cross sections are comparable to those of the ground state.
The “standard interpretation” (since ca. 1960s) of 2-nucleon transfer reactions to excited 0 + states in collective nuclei Most nuclei: Cross sections are small because the collective components add coherently for the ground state but cancel for the orthogonal excited states. Phase transition region: Spherical and deformed states coexist and mix. Hence a reaction such as (p,t) on a deformed 156 Gd target populates both the “quasi-deformed” ground and “quasi-spherical” excited states of 154 Gd. Well-known signature of phase transitions. Are these interpretations correct? Use IBA model to calculate two-nucleon transfer cross sections (rel. to g.s.)
IBA well-suited to this: embodies wide range of collective structures and, being based on s and d bosons, naturally contains an appropriate transfer operator for L=0 -- s-boson Parameters for initial, final nuclei known so calculations are parameter-free Look at Hf isotopes as an example: Exp – all excited state cross sections are small
Gd Isotopes: Undergo rapid shape transition at N=90. Excited state cross sections are comparable to g.s.
Sph. Def. Shape/phase trans. line ~ 10 5 calculations Big Small So, the model works well and can be used to look at predictions for 2-nucleon transfer strengths Expect: Let’s see what we get !
Huh !!??? R 4/2 Cross section ratios across triangle Ratios as function of R 4/2 Monotonically grow
The QQ term mixes the s and d boson basis states, spreading the strength. The further “apart” the two nuclei are, the greater the difference in the distributions of s, d amplitudes, hence the greater the spreading of cross section. Example: U(5) target: ground state has (n s, n d ) = (N,0). Therefore, only amplitude that contributes to cross section, is (n s, n d ) = (N-1,0). H = ε n d - Q Q WHY?
Thus, we find a completely unexpected result that leads to a new interpretation of these cross sections The cross sections are large in the transitional region but they are far larger in other cases. There is nothing special about the phase transition region. Rather, the cross sections depend only on the change in structure between initial and final nuclei ! This change can be “measured” by R 4/2 Why the earlier interpretation? Look at R 4/2 values.
Can we find a case that does NOT involve a phase transitional region. Not easy but one case exists.
Conclusions, Implications A single framework now accounts for both the (usual) small cross sections (since most adjacent nuclei have small R 4/2 values), and for the large cross sections in regions of rapid change. The cross section distribution is a mixing effect but not of collective modes. Rather it is mixing at the shell model level (nucleon pairs coupled to spin 0) and therefore is general. Test in new nuclei by searching for large R 4/2 values and doing 2-nucleon transfer in inverse kinematics. Two nucleon transfer cross sections and structural change in nuclei
Collaborators Sensitivity of binding energies to structure: Burcu Cakirli (Istanbul), Ryan Winkler (Yale), Klaus Blaum (Heidelberg), Magda Kowalska (CERN-ISOLDE) Two – nucleon transfer cross sections: Rod Clark (LBNL), Linus Bettermann (Koeln), Ryan Winkler (Yale) This work could not have been done without the prior mapping of nuclei into the triangle by McCutchan et al, Phys. Rev C 69, (2004) and subsequent mapping papers