Multimedia Kiosks Self Service Kiosk View Multimedia files using web browsing Purchasing tickets Also used in places like cinemas, supermarkets, rail stations.
Multimedia Kiosks Manufacturers of kiosks provide bespoke solutions Based on touch screen interface with pin payment terminal
Multimedia Kiosks Booking Tickets through a GUI on the Kiosk Choose show, date and time Choose seats from similar seating plan to website and then ticket prices Confirm booking and Select payment method. Kiosk may have scanner to read QR code for special offers or discount codes can be put in. Chip and pin card terminal attached to kiosk Ticket option – Printed from kiosk, sent to smart phone or e-ticket for computer at home. Booking reference provided.
Multimedia Kiosks E-tickets Stored as an electronic file Can be downloaded to a mobile device Presented when coming to the show and scanned by usher with hand held device. Benefits Environmental – saves paper Customer benefit – Smart phones are carried everywhere so less likely to forget them Theatre benefit – Cost savings on printing. Difficult to forge an e-ticket. E-tickets are verified against the database entry for that purchase.
Multimedia Kiosks Multimedia features Touchscreen technology Can be very intuitive to use by customers Images can be used of shows to aid choice Can link to multimedia content such as videos or audio clips or still images Can be a cut down version of their website.
Multimedia Kiosks Benefits of Multimedia Kiosks