Transitioning to Exchange at Sloan Tips, Tricks & Assorted Helpful Hints
Overall Works very well For the most part it makes things easier for clients People who have been using Outlook don’t have a huge learning curve Streamlines things a lot for people using multiple machines and mobile devices IS&T does data transfer!
5 Easy Pieces Client questionnaire at least a week or 2 ahead Preparation during the week before – Things we do – Things clients do Training day before Client transition Post: Things clients do
Client Questionnaire Why? Give discussion points so we can work with user decide how to proceed with their transition So we know what we have to do ahead of time So we know how much work we have to do the day of Use day of, during transition
Client Questionnaire Documents Documents
Preparation Things we do Order the resource calendars Provide access lists for associated moira lists Establish BES accounts for Blackberries Schedule transition date with MIT at least a week before Discuss with clients: calendars (multiple vs. one,) mobile devices Things clients do Run updates Do backup of local mail
Training Present training classes the day before transition Currently PC/Outlook focus and OWA
Client Transition Checklists – Mac and PC Documents
A Word About Entourage Entourage works pretty much the same as Outlook – Inviting people to meetings – Accept invitations
Appl Workarounds If client is married to Appl Can configure via IMAP Have to accept limitations – No real-time sync w/ calendar and contacts; Can configure Entourage, and then sync them with Exchange by opening periodically Can’t invite people to meetings Can with OWA Lite but the view isn’t the best Full Exchange support with Snow Leopard
Post: Things clients do Set up their own designates/delegates Redo their Allow lists in Brightmail
A Few Glitches and Quirks Outlook Random reminders for very old meetings imported from Techtime – stops after while Resend message – often barfs unless you blank-out the from address Reply-all usually includes you Inviting people to meetings: probs if Contacts is first in address book – use Add Attendees Auto-complete referring to contacts in personal folder after they’ve been moved
Glitches and Quirks, cont’d Auto-responder (inside and outside – pretty much everyone is “outside”); message goes out once a day only
Glitches and Quirks, Entourage Entourage: When you open resource calendar it looks empty – however, free/busy time shows accurately when inviting to a meeting Rules created in Entourage only work on the computer that you created them on To see busy/free information in the calendar, VPN must be installed and running when off campus
Entourage Glitches, cont’d Entourage does not support Global Address List (GAL) GAL. You will need to configure Entourage to use MIT's LDAP server to access the MIT directory.configure Entourage to use MIT's LDAP server For webmail, OWA Lite has to be used on Mac – Not very pretty – Full OWA coming to all major browsers with Exchange 2010