Lets make life easier… Who wants to use a piece of paper to create perfect shapes these days. Kids love using technology.
What is Geometers Sketchpad? The Geometer's Sketchpad is a dynamic construction, demonstration, and exploration tool that adds a powerful dimension to the study of mathematics. You and your students can use this software program to build and investigate mathematical models, objects, figures, diagrams, and graphs.
Visualize Mathematics GSP offers students a visual environment to explore mathematical concepts. – Hypothesize – Discover – Interact – Observe – Measure – Draw
Benefits of using Geometer’s Sketchpad Manipulation can be done effortlessly without the need for time consuming redraws! Technology allows the students to become more interactive in their lessons! Technology skills will enhance the student's motivation and willingness to explore new concepts! Work can be saved, printed, and/or edited later as newer concepts emerge!
Benefits to using Geometers Sketchpad in your classroom. Keeps children interested in math. Incorporates different teaching techniques into the classroom. Can create lessons helping students to discover things about geometry independently.
Purchasing Geometers Sketchpad $29.95 for a single student package. (at home use) The school bundle: Now 50% off the regular price. Install Sketchpad on school computers at 50% off regular license price. Get Sketchpad Lesson Link for three years—the third year is free!
Introduction to Geometers Sketchpad
Lets take a look the program itself.
Teacher Demonstration Teachers can demonstrate concepts to a class at large. Easy to utilize the thousands of pre=made files to save time. Children can follow along with pre-made worksheets or just observe. – Teacher Demonstration on GSP
Student discovery Students create their own files and save them. Step-by-step direction sheets Saved files can be used in the future for further investigation.
Geometers sketchpad using a whiteboard Finger movement Shows a bigger picture for a whole class view Can run teacher lessons using this. Great visual learning aid
TI-83/84 Can be downloaded to calculators so that you do not need computers to access geometers sketchpad.
Resources Getting Started Tutorials. KCP Technologies, Web. 1 Nov Key Curriculum Press The Geometers Sketchpad Web. 1 Nov "The Uses of Geometer's Sketchpad 4 - Demo Powerpoint Presentation." Math Bits High School Math Resources. Web. 1 Nov Welcome to The Geometer's Sketchpad® Resource Center. KCP Technologies, Web. 1 Nov