August 21, 2015 Online Solutions Kluwer Law International
Who we are Background —Kluwer Law International was established in 1995.The company is the result of a merger between 3 WK companies, Kluwer Law & Taxation ( Deventer, NL,),Graham & Trotman (London, UK), and Martinus Nijhoff (Dordrecht, NL). —In 2003 KLI was transferred from Kluwer Academic Publishers to Aspen Publishers, part of TAL (North American Division) —For the last 2 years we have been reporting into the Legal Professional Group within Aspen Publishers, part of Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. —We are based in the Netherlands with an office in London. Kluwer Law International provides the global business and academic community with reliable international legal information in English. Core Practice Areas: —Commercial Arbitration —Corporate Commercial Law —Competition/ Antitrust Law —EU Law —Intellectual Property —International Taxation —International Trade Law August 21, 20152
Kluwer Law International- What we do Kluwer Law International publishes: —Books 100 NEW titles a year More than 2,000 backlist titles —Looseleafs/ manuals (Print and Online) More than 50 looseleafs in print International Encyclopaedia of Law (IEL) online Currently more than 25 loosleafs online —Journals (Print and Online) 21 journals in Print and Online Also available all back issues, some dating back about 40 years —Online Services Full online library services on: —Arbitration —Competition Law Fully searchable Online product on —Intellectual Property August 21, 20153
August 21, is the leading online service for international commercial arbitration. With a subscription you gain access to a valuable collection of arbitration materials saving you both time and money. No other service comes close to providing the breadth and depth of More than 75% of the top firms specialising in international arbitration have a subscription.
August 21, Includes: —Commentary —Conventions —Case law & Awards —Legislation —Rules
August 21, Highlights of Using
August 21, Location8 You can use the Browse Categories box or the tab along the top of the home page to browse for materials You can search from the home page
August 21, Location9 You gain access to a virtual library of arbitration commentary
August 21, Location10 You can access over 100 key arbitration books by title, author or year
August 21, Location11 Each book includes a useful Table of Contents You can choose to print or materials
August 21, Location12 You can browse all the content on the site by more than 115 countries August 21, Location13 When you select a country you will find the materials organised in tab format August 21, Location14 You can conduct a specific search of materials using the comprehensive advanced search form
August 21, Location15 You can visit the blog which includes expert contributors and high quality discussion
August 21, Location16 To Summarize With KluwerArbitration: You have access to an unsurpassable virtual library 24 hours a day so you can read, download and view information at a time and place convenient to you. You gain access to the leading international commercial arbitration service which includes exclusive materials. You will save time as you have to hand a wealth of valuable international arbitration materials in one easy to use service.
August 21, Online Competition Law Library Kluwer Competition Law
Kluwer Competition Law is a powerful, database delivering access to a wealth of exclusive commentary and analysis as well as a valuable collection of primary source materials covering competition law in the European Union. You gain access to: —Expert Commentary and analysis —Legislation and Notices —Commission and Court Decisions —An exclusive merger check tool August 21, Location18
August 21, Highlights of Using the Service
August 21, You have access to a virtual library of over 50 publications
August 21, Location21 You can search the site from the homepage The site is organized by topic to aid browsing
August 21, Location22 You can read new EU materials and press releases downloaded on a daily basis
August 21, Location23 You can access country reports which include commentary and e-Competitions articles
August 21, Location24 You can perform an advanced search using the expandable search form You can do a search from every page on the site
August 21, Location25 You gain access to an exclusive merger control check tool
August 21, To Summarize With Kluwer Competition Law: You have access to an unsurpassable virtual library 24 hours a day so you can read, download and view information at a time and place convenient to you. You can stay abreast of all EU competition law developments with an online service that you can trust. You will save time as you have to hand a wealth of valuable competition law materials in one easy to use service.
August 21, More than 200 country reports Kluwer Manual IP
August 21, Kluwer Manual IP Kluwer Manual IP is an online product that gives you information on the filing requirements and laws of 200 countries. It explains the procedures and laws involved in filing application for a patent, trademark or design protection. In addtion it provides the full text of IP related conventions and a news service feature. You gain access to: —IP systems of 200 countries —Full text of IP related conventions —“Smart Chart” functionality — News Service
August 21, Kluwer Manual IP Foundation of Kluwer Manual IP comes from: Manual for the Handling of Applications for Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Throughout the World (also referred to as the “Brown Book” or “MIP”)
August 21, Kluwer Manual IP Highlights of Using the Service
August 21, Browse by IP type, Jurisdiction or IP Convention Browse by IP type, Jurisdictions or IP Conventions NEW
August 21, Select a country to view patent information Conventions that cover Patent issues
August 21, Browse by Jurisdiction to view all IP areas within a selected country
August 21,
August 21, Access to all IP related conventions
August 21, Kluwer Manual IP Smart Charts™ NEW Is a workflow tool that provides users with a quick and easy way to compare information from multiple jurisdictions.
August 21, Check off as many countries and topics as you need
August 21, Kluwer Manual IP Key highlights In conclusion the site offers you extensive information on intellectual property systems that all staff can access 24 hours a day. You have access to the IP systems of 200 countries from one source and the ability to conduct your own preliminary research. You can stay abreast of all Intellectual Property law developments as they come up through RSS Feeds and alerts. You have a workflow tool capable of quickly and instantly pulling together a chart/matrix of IP topics and jurisdictions of your choosing.
August 21, Kluwer Law Online (Journals and looseleafs)
Kluwer Law Online (Journals and Looseleafs) Journals —Air & Space Law —Arbitration International —Asian International Arbitration —Business Law Review —Common Market Law Review —European Business Law Review —European Company Law —European Energy and Environmental Journal —European Foreign Affairs Review —European Public Law —Global Trade and Customs Journal —Journal of International Arbitration —Journal of World Trade —Intertax/ EC Tax Review —Legal Issues of Economic Integration —World Competition —World Trade and Arbitration Materials Looseleafs —IELs: Labour Law Intellectual Property Social Security Contracts Civil Procedure Constitutional Law Environmental Law Energy Cyber Law And many more —Comparative Law of Monopolies —International Trust Laws and Analysis —European Environmental Law —International Agency and Distribution Agreements —International Business Transactions —Corporate Acquisitions and Mergers —And many more! August 21,
August 21, Kluwer Law Online Browse your journal and click on your required issue
August 21, Kluwer Law Online You can vie IEL Labour law looseleaf online Browse your title and click on your required country/topic New features RSS Feeds —Free RSS alerts whenever new content is added to —Sign up for single or multiple titles Electronic Table of Content Alerts —Free Electronic Table of Content Alerts (Etocs). When a new journal issue is posted on the site, receive a full Table of Contents of that issue in your inbox Purchase of individual articles/ looseleaf chapters —People without a subscription can now purchase individual articles/ chapters by simple using their credit card August 21,
Kluwer Law International in Turkey Past Future August 21,