John His gospel is written “that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.” 20:31 The value of faith over sight 20:29; 6:2,26; 12:37; 20:30 John emphasizes his first-hand testimony of the life of Jesus 21:24 John wrote to counter false teaching 19: John 4:1-6 John wrote to refute another misunderstanding 21:20-23
Key Themes - Claims “I am” the Messiah 4:25-26 “I am the bread of life” 6:35 “I am the light of the world” 8:12 “I am the door of the sheep” 10:7 “I am the good shepherd” 10:11 “I am the resurrection and the life” 11:25 I am the way, the truth and the life” 14:6 “I am the true vine 15:1 “I AM” 8:58-59, 24, 28
Key Themes - Signs Turning water to wine 2:1-11 Healing the nobleman’s son 4:46-54 Healing the lame man on the Sabbath 5:1-17 Feeding the :1-15 Walking on the water 6:16-21 Giving sight to the blind man 9:1-41 Raising Lazarus from the dead 11:1-12:11 His Rising from the dead 20:8, 24-31, Matthew 12:38-42
Key Themes - Witnesses John (the one who baptized Jesus) 1:6-9; 29-34; 5:31-35; 10:41 His works 5:36 The Father 5:37; 12:27-30 The Scriptures 5:39 Moses 5:46 The Samaritan woman and Samaritans 4:39-42 The apostles 15:26-27 John in particular 21:24-25; 19:34-35
Key Themes – Character Witnesses Nicodemus 3:2 The Samaritans 4:28,39-42 The multitude 7:10-31; The temple officers 7:45-52 The blind man 9:1-41 The rulers of the Jews 12:42-43 Pilate 18:38; 19:6
The Verdict John has presented his case for Jesus as the Son of God: Claims Evidence (Signs) Witnesses You are the jury What is your verdict? 12:35-36 obey while you have the time Be born again 3:5, Acts 2:37-38