INTERACTION DESIGN JMA 464/564 MWF 12:00 – 12:50 College Hall 205
JMA 464/545 - Instructor Dr. Bill Gibbs Associate Professor in Journalism & Multimedia Arts. Ph.D. in Instructional Systems from The Pennsylvania State University. Office 341 College Hall Office hours – Tues 11:00-2:00, WF 10:30 – 12:00 and by appointment Phone – –
JMA 464/545 - Purpose Introductory course about IxD & HCI Overview of IxD, HCI, UX, and usability Review IxD, HCI, UX methods and issues
JMA 464/545 – Course goals Develop understanding of IxD, human computer- interaction (HCI) and user-centered design & development. Develop understanding of UX, user-experience practices. Discuss development processes and tools.
JMA 464/545 – Course goals Explain methods for IxD research & development. Demonstrate general principles underlying effective interaction design and navigation control. Use equipment and software to observe interaction.
JMA 464/545 – Applications & Tools The course focuses on: 1)Interaction/HCI 2)User observation 3)Design & Development based on observation/study.
JMA 464/545 – Applications & Tools In class we use a variety of tools to prototype interactions.
JMA 464/545 – Applications & Tools For observations, we will use: Observer XT Arrington Research Eye-tracker TechSmith – Morae Human Factors Facility
BEGIN TO OBSERVE EVERYDAY THINGS… …how might you improve them?
What might happen?
Pull hood latch Proximity
What might happen?
Is the coffee maker on or off? How do you fix it?
Returns Web-wide results, which confuses users
CNN now implements search in this way.
Mapping. Good or Bad? ABCD
Is this a better design?
Mapping – direct relationship between the device design and its functionality.
Poor designs? Which bottle ?- Insulin Not sure what these mean? Cadillac car What do you think happens? Source:
People often take the path of least resistance. Try to figure out what the least resistant paths are before pouring concrete. Source:
People often take the path of least resistance. In a similar way, Amazon makes it easy to buy additional items.
People want information, services, entertainment… Your design should accommodate their needs as efficiently and effectively as possible.
Logical constraint
Physical constraint
What happens here? Source:
Physical constraint – not visible What happens here? Source: Sometimes constraint is not visible.
Task: Return movie (DVD) to Redbox I think… similar to
Task: Return movie (DVD) to Redbox Ok, drop it in … but
Task: Return movie (DVD) to Redbox Must press Return A DVD first What might be a better approach?
Task: Return movie (DVD) to Redbox Why not a physical constraint instead of this? Return a DVD is activated when inserting DVD.
What might happen here? Source:
Labels??? If the switch is pointing to "Off", it's really "On", and vice versa. Source:
Labels??? The arrows relate to direction, not the final state of the switch. The words “ON/OFF” suggest the final state but they are positioned inversely to switch function. Source: Direction, not state of control
Labels??? A simpler design is better. The switch affords/suggests how to use it. Additional labels may add confusing information.
How do we design for different devices? By looking at examples in the physical world, we can become informed about how to design for: Web Mobile devices Etc.
We’re use to this…
What about this…
What do these controls mean? And the controls…
Design and use | Questions How do people use different devices? What can observing their use tell us about how we should design and develop? How do different devices influence behavior?
Design and use | Questions How do we design for the initial User Experience (UX)? How do we design for the entire User Experience (UX)?
Observe human-computer interactions Example 1Example 1: ObserverExample 2: Observer Example 3Example 3: Morae Example 5Example 5: Florida StateExample 6Example 6: EyeTrackExample 4Example 4:Post Example 7Example 7: CNN - EyeTrackExample Example 8: Student EyeTracks ExampleExample 9: ViewPoint Analysis
JMA 464/545 – Readings Interaction Design: Beyond Human Computer Interaction by Rogers, Sharp, and Preece. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; 3rd Edition (2011) ISBN iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by Jonathan Stark. Publisher: O’Reilly (2010). Online at Additional readings will be assigned throughout the semester and will include: Journals articles Web articles Book chapters
JMA 464/545 - Assignments 1. Practice assignments 2. Interaction design activities 3. Group critique & re-design of device 4. Proficiency tasks: Eye-tracking, Morae, Observer XT (Fisheye)(Fisheye) 5. Mini-application design, implementation, evaluation 6. Exam 7. IxD Investigation (Graduate students only)
JMA 464/545– ing ing assignments/attachments. Must have your name address Title of assignment Label subject of
JMA 464/545 Class web site: Class web site: Rooms 205 & 345 Access
JMA 464/545 – Before you go… Log into computer
Defining the field …a discipline concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with major phenomena surrounding them. As defined by the Special Interest Group on Human-Computer Interaction (SIGCHI) of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)Special Interest Group on Human-Computer InteractionAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Defining the field Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is the study and the practice of usability. …understanding and creating software and other technologies that people will want to use, will be able to use, and will find effective when used. John Carroll, 2001
Defining the field Rough characterization of HCI as a field. It examines: joint performance of tasks by humans and machines; structure of communication between human and machine; human capabilities to use machines (including the learnability of interfaces); algorithms and programming of the interface itself; engineering concerns that arise in designing and building interfaces; process of specification, design, and implementation and evaluation of interfaces; and design trade-offs. HCI has science, engineering, and design aspects.
Overview: topics Logging on Our servers Using FTP User folder and class folders File Extensions
User Name and Password To connect to our servers from within either of our two labs (205 or 345): Ctrl-Alt-Delete Username: YourLastName PW: Given in class You will be asked to change your password the first time you login
User Name and Password 8 characters or more 1 UPPERCASE character 1 number 1 Special character ($, &) – no spaces
Our Server Your private folder It’s a subfolder of users folder Save files (drag and drop files) while in either lab (CH205, CH345) You can also FTP to there from home…
How do I access the server? Access from either CH345 and CH205 Start >> Computer (Z: Drive) \\jma1\users\username While in class, feel free to save to the net folder
How do I access the server? From dorm or home ftp:// Example: ftp:// You will be prompted for your user name and password Use the same name and password you used to login to Windows
How do I access the server? You will be prompted for your user name and password – jma/username
How do I access the server? Folders and files display Transfer (put) files from your computer, Download (get) files to your computer.
Folder File PUB Folder Your Space User folder
Folder File PUB Folder Your Space All files for the Web must be in PUB User folder
How do I access the server? Your folder on server has a child folder named pub Inside that folder you should create a folder for each course that requires a web site In this course, create a sub folder named JMA464
The PUB folder You might create subfolders, for each course. Double-click on pub Right-click on any unused white area
The PUB folder Create new folder Name it your course name
Web URL The URL to your website(s) depend on how you structured your home folder Using earlier example Assuming your file name is default.htm, or index.htm in the jma464 folder the address would be:
File Extensions Windows-based computers vs. Mac Index.htm File Name File Extension
Turning File Extensions on in Windows Start>>Control Panel>>Folder Options>>View>> uncheck Hide Extensions for known file types