Using ICT to support learning at home.
Apps for iPhone, iPad. Not all games are compatible with Apple products (flash player). Be aware of American Sites.
Not just for homework. A useful tool for consolidating learning. Practise key Maths skills. *M r. Wingrove.
Can be used as a way of presenting their home learning. Useful programs such as: 2-publish documents, touch typing (2type) and maths activities. *Children can provide information/tour of site.
Lots of free content available to support children with reading and spellings through phonics. Printable resources also available. Find out what phase children are learning from class teachers.
Free registration to access resources. Premium resources available. End of KS1/KS2. Useful for basic literacy skills to support National Curriculum.
Interactive online activities. Linked to National Curriculum in all subject areas. Free to use.
Educational Games
e-Safety. Be aware of internet dangers. *There are links on sites which may lead to unsupervised sites.
Search engine. Appropriate for children to use.
Please take an information pamphlet. Thank you for attending.