By LaSaundra Allen-Cohen
Thomas County Public School Located in Thomasville, Georgia Houses Third and Fourth Grade Only 740 students, 360 third graders & 380 fourth graders 42 teachers, 8 Special Education, 4 Specials, 4 gifted, 26 Regular Education
Working together, we teach and nurture children to ensure their success
Thomas County Elementary Schools are supportive learning communities where extraordinary learning experience inspire children to dream and prepare them for a dynamic future
It will allow the teachers to create a technological learning environment that will promote and motivate learning in every aspect of the curriculum Students will be able to effectively use another resource to perform tasks and activities that will lead to academic achievement
IPADS will provide extra tutorials, remedial, and acceleration activities immediately at the student’s fingertips IPADS will also help promote those higher level thinking skills, progress monitoring, and provide support for teachers as they assess and determine the needs of the student
Objective 1- To provide every teacher with one teacher IPAD and five student IPADS Objective 2- To provide three hundred online Accelerated Reader ebooks, Math, Science, Social Studies, Reading and Language Arts text on the IPAD Objective 3- To provide progress monitoring and tutorials on the IPAD
Teachers will be able to differentiate instruction, progress monitor, remediate, re- teach, and accelerate instruction. Students will be able to access other resources independently and with little instruction from the teacher
Students who progress monitoring data suggest below grade level and/or RTI Level 2 intervention strategies needed Students who hasn’t met their Accelerated Reader mid-term or nine week’s goal Students whose in need of tutoring, re- teaching, intervention, or acceleration
WIFI Headphones Stylus Attachable keyboard eBook Apps
Cross Creek Teachers will have IPAD in-services with the school’s technology specialist and librarian. Students will also have informal and formal IPAD overview with the school’s technology specialist, librarian and classroom teacher.
Parents must sign internet permission slip forms. Restrictions on inappropriate internet sites Social Media restrictions on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, MySpace…etc Access to s
IPADS $92,800 Headphones $12,000 Wifi installations $1,200 Stylus $5,600 Keyboards $43,000 ebooks $6,500
Title I Funding Technology Grants a. Verizon Foundation b. Alan Shephard c. The Worth Ave. Company Donations Cookie Dough or Cross Creek Card Fund Raisers
Teacher can use the IPADs for progress monitoring, remediation, acceleration, unit planning, tutoring, and Accelerated Reader. Teachers can also used the IPADs in center activities, class projects, teacher planning, conferencing with students and parents, small group and one-to-one instructions
Teachers can individualize plans for students needing remediation, progress monitoring, tutoring, acceleration, extra practice, small group or one-to-one instruction, and extra time on assignments. Teachers can differentiate instruction and incorporate technology into unit planning.
Students with learning disabilities can use the IPAD as an assistive technology. Teachers can use the data from progress monitoring to plan intervention. Teachers can use the IPAD give students needing individualized instruction. Students needing extended time on assignments can use the IPAD
Teachers will be able to post information to the classroom webpage. Teachers can parents and administration. Teachers and students can use SKYPE to connect to experts, other classes, students and teachers.
IPADs have made software tools even more portable and accessible to teachers and students, and this more portable format has made software even more popular.(Roblyer & Doering) Ebooks on IPADs are now seen as having, near- term potential to reduce costs, save students from carrying pounds of textbooks, and contribute to the environmental efforts of paper-conscious campuses. (Roblyer & Doering)
The technology team will take a look at the School Improvement Plan and examine and modify the technology goals of the school to implement the new technology The technology team will examine and create a budget for implementing the technology. The technology team will gather the resources for funding
At the end of 2014 school year teachers will receive their IPAD. Teachers will participate in a week long IPAD in- service one week after post planning. At the beginning of school year each classroom will receive five student IPADs The second week of the 1 st nine weeks, each class will take an one hour IPAD class with the technology specialist. At their designated media time the library will give the student an introduction to ebooks.
In looking at the School Improvement Plan and student achievement and researching how technology improves the learning environment in the classroom, it was decided that implementing IPADs into the curriculum would be the best and most cost effective way to promote student success.
Roblyer, M.D. and Doering, Aaron H. (2013) Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching. Boston; Pearson aging