Class debates LA listening and speaking outcomes
How to have a debate 1) First we have a topic and resolution. For example We might say that “ since students are not responsible, be it resolved they should not be allowed to own pets.”.
Then We pick sides. Pros are those arguing for the resolution and Cons are those against. The teacher and students will help pick sides.
Step 3 You spend some time researching your topic and preparing your argument. You can work with those on the same side with you. You must find facts to support your opinion. You can not just invent material or use purely emotional pleas.
This is what a debate looks like. Qck Qck Notice how the students take turns Notice how they have valid points from research, not just saying how pets are cute and please, please can we have one.(emotional outburst )
Procedure Topic Pick sides Research The pros speak first, each one making a statement Then the cons speak, each person making a statement Rebuttal – by raising your hand you can make a counter point to any of the points the opposite team just made. It will switch back and forth orderly pro then con pro then con. Time to confer with your team to make closing arguments. Pros conclude – 1 person from the team speaks Cons conclude- 1 person from the team speaks
What are topics that interest you ? We can choose from this list some topics. Pick any 5. Write them down in order of you preference. Example make #1 your favourite choice. topics.htm topics.htm