Goals To understand the principles of ERROR PROOFING, the reasoning behind it, and the processes of developing Error Proofing (poka-yoke) devices Error Proofing or Poka Yoke has been used by Japanese companies for many years. It is one the supporting tools to lower production inventory, since no defects means no need for buffer inventory to replace defective parts. Today many leading manufacturers also use Error Proofing techniques. Today you will learn about the most effective approach to mistake proofing. It can eliminate wastes related to quality defects - rework, scrap and equipment downtime - and maintains the companies good reputation with our customer. It also supports our competitiveness and makes production and assembly work easier. One of the great things about Error Proofing is that it focuses on correcting the conditions for processing, not blaming people for making mistakes. It is Human nature to make mistakes or forget things. People should not be punished for mistakes. Punishment only makes people feel bad - it doesn’t eliminate defects. 8/18/00
Improve quality (reduce PPM & scrap) Objectives Improve quality (reduce PPM & scrap) Make the processes easier and more capable Analyze cell for possible Error Proofing opportunities Develop Error Proofing devices and ideas When you complete this course you should have learned the key concepts related to error proofing be able to analyze the cell for possible error proofing opportunities Develop error proofing devices and ideas 8/18/00
Error Proofing Is The process of anticipating, preventing, & detecting errors which adversely affect customers & result in waste Read slide Is customer satisfaction and reducing waste important? 8/18/00
Will Error Proofing be more work to complicate our jobs even further? Questions Will Error Proofing be more work to complicate our jobs even further? How does Error Proofing fit in the AMPS program? 8/18/00
Error Proofing will make your job easier and safer! Answer Error Proofing will make your job easier and safer! Error Proofing is one of the AMPS strategies. It requires team involvement, emphasizes safety, eliminates waste, and gains strength with increased management support. 8/18/00
How can the Error Proofing class be used? Catalyst for improvement Tool for reaching measurables Learning device 8/18/00
What Measurables does Error Proofing affect? PPM Scrap Process Capability 8/18/00
Other Benefits Safety Improvements Quality Improvements Ergonomic Benefits Promotes Design for Manufacturing 8/18/00
Therefore… Error Proofing Classes only help us reach our measurables for the overall goals established in our 20 Keys. 8/18/00
Think – Right First Time Think – Zero Defects Error Proofing Think – Quality Think – Right First Time Think – Zero Defects One important reason for producing ZERO DEFECTS is to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty. Even one defective part can cost a company a lot of business. 8/18/00
Maintain customer satisfaction Reduce cost Why Error Proofing? Maintain customer satisfaction Reduce cost Ability to maintain Continuous Improvement production methods and smaller inventories Maintain Customer Satisfaction: For example, let’s say you purchase a new television made by Company X. If the TV you buy is defective, chances are you will exchange it for another TV made by a different manufacturer. You will also be less likely to buy other products made by Company X or to recommend their products to your friends or family. Reduce Costs: Cost is another reason. A defect always costs something, whether it’s the cost of scrapping the defect, reworking the part, or repairing equipment damaged. All of these costs reduce productivity and make ArvinMeritor’s products less competitive Ability to maintain lean production methods and smaller inventories: Zero defects is a key factor in company’s ability to adopt lean production methods with smaller inventories. Many companies build and store excess inventory as a buffer to avoid problems when defects occur. Error Proofing assures that defective parts are not produced in the first place, which allows a company to produce exactly the number of parts ordered by the customer. 8/18/00
Why Error Proofing? Safety Quality Scrap PPM Repairs
Safety Examples Light curtains 8/18/00 Quite a lot of machines in ArvinMeritor locations use “Light Curtains” A beam of light is sent from one device and picked-up by another device, if this beam of light is broken (by an operator) then the machine will stop it’s cycle immediately Light curtains 8/18/00
Safety Examples Light curtains 8/18/00 If the operator walks into the area marked out on the floor the machine will stop immediately, the machine in this example is a Tube Bender Light curtains 8/18/00
Safety Examples Palm buttons 8/18/00 The operator must hold down both of the Palm Buttons for the machine to operate, therefore he cannot accidentally place his hands into the machine. How can this system be improved to stop another operator walking up and placing his/her hands into the machine? Palm buttons 8/18/00
What are cost implications? 1-100-1000 Rule If it takes 1 hour to fix a problem where it occurs, it may take 100 hours downstream, and it may take 1000 hours at the customer What are cost implications? Read the slide Ask participants whether they know of a circumstance when we could have solved a known problem, but didn’t and it cost us later. If it costs $1.00 where it occurs, it may cost $100.00 if we pass it on and assemble it, and it may cost $10,000.00 if we ship it to the customer. If we stop the production line at some of our OE customers we may have to pay in penalties up-to $90,000 per hour, or the total value of every car run off the track without our part on it. 8/18/00
Error Proofing Directly Affects World Class Benchmarks PPM 25 or less Scrap Less than 2% Suggestions per employee 15 per year % of suggestions implemented 85% % of employees on teams 100% WIP hours Less than 4 hrs. Employees Cross Trained 100% Supplier Days Inventory Less than 4 days Successful Error Proofing will certainly help us to attain the World class benchmarks 8/18/00
22,000 credit cards will have incorrect Parts Per Million PPM of 25 22,000 credit cards will have incorrect cardholder information on the magnetic strips. 55,000 pieces of mail mishandled each month. 18 unsafe plane landings at O’Hare each year. If we measured the PPM of every day products and services here are some concerning statistics 8/18/00
$19,000 spent annually on CD’s and Parts Per Million PPM of 25 $19,000 spent annually on CD’s and tapes that don’t play. 4,000 checks deducted from the wrong bank accounts each day 50,000 documents lost by the IRS each year Cont ………(If we measured the PPM of every day products and services here are some concerning statistics) 8/18/00
Parts Per Million If 75,000 Total shocks and struts go out the door per day, then only 1.875 can be defective to meet the goal of 25 PPM When the customer gets that defective shock or strut, do they care that the other 74,998 were good? From another stand point if our ride control plant ships 75,000 shocks and struts less than 2 per day can be defective. Are we doing this now? Is this good enough or should we be shipping 0 defects? 8/18/00
Parts Per Million If 1000 exhaust systems are produced per shift. How many defects can we have and still be at 25 PPM or less? .025 When the customer gets that defective part or assembly, do they care that the other 999 were good? In the customers eyes we are only as good as the last part we shipped 8/18/00
3 Zeros Zero defects Zero waste Zero delays 8/18/00
1. Simple and inexpensive 2. Automatic, or part of process Error Proofing Error Proofing 1. Simple and inexpensive 2. Automatic, or part of process 3. Placed close to mistake, minimizing damage 1. We should always look initially for the most simple way to Error Proof, this can usually be inexpensive 2. Ideally we should integrate Error Proofing as part of the process, as we know humans make mistakes - look for automatic error proofing devices. 3. It makes sense to place the Error Proofing device at the point where the defect occurs so as not to pass on the problem 8/18/00
Error Proofing What are some everyday examples? 8/18/00 Explain some everyday examples Microwave stops when door opens Spin cycle on washer stops when you open the lid 8/18/00
Cannot start the car without it being in park Examples Car’s with automatic transmissions will not start unless the car is set in the Park position Cannot start the car without it being in park 8/18/00
Dryer stops when you open the door Examples The dryer will stop when you open the door, this is a safety issues and also prevents your washing spilling out all over the floor. Dryer stops when you open the door 8/18/00
Mower stops when you release the handle Examples On this Gas (Petrol) lawn mower the machine will stop if you release the handle (Safety issue) Mower stops when you release the handle 8/18/00
Inside the Refrigerator When you close the door of a refrigerator the light inside will turn off, this is to save power Light goes out when you shut the door 8/18/00
List examples of error proofing in room Exercise 1 List examples of error proofing in room Take some time to look around the room and try to list as many Error Proofing devices that you can find. Sometimes it’s not easy as we take for granted many of these items we use on a day to day basis. 8/18/00
You will be broken up into teams and will use the exercise sheet provided, we will expect you to make a short Report Out of your findings 8/18/00
Error Proofing Devices and Defects Module 2 Error Proofing Devices and Defects 8/18/00
Error Proofing Uses techniques that prevent errors by: Designing processes and products that cannot be incorrectly performed, manufactured, or assembled Using devices or inspection techniques that detect errors during the work process rather than at the end of the process Error proofing works by (read slide) 8/18/00
Error Proofing Devices Simple and inexpensive devices that are used to prevent errors about to occur or detect errors and defects that have occurred. Initially we should look for simple and inexpensive devices to Error Proof our current problem areas, it is not always possible to purchase new tooling or expensive equipment replacements. As we get more experienced at find Error Proofing solutions to our problems we will be able to use these ideas in future design parts, equipment and tooling. 8/18/00
Loading a part incorrectly in a fixture Errors and Defects An example of an ERROR would be: Loading a part incorrectly in a fixture A DEFECT would be: if that machine were cycled and a bad part produced If we can prevent the Errors we will stop the defects Defects result in costly Scrap or Rework 8/18/00
Error Proofing Five Manufacturing examples Guide pins Error detection and alarms Limit switches Counters Checklists Read slide and have the group mention any examples that utilize these five examples 8/18/00
Guide pins allow only the correct baffle to be loaded in the press Examples ArvinMeritor Exhaust Fayette: Problem: Baffles were being loaded upside down or off rotation causing tubes to be staked in the incorrect holes. Also, wrong baffles were being loaded in the press. Solution: The sub-assembly press was designed with pilots to insure that only the proper baffle can be loaded and only in the proper rotation. Guide pins allow only the correct baffle to be loaded in the press 8/18/00
Guide pins are used to check alignment of the flange. Examples ArvinMeritor Exhaust: Problem: Loose flanges were received at the customer location facing the wrong direction. Solution: The weld fixture was error-proofed to assure proper orientation of flange. The clamp was modified to locate on the flange and not the pipe. Before Improvement: The weld fixture was set up with a “yoke” type clamp. This type of clamp would allow the production associate to clamp the part on the fixture even if the flange was assembled to the pipe in the wrong direction. After Improvement: The revised clamp is set up with pins that locate on the flange. The clamp will not fasten securely or be able to be locked in place if the flange is assembled to the pipe in the wrong direction Guide pins are used to check alignment of the flange. 8/18/00
Assembly/Mounting Error Examples Problem: Parts were shipped to the customer with the flanges assembled backwards. Improvement:: By using the clamp the operator will notice incorrect orientation prior to welding the bracket. The clamp cannot be locked into place if the flange is upside down and the pins control the rotation Assembly/Mounting Error 8/18/00
Examples Limit Switch 8/18/00 Problem: Muffler bodies were being welded upside down After Improvement: By adding the limit switch to the sub-assembly weld fixture, the automatic welder will not operator unless the hole is located by the limit switch Limit Switch 8/18/00
Ten Causes of Errors Processing omissions Processing errors Leaving out one or more process steps. Processing errors Process operations not performed according to the standard work procedures. Error in setting up the work-piece Using the wrong tooling or setting machine adjustments incorrectly for the current product read slide Try to give examples within your own location where any of these errors may have occurred, remember do not apportion blame on individuals for the errors Do we ever have defects because of these things? 8/18/00
Ten Causes of Errors Missing parts Improper part/item Not all parts included in the assembly, welding, or other processes Improper part/item Wrong part installed in assembly Processing wrong work piece Wrong part machined read slide Do we ever have defects because of these things? 8/18/00
Ten Causes of Errors Operations errors Carrying out an operation incorrectly; having the incorrect revision of a standard process or specification Adjustment, measurement, dimension errors Errors in machine adjustments, testing measurements or dimensions of parts and gages read slide Do we ever have defects because of these things? 8/18/00
Ten Causes of Errors Errors in equipment maintenance or repair Defects caused by incorrect repairs or component replacement Errors in preparation of blades, jigs, or tools Damaged blades, poorly designed jigs, or wrong tools read slide Do we ever have defects because of these things? 8/18/00
Five Causes of Human Errors New worker Not familiar with operation Forgetfulness Lack of concentration and standards from one part to the next Willful errors Operator thinks his/her way of doing things is best Lack of standards No standardization of work implemented Surprise errors - equipment Equipment failures or wrong setup New worker: Why are they not familiar with the operation, what must we do to ensure that we New workers cannot produce defects? Forgetfulness: How can we ensure attention to detail, how do we ensure standardization? Willful errors: What do we do? Lack of Standards: How do we ensure that we create standards that everyone will use, and are easy to implement? Surprise errors - equipment: What elements of AMPS do we have to ensure are implemented to reduce or eliminate surprises? (TPM / Changeover SOP’s) 8/18/00
Traditional Management Cycle Error takes place A defect occurs as a result This information is fed back Corrective action is taken accordingly 8/18/00
Traditional Alternatives 100% Inspection SPC SPC SPC sampling techniques do not catch all of the defects, what happens when we sample one part every hour and our cell produces 100 parts per hour. This can allow you to produce 100 defective parts before you catch the error. 8/18/00
Error Proofing 100% Inspection -Costly -Non-Value Added -Not fail-safe 100% inspection is very costly, it takes many labor hours, and none of those hours is associated with adding any value to the product, the customer expects us to produce a good part every time and no time does he pay us for 100% inspection. Usually the inspection is done by a human and as we know we do make mistakes 8/18/00
SPC Good Part Are These Acceptable? 8/18/00 The idea is to make Good parts that always fall between the 2 goal posts, or to specification (Customer or ArvinMeritor) The parts that fall outside of the goal posts or specification will have to be reworked or scrapped Are our sampling techniques good enough? Are These Acceptable? 8/18/00
20,000 incorrect drug prescriptions Error Proofing 99.9% Good 20,000 incorrect drug prescriptions will be written in next 12 months 12 babies will be given to the wrong parents every day 291 pacemaker operations will be performed incorrectly this year 8/18/00
811,000 faulty rolls of 35mm film will Error Proofing 99.9% Good 811,000 faulty rolls of 35mm film will be loaded this year 268,500 defective tires will be shipped this year 8/18/00
So if SPC is not acceptable.. Then? 100% inspection AUTOMATICALLY Error Proofing So if SPC is not acceptable.. Then? 100% inspection AUTOMATICALLY ERROR PROOFING 8/18/00
Exercise 2 Existing error proofing Possible defects 8/18/00 We will now have a team exercise, in your teams you will visit a Manufacturing area and your task is to identify as many existing Error Proofing devices within that area. Also we would like you to be able to identify areas and items that may cause Possible defects. You will be expected to discuss all these items within your team breakout and give a brief report out. 8/18/00
Inspection and Zero Defects Module 3 Inspection and Zero Defects 8/18/00
Who is the best inspector? 8/18/00
YOU The User 8/18/00
Types of Inspection Self-checking - Before handoff Joint-inspection - During handoff Successive check - After handoff Source inspection - Immediately after mistake, but before it results in a defect read slide What types of inspection are you currently using on your operation or cell How does source inspection differ from the others 8/18/00
Types of Inspection Three Approaches Judgment Discovers defects after they have happened Informative Reduces defects but doesn’t prevent them Source Catches errors before they cause defects Judgement Inspection: The simplest approach to inspection is called Judgement Inspection. In Judgement Inspection, a person or a machine compares the product with a standard, discovers items that don’t conform, and rejects them as defects. Judgement Inspection does not reduce the numbers of defects because: 1. Judgement inspection discovers defects only after they have been made. It does not prevent the defects from occurring. 2. Judgement inspection generally happens at the end of the process or after several operations are done. This means that there are in-built delays in the time it takes to discover a defect. In the meantime, the process creates more defective parts. And sometimes this information never gets back to where the problem began. Informative Inspection: Informative inspections overcome the second problem of Judgement Inspections by giving feedback to the process that produces the defect. In an Informative inspection, the focus is on alerting the defect-producing process (either the operator or the machine) about the problem as quickly as possible so that the problem can be corrected. 3 types: 1.Statistical Quality Control 2.Successive check of each parts 3.Self-check of each part Informative Inspections help reduce defects, but they don’t prevent them entirely ONLY SOURCE INSPECTION PREVENTS DEFECTS 8/18/00
Source Inspection An error takes place Feedback is carried out at error stage before it becomes a defect Corrective action is taken accordingly 8/18/00
Source Inspection 1. Source inspection to PREVENT errors before they cause defects 2. 100% inspection using inexpensive devices 3. Action to stop operations when defect is detected We need to strive for Source Inspection Source Inspection differs from Judgement & Informative in a big way: It catches errors, and gives feedback about them - before processing, so the errors don’t turn into defects. Source Inspection might use a switch that halts the equipment if a part is fed in upside down, or a pin that physically prevents insertion of a work piece the wrong way. Source Inspection might also involve a warning light or sound that signals if operation is attempted before the equipment has reached proper operating conditions. 8/18/00
1. Build quality into the processes: The Eight Principles of Basic Improvement For Error Proofing and Zero Defects 1. Build quality into the processes: Make it impossible to turn out defective items even if an error is committed. The approach in this case is 100% inspection, using error proofing safeguards built into jigs and processes 8/18/00
The Eight Principles of Basic Improvement For Error Proofing and Zero Defects 2. All inadvertent errors and defects can be eliminated: We must assume that mistakes are not inevitable. Where there is a powerful will, a way can be found to eliminate ALL errors and defects 8/18/00
3. Stop doing it wrong and start doing it right- NOW! The Eight Principles of Basic Improvement For Error Proofing and Zero Defects 3. Stop doing it wrong and start doing it right- NOW! If you don’t have time to do it right the first time what makes you think you will have time to do it over again? Let’s eliminate entirely the ‘buts’ in statements like “we know that it is not right, but…” 8/18/00
4. Don’t think up excuses, think about how to do it right: The Eight Principles of Basic Improvement For Error Proofing and Zero Defects 4. Don’t think up excuses, think about how to do it right: Rather than thinking up excuses, let’s think about how things can be done right. 8/18/00
5. A 60% chance of success is good enough, Implement your idea NOW!: The Eight Principles of Basic Improvement For Error Proofing and Zero Defects 5. A 60% chance of success is good enough, Implement your idea NOW!: In improvements, there is no need to aim for perfection before taking action. It is the “ready, fire, aim” example. You may have to take a few practice shots to see where you are hitting in order to zero in on the target You may not be 100% sure that the error proofing device you are developing is going to work, but if there is a 60% chance that it is going to work (catch all of the defects) then it should be developed and/or tested. 8/18/00
The Eight Principles of Basic Improvement For Error Proofing and Zero Defects 6. Mistakes and defects can be reduced to ZERO when everyone works together to eliminate them: Team work, communication and problem solving are a key, and can only be achieved by everyone working together to focus on Error Proofing. Zero defects Zero waste Zero delays 8/18/00
7. Ten heads are better than one: The Eight Principles of Basic Improvement For Error Proofing and Zero Defects 7. Ten heads are better than one: NO ONE IS SMARTER THAN ALL OF US 8/18/00
8. Seek out the true cause using the 8D (disciplines) Process: The Eight Principles of Basic Improvement For Error Proofing and Zero Defects 8. Seek out the true cause using the 8D (disciplines) Process: Should defects occur, DO NOT demand more inspection. Instead, get to the ROOT CAUSE of the problem to apply a real solution, not just a bandage. 8/18/00
The 8 Step Problem Solving Process Step 1: Use team approach Step 2: Describe the problem Step 3: Implement short-term corrective action Step 1: Establish a small group of people with the process and /or product knowledge, allocated time, authority, and skilled in the required technical disciplines to solve the problem and implement corrective actions. The group must have a designated champion and team leader. The group begins the team building process. Step2:: Describe what the problem (defect) by identifying “what is wrong with what” and detail the problem in quantifiable terms Step3: Define, verify, and implement the short-term corrective action to isolate effects of the problem from any internal/external customer until permanent corrective actions (Error Proofing / Source Inspection) are implemented. Validate the effectiveness of the short-term corrective actions. 8/18/00
The 8 Step Problem Solving Process Step 4: Define and Verify root cause(s) Step 5: Implement permanent corrective action Step 4: Isolate and verify the ROOT CAUSE(S) by testing each possible cause against the problem description and test data. Also isolate and verify the place in the process where the effect of the root cause should have been detected and contained. Step 5: Choose and verify PERMANENT CORRECTIVE ACTION(S) for root cause. Select the best permanent corrective action(s) to remove the root cause. Verify that decisions will be successful when implemented without causing undesirable effects (Knock on effect to another process) 8/18/00
The 8 Step Problem Solving Process Step 6: Verify effectiveness of corrective action Step 7: Prevent Recurrence Step 8: Congratulate team Step 6: Plan and implement selected permanent corrective action(s). Remove short-term corrective action. Validate the actions and monitor the long term results. Step 7: Modify the necessary systems including policies and procedures to prevent recurrence of the problem and similar ones. Make recommendations for systematic improvements as necessary Step 8: Complete the team experience, sincerely recognize both team and individual contributions, and celebrate. 8/18/00
8-D Use Team Approach Describe the Problem Congratulate the Team Verify Effectiveness of Corrective Action Implement Short-term Corrective Action Prevent Recurrence Define and Verify Root Causes Implement Permanent Corrective Action 8/18/00
Error Proofing Operator discovers error Stops process Quick fix (authorized by Q.A.) Submit operational problem Team formulated ‘Run’ problem through 8D Arrive at solution Apply solution This is the process we need to go through to eliminate errors 8/18/00
Error Proofing Devices Module 4 Error Proofing Devices 8/18/00
Which Operations? High error potential Vital characteristics or damage potential Failure history Complex operation or much routine detail These are the types of operations that error proofing efforts need to be concentrated on. 8/18/00
Developing an Error Proofing Device Describe defect, show defect rate, form prevention team Identify location of the defect occurrence Detail current standards/operating procedures where defect was made Identify any deviation from standard This is a more detailed and specific application of the 8-D as it would be used to develop an error proofing device. Read slide and explain why it is important to document and standardize 8/18/00
Developing an Error Proofing Device Identify red flag conditions (next slide), 5 whys error happens, until root problem discovered Identify error proofing device required Create error proofing device and test for results CONTINUALLY IMPROVE 8/18/00
Red Flag Conditions Adjustments Tooling and tooling changes Dimensions/ specifications/ critical conditions Many or mixed parts Multiple steps Infrequent production Lack of an effective standard Adjustments: Workers having to make adjustments to parts or equipment to complete a process Tooling and tooling changes: The use of perishable tools in production and/or that are changed between production runs. Dimensions/ specifications/ critical conditions: Operations which require the use of measurements to position a part in operations, or situations which require operations to be performed within designated critical conditions. (e.g.., temperature, pressure, speed, etc.) Many or mixed parts: A process which involves a wide range of parts in varying quantities and mix. Multiple steps: A process that requires many small operations or sub steps to be done in a strict preset order. Infrequent production: An operation or task which is not performed regularly. Lack of an effective standard: SOP’s that are vague or do not fully describe the correct and proven way to perform a production process 8/18/00
Red Flag Conditions Symmetry Asymmetry Rapid repetition High / extremely high volume Environmental conditions Symmetry: Machining or assembly operations which use an object whose opposite sides are similar or identical Asymmetry: Operations which use a part, tool or fixture whose opposite sides may look identical but are different in size, shape, or relative position. Rapid repetition: A process which requires quickly performing the same operation over and over again. High / extremely high volume: A process which requires quickly and repeatedly performing a task with time pressure. Environmental conditions: Physical circumstances within and around the workplace that can influence quality and workmanship 8/18/00
Methods for Using Error Proofing Devices Contact method Fixed-value method Motion-step method Warning method Poka-yoke devices use these four methods for eliminating errors 8/18/00
Methods for Using Error Proofing Devices Contact Methods Works by detecting whether a product makes physical or energy contact with a sensing device Examples are: limit switches guide pins jigs and fixtures unsymmetrical parts 8/18/00
Contact Method Example Guide pins align flange and also make it impossible to put the flange upside-down 8/18/00
Contact Method Example Tab aligns opening 8/18/00
Contact Method Example Notch in aligns flange 8/18/00
Rubber O-ring centers tubing Contact Method Example Rubber O-ring centers tubing 8/18/00
Notch ensures proper seam alignment for welding Contact Method Example Notch ensures proper seam alignment for welding 8/18/00
Notch is visible showing a correctly loaded part Contact Method Example Notch is not visible showing an incorrectly loaded part Notch is visible showing a correctly loaded part 8/18/00
Guide pins align blank for stamping Contact Method Example Guide pins align blank for stamping 8/18/00
Methods for Using Error Proofing Devices Fixed-Value Method Can be used when a fixed number of parts or operations needs to be performed Examples are: limit switches are tripped with each movement/operation and counters record number count number of parts in advance - kits 8/18/00
Counter counts the number of welds made and lights after six welds Fixed Value Method Counter counts the number of welds made and lights after six welds 8/18/00
Methods for Using Error Proofing Devices Motion-Step Method Used to sense whether a motion or step in the process has been carried out within a certain expected time 8/18/00
Methods for Using Error Proofing Devices Warning Method Activate a light, buzzer, etc. to signal operator of abnormalities Could be things such as the amount of time parts spend in a tester, oven, chrome process etc. 8/18/00
Types of Sensing Devices Physical contact sensing devices Energy sensing devices Sensors that detect changes in physical conditions Poka-yoke devices use several types of sensors to detect errors, three of these are (read slide) 8/18/00
Types of Sensing Devices Physical Contact Sensing Devices Detect the actual presence or lack of presence of a device or part 8/18/00
Physical Contact Sensor No Part Part Present Touch switch used to sense that the full length of stock has been fed into the press 8/18/00
Contact switch used to detect if a rod is too long Physical Contact Sensor Contact switch used to detect if a rod is too long 8/18/00
Types of Sensing Devices Energy Sensing Devices Use energy (photoelectric etc.) to determine whether an error is occurring 8/18/00
Energy Sensing Devices Photoelectric switches proper size or color passage of an object proper supply of parts proper feeding of parts Beam sensors Proximity switches 8/18/00
Photoelectric 8/18/00
Types of Sensing Devices Change in Physical Conditions Detect changes in pressure, temperature, electrical current, etc. 8/18/00
Change in Physical Condition Pressure Temperature Electrical current pH 8/18/00
Error Proofing – Case Study Problem 1 Processing Omissions Problem: An operator is responsible for drilling six holes. Sometimes he/she loses count and drills too few holes. Suggestions To Improve: 8/18/00
Error Proofing – Case Study Problem 2 Processing Errors Problem: In the final assemble/packaging of shocks, customer part numbers change several times a day, operators sometimes use the incorrect component package. Suggestions To Improve: 8/18/00
Continuous Improvement Activity Sheet Team Line Facility Idea # Before Improvement After Improvement This the ArvinMeritor standard format for displaying continuous improvement activities and should be used to show before and after improvements Problem Implemented Item Date Submitted Date Required Date Completed Champion Team Contact Effect W. O. # 8/18/00
Brainstorming and proposed solutions Exercise 3 Brainstorming and proposed solutions Break up into your teams and review the 2 problems. Use brainstorming techniques to look at what the possible causes could be, and what solution(s) are needed. Complete the Continuous Improvement Activity Sheet and give a brief report out 8/18/00
Tracking and Identification Module 5 Tracking and Identification 8/18/00
This is a very useful form to keep track of problems that you are working on, also it is very visual and enhances communication within the team, other shifts and support personnel 8/18/00
This example is used to track specific parts that have been scrapped. You could use this form to track: a) Current overall scrap b) The biggest cause of scrap (Target for Error Proofing) c) Track improvement after implementation of Error Proofing devices 8/18/00
Tally Sheets Hour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Seam Split III II IIII IIIII I 19 Wrinkles 12 Bell Split Tool Marks Off Gauge Burn Holes 14 Porosity Burrs ID Incorrect Ding Sub Total 76 This example is used to track the specific DEFECTS, notice it is a very simple form to complete and does not take up too much time to complete 8/18/00
Counters are attached to the point of use. Multiple Counters Counters can be used to track bad parts produced, each counter can be assigned to different DEFECTS caused Counters are attached to the point of use. 8/18/00
Problem: The Cup won’t fit on the Tail End of The Tail Pipe. 1. Why? Ask “Why” Five Times Problem: The Cup won’t fit on the Tail End of The Tail Pipe. 1. Why? 2. Why is the tab too wide? 3. Why does it flatten out? 4. Why is the temp wrong? 5. Why set improperly? 8/18/00
Problem: The bracket on the struts will not hold. 1. Why? Ask “Why” Five Times Problem: The bracket on the struts will not hold. 1. Why? 2. Why is the weld breaking? 3. Why is the bracket misaligned? 4. Why is the fixture misaligning the bracket? 5. Why is the weld slag built up? 8/18/00
B.O.S. Chart Is a one page chart showing data trends identifying key factors, tracking projects and monitoring improvements 8/18/00
Why Use The B.O.S. Chart Tool? B. O. S. charting is a standard tool used to support visual control One page summary which facilitates management at a glance Ensures real activities are occurring to improve the areas identified as important to the company Is an excellent communications tool to employees to management 8/18/00
B.O.S. Chart Format Key Measurable Improvement Activities Target Trend Line Improvement Activities Data Analysis Pareto Improvement Tracking 8/18/00
B.O.S. Key Measurable: PPM 300 Ref # Description Resp. End Date 250 200 1 Redesign finished goods packaging AM 7/18/95 Procure new component parts 150 2 JK 6/30/96 containers 100 3 Improve weld in process weld SL 7/24/95 monitoring system 50 4 Replace current controller on paint GA 9/20/95 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec system Actual Target 50 Ref # Description Jan Mar May Jul Sept 40 Damaged 1 Assembly 51 48 45 39 5 30 2 20 20 18 20 19 Cracked Casing 20 3 Broken Weld 19 17 21 18 1 10 4 Paint Blister 14 19 18 10 14 Damaged Assembly Cracked Casing Broken Weld Paint blister 8/18/00
Error Proofing Identification Description of Error Proofing device Description of Error Proofing device Description of Error Proofing device P1 P2 P3 8/18/00
Error Proofing Identification The “P” symbol shall be approximately 3inches (75mm) wide and 4 inches (100mm) tall, and attached on or near the Error Proofing device. The symbols need to be made out of materials that are suitable for the environment that they are going to be placed in. a) Metal - Close to Welding operations b) Waterproof - Near Liquids c) Laminated - Near Grease / Oil 8/18/00
Error Proofing Identification * SOURCE INSPECTION * P1 P1 Device (Green) An Error Proofing device that prevents an error from occurring 8/18/00
Error Proofing Identification * INFORMATIVE INSPECTION * P2 Device (Purple) An Error Proofing device that detects an error in time to allow rework before it becomes a defect and prevents further errors of the same type 8/18/00
Error Proofing Identification * JUDGEMENT INSPECTION * P3 Device (Blue) An Error Proofing device that detects a defect and eliminates it from the flow of good products before it reaches the customer. 8/18/00
Error Proofing Of the three types of Error Proofing devices mentioned, which is the best one to use? 8/18/00
Continuous Improvement This does not mean that they all have to be P1’s, a P3 is better than nothing, but we should continually improve all of the error proofing devices * SOURCE INSPECTION * 8/18/00
Critical Operations or Points Identify where a defect is most likely to occur error proofing device is needed but has not yet been developed CRITICAL POINT (Gray) 8/18/00
What happens if an Error Proofing Device Fails? A lot of defective parts could be produced SCRAP SCR 8/18/00
Maintain the Error Proofing Devices can and do sometimes fail need to be checked at the beginning of each shift need to be properly maintained 8/18/00
Testing Error Proofing Devices Keep safety in mind Understand the function of the device and what it detects May need to have a defective part to cycle and see if defect is detected 8/18/00
Exercise 4 Label error proofing devices and critical operations Implementation plan 8/18/00