Learning about World religions: Hinduism The Ancient Traditions that gave the rise to Hinduism has affected the way Indian people worship, what jobs they do, and what they eat. One of the basics of Hinduism is Dharma. Dharma is refers to law, duty, and obligation. The Ramayana, one of the most famous Indian texts is sacred and tells about life in Ancient India and offers role models in Dharma.
The Origins of Hinduism No single person founded Hinduism, Aryans brought to India their gods and rituals and some became a part of Hinduism. The oldest roots of Hinduism are found in Vedic religion. The Vedas are a collection of sacred texts, including verses, hymns, prayers, and teachings composed in Sanskrit.
The Origins of Hinduism Vedic rituals and sacrifices honored a number of deities (gods and Goddesses) associated with nature and social order Later Vedic religion is known as Brahmanism and it is the foundation for many Hindu rituals and beliefs today.
Hinduism and the Caste system Brahmanism was more than a religion it was a way of life. Brahmanism was divided into different social classes. This social organization was called the caste system. In the Caste system , the Vedas describe four main social classes or varnas: Brahmins ( priests and religious scholars) Kshatriyas (rulers and warriors) Vaishyas (herders and merchants) Shudras (servants, farmers, and laborers)
Hindu beliefs about Brahman Brahman is the name of the supreme power, or divine force, that some Hindus believe is greater than all other deities. To these deities only Brahman exists forever. Some Hindus believe that a cycle is always working such as the seasons. Brahman is constantly creating, destroying, and recreating the universe the cycle never ends. Other deities are simply different forms of Brahman and the human soul is part of Brahman.
Hindu Beliefs and Deities Most Hindus believe that all deities were different faces of a supreme force Brahman. Today in some Hindu traditions there are three important gods Brahma (Creates life) Vishnu (Preserves life) Shiva (Destroys life) Each god represent a power or quality of Brahman The book of Ramayana has inspired many Hindu holidays and festivals such as the Hindu new year Divali.
Hindu Beliefs about Dharma Dharma stands for law, obligation, and duty. To follow ones dharma means to perform ones duties and live in a honorable way. Each caste in Hindu religion has its own dharma and if everyone followed the Dharma society would be in harmony.
Hindu Beliefs about Karma Karma is another philosophy that Hindus share and it explains the importance of living according to Dharma In Hindu beliefs the law of karma governs what happens to people’s soul after death. From ancient times the Hindus believed that the souls had many lives. When a person died his or her soul was reborn in a new body.
Hindu Beliefs about Karma Karma was made up of all the good and evil that person had in their past lives. If they lived good they might be born in a higher social class in their next life or if they lived bad they might be born into a lower social class or even a animal.
Hindu Beliefs about Samsara Hindus believe in a continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. The call this cycle samsara. As long as people are part of samsara they will know pain and death. Samsara ends when the soul escapes from the cycle of rebirth , the time when some Hindus believe that they are reunited with Brahman. It takes many lifetimes before a person can be released from samsara. People escape the cycle of rebirth, or reincarnation, by following their Dharma.