Child Nutrition Reauthorization 2010: Local School Wellness Policy Implementation A response to Section 204 emphasizing implementation and assessment of new requirements
Section 204 Expands upon and strengthens wellness policy because previous LEAs (local educational agencies) were not required to report on policy compliance and implementation Emphasizes Implementation/Development/Info. Dissemination of the school wellness policy based on governmental regulations/guidelines To be continued by future Wellness Committee Assessment Team of collaborators with the intention of fostering a broad-based community support (1 st meeting 11/2011) Administrators, Teachers; P.E./Health, Student, Parents, Board member, Nurse, and Dietary (District 238’s Health and Wellness Committee)
Health and Wellness Committee Reviewed present policy Began moving forward by: Comparing old (2004)to new (2010) requirements Use of an Action Plan Checklist to evaluate how well our district has implemented the following components: Nutrition Education Physical Education/Physical Activity Nutrition Guidelines USDA Meal Guidelines/Regulations
MR238 Wellness Committee Survey for Teachers Based on “action steps” (applicable but not addressed, and/or don’t know) from Action Plan Checklist Composed of 13 questions Majority of faculty participated Zoomerang Link sent via Results compiled by Zoomerang with trends noted by Wellness Committee
Noted Trends Majority of staff willing to integrate more nutrition education if professional development provided. Nutrition Education: Central, Harding, and LECS: higher % of nutrition ed. integrated into curriculum vs. MRJHS and MRHS Foods/Treats used as rewards: Higher usage % of foods/treats most lacking in nutritional value in lower grades
Final Goals/Recommendations Based on Data Summary Increased Communication to: Families of school children/community School website Open School Board meetings Other options? Faculty/staff Section 204 School Wellness 6:50 content Trends noted in survey Emphasize District Nutrition/Wellness nutrition education through: Professional Development Development of a subcommittee for future compliance, evaluation and implementation ?Goal Committee?
Potential/Anticipated New Requirements in Fall 2012 Control of food sales that compete with the District’s non-profit food service (during meal periods) Restricting the sales of foods of minimal nutritional value during meal periods and in vending machines